Chronology: Reconstruction of the Roman Empire under the Carolingian dynasty

How is the Pope selected? I am assuming His Holiness is de facto appointed by the Emperor, right?

My guess is that the emperor produces a list of Cardinals who he would support if they were elected and the Cardinals select from that list Who is going to be the pope.

That's it. The Cardinal should be somebody of the likes of the Imperial family.

Moreover, the Pope has no more real power than other important Patriarchs or Archbishops, being his 'preeminence' more symbolical than practical.
Decade of 1300

The last known Byzantinist active militia is massacred in the nearby of Amasia, in the duchy of the Pontus. Since then, the anti-Western movement in Anatolia becomes residual in the military side, but remains strong in the cultural one.

1301: Following a famine in Vinland, many settlers migrate to the southern Terranovan territories, specially the poorly-populated Licinia (OTL Ohio valley) and the Blue Lands.

1302: The Abbot of the abbey of Saint Vincent, in Laon (duchy of Vermandois) calls the Pope and the Patriarchs to consider the introduction of the Olivian ideals of 'return to the Christian essences' in order to 'halt the decadence' of the Roman Church. However, most of the upper clergy rejects these ideals and consider them 'almost heretic'.

1303: Turk-Mongolian War: the Turks manage to wipe the Mongol presence out of the northern Aral Sea shore, halting their advance towards the southern steppes.

1304: Alodia reaches the peak of its expansion under Chief Mikal II, encompassing all the Upper Nile and Abyssinia. The Emirate of Yemen becomes a vassal state.

1305: Following the example of Sarmatia, the Lithuanian lower Dniepr is fortified against the Mongol raids, with the assistance of Rome, who increases their military presence in the area.

1306: First synod of priests who support the ideals of the Olivians in Marseille: several bishops, including some Archbishops, call for condemning this 'heresy' and expelling the Olivian priests out of the Roman Church.

1307: First permanent Roman settlement in the Fortuna islands (OTL Canary islands): the city port of Imperia, in the Arenosa island (OTL Fuerteventura).

1308: The dukes of the Great Lombardy and the Lower Burgundy forbid the proselitism of the Olivian ideas in their dominions; other dukes will soon follow their example, pressed by their local clergy.

1309: The increasing settlement of the Blue Lands (coast between Chesapeake bay and Florida) leads to the creation of two new duchies between New England and New Spain: Northern Blue Lands and Southern Blue Lands. Thus, the Roman control of the Atlantic shore from Florida to Labrador is complete.
Decade of 1310

The Germanic Tunisians create their own duchy of Numidia, separate from Tunisia, in order to end the discriminations over land concessions they allege to suffer from Latin and Greek administrators.

1311: Despite the heavy fortified lines, the Mongols raid the Christian Turkey under Lithuanian sovereignty, pushing the peasantry to abandon these lands and move to the safer Black Sea shores.

1312: Death of Emperor Louis Michael I: his son Louis Nicholas I is crowned new Emperor in Jerusalem. He will promote the first written Constitution of the Roman Empire and the reorganization of the Imperial Roman Church.

1313: Terra Mariana (Marienland) is granted with duchy status after the dramatical increase of Roman settlers in that poorly explored area of Terra Nova (OTL southern province of Ontario).

1314: The activity of the Mongols in Europe is reduced due to their increasing conflicts with China in the Far East, which require the massive relocation of Mongol cavalry to the eastern steppes.

1315: Reorganization of the Imperial Roman Church: the archbishoprics are finally fully aligned with the ducal limits, so every duchy has their own and unique archbishopric. Seven Patriarchs are officially recognized: Rome (Pope), Milan, Constantinople, Jerusalem, Cologne, Alexandria and Cracow; thus refelcting the cultural/ethnical and the traditional diversity inside the Church.

1316: Thousands of followers of the Olivian priests are massacred by ducal militias in Gaul and Central Europe. After these bloody events, the monks of Saint Vincent of Laon, considered by many Olivians as their spiritual leaders, abandon the abbey and march to southern Spain, where the presence of the Olivians are more tolerated.

1317: The Laurea and Fortuna islands are granted with duchy status. The Guanche population of the western Fortuna islands is severely decimated by a smallpox epidemic.

1318: The first written Constitution of the Roman Empire is passed by the Diet of Pavia after the Imperial consent (the details of the Constitution will be explained in a separate annex). This is considered the first step towards the implementation of a constitutional monarchy in Rome.

