Alternate Electoral Maps III



The crime wave of the 1980s never ended, but inevitable flowed into the 90s, uncontained by all the king’s men. Bills to increase police and prosecutor power weren’t enough; police were still outgunned, outmanned, and disarmed through corruption. Prison population, swelling, simply proved to be excellent recruitment opportunities for the increasingly powerful organized crime syndicates. As the fight against crime escalated, many rogue criminal syndicates began using terroristic methods such as the assassination of police and hostile judges to protect themselves. Alongside criminal terrorism came ideological terrorism; a wave of racial identarian, Islamic extremist, and anti-government anarchism attacks rocked the nation. America’s highest crime and violence rates could be found in cities such as Gotham (NJ), Metropolis (DE), Central City (IL), and urban areas across the South.

This chaos was fueled by the proliferation of new weapon technology. Throughout the Cold War, the United States had paid defense contractors to apply new scientific discoveries to the realm of warfare. Companies such as Wayne Enterprises, LexCorp, and STAR Labs developed unconventional technologies, such as exo-suits to protect Vietnam War paratroopers. Small arms were mass produced by Queen Industries, the largest arms manufacturer in the world. When the Soviet Union collapsed in the mid-80s, a global support network was pulled out from underneath many far-left regimes, sparking dozens of civil wars. American weapons corporations, the horses to America’s chariot, profited greatly, supplying democratic rebels. Many of the millions of small arms eventually found their way back home and into the hands of American criminals. In many cases, unconventional weaponry such as exo-suits and exotic guns also were bought by criminals and terrorists through the international black market. Efforts to stop the trade in advanced and small arms proved futile.

The United States found itself with an issue it couldn’t solve.


So, Americans took the problem into their own hands. In Gotham, a vigilante known as ‘Batman’ helped bring down the Falcone crime family. In Central City, ‘the Flash’ captured anarchist terrorist Leonard ‘Captain Cold’ Snart. In Metropolis, ‘Superman’ defeated the rampaging ‘Parasite’ (Rudolph Jones, a STAR supersoldier). In Boston, ‘Wonder Woman’ defeated the terrorist cell Children of Ares. Many of these vigilantes and supercriminals were rogue ‘metahumans’—humans with superhuman abilities, usually as a result of efforts to develop super-soldiers. Law enforcement varied from assisting or fighting against vigilantism; in Gotham, District General Harvey Dent and Police Commissioner James Gordon cooperated extensively with Batman, while Metropolis Mayor Buck Sackett promised to reel in Superman. At the time, there was no federal policy towards the new wave of vigilantism; the Clinton Administration stated it was a symptom of the crime wave, not an issue worth addressing on its own.

After 1996, a second generation of vigilantes proliferated across the United States. The second wave of vigilantes did not hold the same immutable morals as the first-generation, consisting of armed individuals who had no qualms with murder and paramilitary organizations such as the Second Black Panthers and Jim Gilchrist’s far-right Minutemen. These vigilantes claimed to target criminals, but innocent civilians and police officers were often targeted as well. The United States government alternatively fought against or cooperated with the second-generation, using Task Force X (a suicide squad of convicted hitmen, assassins, and terrorists) in secret operations or cooperating with ‘moral’ first-generation vigilantes in operations against these groups.

In 1997, the ‘First Vigilante War’ broke out between the Rattlesnakes, an anarchist ex-Freemason secret organization which planned to replace the United States government, and the Justice League, consisting of first-generation vigilantes. The Rattlesnakes, recruiting the aid of various paramilitary organizations and terrorists, conducted a violent terrorism spree across the United States. While government and police buildings were bombed, criminal figures such as godfather Carmine Falcone, cultist Bruno Mannheim, and assassin Talia al Ghul were murdered as well. The war continued for two years until the Justice League, cooperating with an FBI task force, captured the organization’s leader, businessman Maxwell Lord. During Congressional hearings, Lord alleged ties between the Justice League and the Rattlesnakes, revealing the secret identities of several vigilantes and leading to their arrest or escape from the country. A Congressional investigation would soon uncover vast cooperation between elements of American secret services, the Justice League, the Rattlesnakes, and other vigilante organizations, leading to the impeachment and resignation of President Clinton in 1998. Vice President Jay Rockefeller (WV) would complete Clinton’s remaining years of office, pardoning Clinton. Vigilantism had leaped to the forefront of national attention.