1319: First Migration of the Olivians: tens of thousands of followers of the Olivian faith migrate from Central Europe and North Italy to the southern Iberian peninsula, fleeing from the persecution in their homelands and aiming to meet the community of the monks of Laon.
From Iberia to the colonies in the new world is but a step, guaranteeing a civil war in the future. The tech level is simply not there to keep the outlying territories aligned with the core.
Annex: the Constitution of 1318

The first written Constitution of the Roman Empire was created for solving the continued conflicts between the Imperial power and the power of the dukes, as well to put in order the competences to be decided by the Diet of Pavia.

Basically, the Constitution reserved the military power to be shared by the Emperor and the Diet, and banned the duchies to raise militias for mutual agression or harassing other Roman subjects, like in the infamous case of the Germanic Tunisians.

The Imperial power was also able to enforce laws regarding coinage (established a unique valid currency, the solidus), defense of external borders, trading laws (duchies were banned to introduce taxes to common trade) and few other issues, leaving most of the ordinary policies to the ducal laws.

The religious policies were reserved to the Emperor, and the Imperial Roman Church was officially established as the only accepted religion, even if the organization tolerated some divergences in certain theological issues, in order to do not alienate the Eastern churches.

The Constitution also sanctioned the Middle Latin, the Germanic lingua franca, the Byzantine Greek and the Slavic lingua franca as languages of the Imperial administration, even if some duchies could have their own administrative languages (like Hungarian or Armenian) apart of them. As an important consequence, the first Universities incorporated these four languages as academic ones, thus promoting them as communicative tools over the hundreds of dialects spoken by the uneducated people.
Decade of 1320

1320: The duchy of Licinia is established in the Roman-controlled Ohio valley. A new magnificent ducal city is built in the southern shore of lake Erie (Ludwigburg or Ludovica).

1321: End of the Chinese-Mongol War in the East. Khubilai II is proclaimed first Khan of the renewed Khanate of the Great Mongolia, encompassing most of the the lands between Finland and Manchuria.

1322: The Alodian traders reach the island of the Rokhs (OTL Madagascar) for the first time and they are rather impressed by the presence of the elephant birds, which they compare to the legendary Rokhs. Some captured chicks of elephant bird would be brought back to Alodia.

1323: The Olivian ideals are firmly condemned by the Synod of Dyrrachium, tipping them as an heresy to be actively persecuted. Out of Spain, the Olivians are either expelled or imprisoned.

1324: Collapse of the Kingdom of Lithuania after a quick and massive Mongol invasion: some regions like the Baltic coast and the Christian Turkey avoid the invasion thanks to the Roman military presence there and they pass to Roman protection once the Lithuanian crown is abolished by the Khanate of the Great Mongolia.

1325: The dukes of the Vandalitia are pressed by the Imperial Church to expell the Olivians from their lands: the duke of West Vandalitia allows them to travel by rental ships to the Antilian islands, with the purpose to later continue their travel up to Terra Nova.

1326: A Roman ship discovers the island of the Demons (OTL Bermuda), but it remain unsettled for long time due to the assumed superstition that there would be demonic creatures roaming the islands.

1327: The duke of West Mauretania decrees the expulsion of 10,000-20,000 Muslim Berbers, who will migrate first to the Mali Empire and later to New Mali, forming one of the biggest waves of Muslim migration to OTL South America until that date.

1328: The 5,000 Olivians relocated to the Antilian islands start their final migration to New Spain (OTL Florida). Only about 2,000 of them would arrive alive to their destination by 1330.

1329: The Mongols raid the Christian Turkey and terrorizes the peasantry as south as in northern Crimea. The Diet of Pavia agrees on increasing the Roman military presence in the lower Dniepr.
Decade of 1330

The first 2,000 Olivians refuged in New Spain start the construction of their first settlement in the Terra Nova, called the 'City of the Great Olive' (close to OTL Jacksonville). Up to 3,000 new Olivian settlers will come from Europe during the following decade, as well as an undetermined number of Roman settlers from northern Terra Nova.

1331: The Kingdom of Sweden adopts the (Roman) Germanic lingua franca as a second language of the court and the administration.

1332: The Diet of Pavia, in an unprecented decision, requests the Emperor to strip the ducal dignities to the Pelagia dynasty, actually ruling the duchies of North Vasconia and Upper Aquitaine, because of their proven involvement in the murder of duke Norbert of Lower Aquitaine. This is the first time that the new Constitution in enforced for protecting the interests of the duchies from the eventual hostility of neighbouring duchies (Principle of Mutual Protection).

1333: The Alodians build the port city of Sumekho (in OTL southern Somalia) in order to enhance their sea trading with Madagascar.

1334: A Licinian expedition discovers the New Danube river (OTL Mississippi); however, 80% of the expedition is decimated by the attack of a hostile Native tribe, so the region where the Licinus (OTL Ohio) river meets the New Danube is tipped as dangerous and not recommended for settlement.

1335: The new heavy fortifications in the lower Dniepr succeed on stopping a new massive Mongol raid in the area: after this success, new Roman duchies and cities are established in the former region of the Christian Turkey.

1336: Thanks to the Persian relocation of frontier troops to the East, due to their involvement in a long war with three Indian states, the Eastern Romans recover the old Persian-Byzantine border along the Chabur river.

1337: The brief Kingdom of Estonia (Osel and Dago islands) is finally incorporated to the Roman Empire due to their extreme vulnerability against the Mongol raids.

1338: Markland is divided in two duchies (East and West) following the dramatic expansion of Roman settlements in the eastern regions. Many of the new settlers came from the British Isles and Norway.

1339: First permanent settlements in the Planitia islands (OTL Bahamas), which become subject to the duchy of New Spain (this duchy did not control all the region of New Spain, i.e. the regions where the Olivians have settled).
Decade of 1340

The Alodian explorers discover the archipelago of Seychelles, which they will gradually settle for exploiting the giant tortoises.

1341: The Sultanate of Azerbaijan is disbanded and succeeded by multiple Caucasian minor states. Some of them will be gradually occupied by Persia.

1342: New Mongol-Chinese war in the Far East: the Mongol raids in the West will be reduced for more than a decade as the Mongol military activity is focused in the Chinese border.

1343: Death of Emperor Louis Nicholas I: his son Louis Nicholas II is crowned Emperor in Jerusalem.

1344: A Roman expedition discovers the island of Grand Balearica (OTL Cuba) and explores the surrounding keys which make a chain with southern New Spain (OTL Florida).

1345: The first city of the Olive is burnt down by Roman troops recruited by the duke of New Spain. The Olivians are forced to migrate to the west, where they will establish the second City of the Olive in the unexplored coast of the Mare Calidus (OTL area of Tallahassee).

1346: Louis Nicholas II arranges the engagement of his son Prince Charles Alexander with the Swedish Princess Sigrid, the only heiress of the widowed King Magnus II of Sweden.

1347: First record of Terra Novan secessionism activity in New England: a self-proclaimed Terra Nova secessionist militia attacks a group of Roman soldiers in the port of New London.

1348: Two new Roman duchies are established in the Baltic after a partial retreat of the Mongols in the area: Samogitia and Courland (Curonia).

1349: The first safe Roman land corridor between Tunisia and Cirenaica is open for trading and communication. This would also vertebrate the new Christian cities established by the duke of Lybia.
The Roman Empire in 1350

Beyond the coast Algeria is a zero sum game or a constant loss.

By pandering to the concept of universal christian Empire the Carolingian Empire locks itself out from places like Upper Egypt or Mesopotamia, where the christian presence is almost nil after centuries of warfare and forced relocations.
Clarification of the planned end for this chronology:

- I will finish the detailed chronology by 1400, when all the Christian Europe will be unified under Roman rule (through the union between Rome and the last remaining Christian kingdom, Sweden).

- After that, I will post an epilogue with the most significant events by century until ITTL today.

- At the end, I will post maps of the ITTL present Rome and its political system (administrative maps, electoral maps and so).

I hope you will enjoy it :D
Clarification of the planned end for this chronology:

- I will finish the detailed chronology by 1400, when all the Christian Europe will be unified under Roman rule (through the union between Rome and the last remaining Christian kingdom, Sweden).

- After that, I will post an epilogue with the most significant events by century until ITTL today.

- At the end, I will post maps of the ITTL present Rome and its political system (administrative maps, electoral maps and so).

I hope you will enjoy it :D
TO be honest it should've imploded several times over by now. SO I don't know how there would be a "present day" Rome.
Decade of 1350

An Olivian expedition discovers the delta of the New Danube (OTL Mississippi) in their search for more suitable lands in the west of the Roman Terra Nova.