In 1999, first contact was made between Earth and extraterrestrials. A small group of Kryptonian fugitives, led by General Dru-Zod, landed in Maryland. They refused to communicate with the AFOSR/NASA scientist task force, and soon approached Superman (a Kryptonian himself) to recruit him to join their effort to create a new Kryptonian Empire on Earth. Superman refused, and, with the Justice League, battled the Kryptonians in the outskirts of Metropolis.

Zod soon brought Superman into the city, causing vast destruction. While Superman made attempts to lure Zod out to sea, these failed. The battle ended several hours later, after Superman reluctantly killed Zod and the Justice League detained the rest of the Kryptonians. Ultimately, 7.3 thousand died in battle, mostly from the destruction of Metropolitan International Airport. While the Justice League and other vigilantes helped with first response, Superman was arrested, identified as Daily Planet reporter Clark Kent, and soon put on trial for the mass destruction. While Kent was found not liable, he was soon charged alongside his parents with fabricating birth certificate documents. President Rockefeller pardoned the Kent family of the latter charge, bringing presidential politics into the issue.

In many cases, mass demonstrations of solidarity with Metropolis across the United States turned into protests and riots against vigilantes and metahumans. Other counter-protests supported vigilantes. Vigilantism was now the greatest issue in the United States.


In 2000, businessman and vocal Superman critic Alexander ‘Lex’ Luthor (DE) entered the race for the Reform Party’s nomination. He hoped to improve on Ross Perot’s previous performances. While Luthor lacked some of Perot’s charm, he made up for it in his clear policy agenda: he had a comprehensive plan to end the crime wave and vigilantism. Vigilantism would be criminalized, law enforcement reformed, corrupt cops prosecuted, and crime groups targeted through a new federal campaign. Luthor also recognized the social origins of crime, as he supported increasing government social programs and increasing educational opportunities. Luthor won the nomination with ease. Independent governor Douglas Joseph of Ohio, a success story in decreasing crime rates, was selected as VP. Lex brought a league of corporate and political contacts into his presidential campaign, constructing a highly effective and efficient campaign organization. Ex Metropolis Mayor Buck Sackett would be one of the most vocal characters in the campaign, as Sackett’s daughter had died during the Battle of Metropolis. From the get-go, Luthor was recognized as a serious contender for president. His wealth and philanthropy in Metropolis already made him a household name. Americans were also tired of vigilantism; they wanted things to go back to normal. Luthor promised that.

The Democrat and Republican Parties, meanwhile, continued to hedge on the vigilante issue, seeing it to divisive. Many party elites argued vigilantism as a symptom of the ongoing crime wave, rather than a problem itself.

President Rockefeller, deeply unpopular, still succeeded in his bid for nomination, defeating a primary challenge from anti-vigilante crusader Senator John David Keene (NJ). Metropolis Mayor Frank Berkowitz (DE) was selected as VP, replacing retiring VP Jerry Brown (CA). Rockefeller hoped to demonstrate that his administration cared about the bloodshed in Metropolis; instead, it came off as a naked political maneuver on the part of both men. Simultaneously, Rockefeller sidelined the issue by concentrating instead on his partially successful efforts in keeping West Virginia’s crime rate low. Rockefeller was forced into the vigilante question anyway after his pardon of Superman was questioned.

The Republicans saw a more competitive primary season, with dark-horse Senator John McCain (AZ) battling against anti-vigilante Senator John Kasich (OH) and elite-favored vigilante-neutral Governor David Eisenhower (PA). McCain proposed an alliance between ‘moral’ vigilante groups and the US government in order to combat metahuman crime. McCain’s proposal was legitimized by his opposition to the anti-immigrant Minuteman vigilante group, which operated in his home state of Arizona. McCain’s bold proposal recruited the support of pro-vigilantes and libertarians, securing the nomination. General Colin Powell accepted the Vice President nomination, increasing the legitimacy of the ticket.