1351: The New Kingdom of Aksum replace the Alodians in the control of most of the Ethiopian plateau; the southern coastal region forms the new Christian Chiefdom of Somali-Sumekho and continues with the trade of goods with Madagascar.

1352: The Chinese army defeats the Mongolian cavalry in Manchuria, forcing the Khanate to relocate more troops from the western half of the Empire in order to defend the eastern steppes from the Chinese advance.

1353: The demographic boom in Central Europe triggers the migration of Germanic settlers to underpopulated lands of the Empire such Numidia or Podolia.

1354: First Great Purge of Secessionists in the Roman Terra Nova: thousands of settlers accused of secessionism are expelled from the Blue Lands and they seek refuge in the Commonwealth of the Olive.

1355: Expeditions of the Mali Empire explore the lower valley of the Pouko (OTL Orinoco) river and then they build a magnificent new city in the nearby of the delta (Poukaora).

1356: A new and magnificent Basilica of the Christendom is built in Jerusalem. All the future Emperors will be crowned there.

1357: The Olivians build the city of Victoria Olivacea close to the delta of the New Danube (OTL Mississippi) and abandon the unsafe second City of the Olive. Thanks to the arrival of Terra Novan secessionists, the Olivian Commonwealth exceed the 10,000 citizens.

1358: Waves of Anatolian Greek migrants build new villages in the Lybian and west Egyptian coasts, forming a continuum of Greek population from southern Tunisia up to the delta of the Nile.

1359: The Romans recover the control over the abandoned city of Riga, in the former principality of Latvia, after the retreat of the Mongols from most of the Baltic coast.
Decade of 1360

War between the Sultanate of the Upper Egypt and the Nubian chiefdoms supported by Alodia and Aksum: the Kingdom of Aksum acquires a direct access to the Red Sea thanks to the vassalage of the southern Nubian states.

1361: Uprising of Lithuania against the Mongol domination, which ends in the massacre of Aktai. After this fiasco, most of the remaining Lithuanian nobility embrace the Roman Christianism in order to trigger a Roman intervention in the country.

1362: A newly formed Confederation of northern Indian states conquers most of Afghanistan, leading to border clashes with Turks and Persians in Central Asia.

1363: The duchy of West Mauritania completes the control of all the western Atlantic coast up to the shore in front of the Fortuna islands, where they build the powerful city port of Efina.

1364: King Magnus II of Sweden dies. His only daughter, Princess Sigrid, wife of the Roman Prince Charles Alexander, is crowned Queen of Sweden.

1365: The Olivians build new settlements in the lower New Danube (Mississippi) valley, accelerating their expansion in the area, boosted by the arrival of new settlers from the Roman Terra Nova.

1366: Following the interethnic conflicts in the Holy Land between Roman inmigrants and local Arabs converted to Christianism, the Emperor decrees a massive relocation of the later to the Sinai peninsula, creating the duchy of the Christian Arabia (Arabia Fidelis) and separating it from the Persian-dominated Arabia through a massive wall from Aqaba to the Dead Sea.

1367: The Somali-Sumekho traders discover the Mascarene islands, expanding their activities of tortoise exploitation to that archipelago.

1368: First permanent Roman settlements in the north of the Grand Balearica island (OTL Cuba).

1369: Death of the Emperor Louis Nicholas II. His son Charles Alexander I is crowned Emperor in the Basilica of the Christendom of Jerusalem, the first Roman Emperor to be crowned there.
Decade of 1370

Start of the build of a net of big fortresses between the Dead Sea and the Euphrates river in order to keep the Persian-Arabian raids at bay.

1371: Following a famine in the Mali Empire, thousands of people migrate to New Mali (OTL South America), forming the most populous migration wave to South Terra Nova until then.

1372: The island of the Demons (OTL Bermuda) is permanently settled for creating a suitable stopover for the Roman ships sailing to Terra Nova. The island is renamed as Spes (Hope) or Hoffeland in Germanic (90% of the settlers will be Germanic) and put under the jurisdiction of the duchy of the Antilian islands.

1373: The Sultanate of the Upper Egypt is divided in five independent emirates: the Romans ensure their control over the lower Egypt north of the Faiyum oasis, while Aksum expands their dominions northwards, up to the city of Aswan.

1374: A Roman expedition discovers the Leona island (OTL Hispaniola) and other minor islands of the area, but they avoid to explore them or contact the Taino people living in Leona.

1375: Massive military operation against the last Pirate strongholds in western Numidia: the Romans complete their control over all the Mediterranean coast. New Germanic settlers move to the Numidian coast in order to ensure the effective control over the North African coast.

1376: The Somali-Sumekho incorporate the Herbalia Islands (OTL Pemba and Zanzibar) to their dominions. These islands will be missionary centers for the later evangelization of the East African coast.

1377: The Mongols raid Ukraine and the Christian Turkey, but they are finally repealed by Roman-Hungarian troops when they tried to cross the Dniester river.

1378: The Olivians build their first permanent settlements in the eastern coast of OTL Texas, the westernmost region of Terra Nova known by the Europeans at that time.

1379: Death of Queen Sigrid of Sweden: his son Louis Nicholas, future Roman Emperor Louis Nicholas III, is crowned King of the Swedes in Stockholm.
1370: Start of the build of a net of big fortresses between the Dead Sea and the Euphrates river in order to keep the Persian-Arabian raids at bay.

Is this really necessary though? Well defended outposts to call for assistance of a highly mobile force to ward off invaders would be most efficient as compared to large fortresses as raiders will not be able to make it through the desert in large parties. Any huge invasion force would likely come through Mesopotamia and Assyria so securing that should be paramount.
Decade of 1380

The Roman-Norwegians begin the evangelization of the Sápmi people in western Lapland, opening the path to a later political dominion.

1381: Treaty of Saulia: the Roman duke of New Spain sets the western border of his duchy along the Saulia river (OTL Apalachicola), allowing the Olivians to expand their eastern dominions to the OTL West Bay (Panama City).

1382: The Mongol armies start a gradual retreat to the steppes beyond the Dniepr river, due to the combined pressure that Chinese and Turks are doing over their main lands of settlement.

1383: The Turkish Empire recovers its control over most of Afghanistan, after decades of Northern Indian dominion.

1384: The Romans conquer most of the northern coast of the Egyptian Red Sea, following the political fragmentation of the Emirates of the Upper Egypt. They build the new city of Orcata (OTL Urghada) there.

1385: The duchy of West Mauritania is split in two: West and South, in order to plan a better Christian settlement of the coasts in front of the Fortuna (OTL Canary) islands.

1386: First New Malian permanent settlements in the Khoiba (OTL Trinidad) island: it is assumed that New Malian ships got contact with Roman ships in the Caribbean sea for the first time by this date.

1387: The Romans ensure their dominion over the western part of Lithuania, abandoned by the Mongols, in an effort to establish a solid border along the Dniepr river.

1388: The first chicks of elephant bird arrive in Roman Egypt, thanks to the increasing trade with the Somali-Sumekho through the Aksum Empire.

1389: Unconfirmed first contact between an Olivian expedition and the Aztec Empire in an area south of the mouth of the OTL Rio Grande.
Decade of 1390 (and last of Chronology)

The Mali Empire starts its decline due to the continued civil wars in its eastern half, which finally deprives the Malians to a direct access to the Lake Chad basin.

1391: Thousands of Germanic settlers from Central Europe receive lands in the underpopulated regions of Prussia, Samogitia and Curonia.

1392: Death of Emperor Charles Alexander I. His son Louis Nicholas III is crowned Emperor in Jerusalem, merging the title of King of the Swedes to the Imperial Crown.

1393: The council of the Olivian Commonwealth elects its first Chamberlain, which will be the most powerful figure of the new state.

1394: The Aksum Empire completes the full occupation of all the Christian lands south of Aswan and takes control over the trade with Madagascar and the surrounding archipelagos.

1395: A failed secessionist uprising in the White Man's Lands is followed by a massive deportation of Terra Novan secessionists to the Olivian Commonwealth.

1396: The Emirate of Hejaz gains independence from the weak Persian Empire. However, the Persians keep their control over the eastern coast of Arabia and Oman.

1397: Treaty of Kalischau: the Mongols and the Romans agree on setting their common border along the rivers Dniepr and Duna.

1398: A Roman expedition sails from Grand Balearica (OTL Cuba) to the newly discovered Elisea island (OTL Jamaica), which was presumably also visited by New Malian ships.

1399: The Romans conquer the oasis of Siwa and build a fortress there, in order to stop the advance of raiding Tuaregs from the Sahara into Egypt.