During the campaign season, Luthor railed against vigilante actions and lauded police efforts to combat crime. Luthor’s campaign retreaded instances of destruction across the United States, interviewing victims that had been caught in the crossfire of extra-legal actors. Luthor soon proposed a Vigilante Registrar, which would index all vigilantes and metahumans in the United States and bring those legally operating into the law enforcement bureaucracy. Those who were harmful would need to cease and desist. Luthor’s corporate past also won him the support of many wealthy donors, who sought to improve relations with LexCorp.

Rockefeller and McCain soon co-opted the Vigilante Registrar idea, but continued to support the actions of Superman and Batman. Rockefeller’s association with the Clinton Administration and McCain’s numerous decisive comments on important Republican figures dragged down the popularity of the two candidates.

Polls soon began to show Luthor pulling ahead in key states—an astounding success. Rockefeller and McCain attempted to collapse him campaign a la Perot, but by October it was clear that Luthor would win at least a plurality of the electoral college. Luthor correctly saw this as dangerous; a protracted Congressional battle likely would end with one of the two major parties winning, just from party loyalty.

On October 16th, Reform Party VP candidate Douglas Joseph was kidnapped and held hostage by the Extreme Justice vigilante group. The leader of the group, ‘Green Arrow,’ issued a series of demands, including that Lex Luthor drop out of the presidential race and the United States government cease its surveillance of Extreme Justice and other vigilante groups. As a national manhunt commenced, Lex Luthor agreed to drop out of the race if Extreme Justice provided evidence that Douglas Joseph was alive. However, during a shoot-out with a SWAT team on the 21st, Extreme Justice executed Douglas Joseph (conspiracy theories quickly proliferated that the response team itself killed Joseph, or that Luthor was conspiring with Extreme Justice to gain pity). Green Arrow later went into hiding. The Reform Party quickly nominated ex-Democrat New Jersey Governor Armand Krol, who lead the charge in the 90s against Batman, as a replacement for Joseph.

On November 7th, the Luthor-Krol ticket was vaulted to an Electoral College majority. Luthor’s best performance would be in the mid-Atlantic, where the wounds of Metropolis were fresh. The kidnapping of Joseph by California native Green Arrow brought the state into the Reform column. Luthor also won support in the South, Midwest, and Appalachia, where his promises to end crime resonated with voters. McCain performed best in the West and Southwest, where libertarianism was strongest and most opposed Luthor’s programs as government overreach. Rockefeller won most of New England, the Pacific Northwest, and his home state of West Virginia, where Democratic support was the strongest. While Rockefeller held onto urban minorities, many turned to Luthor because of his promises to curb corruption and racism in police departments; vigilantes also had a mixed record with minorities.

Luthor would be sworn in as the 43rd President of the United States, promising to end the domestic war against law, order, and prosperity.



Luthor recruited many prominent politicians and businessmen to join his administration. Most were already connected to LexCorp in some way, as Luthor preferred to know who he was working with. By hiring Republicans, Democrats, and independents, Luthor promised to balance the desires of left, right, and center. Luthor was in a delicate position. He could either choose to tread carefully so as to not antagonize Congress, or march forward inexorably and drag Congress to his side. He chose the latter.

Within Luthor’s first one hundred days, much was won in the battle of vigilante regulation. Through an enabling act introduced by pro-Luthor Senator John Keene (NJ), Luthor created the Department of Homeland Security (which collected many domestic security agencies). Amanda Waller, head of the Task Force X program, was promoted to Director of the new department. She would oversee the expansion of programs to recruit metahumans to fight on behalf of the government.

Senator Keene also introduced the Vigilante Regulation Act (the ‘Keene Act’), which outlawed vigilante networks, all forms of vigilantism, and cut funding to states with generous Good Samaritan Laws. While the act would later be upheld by the Supreme Court because of the interstate nature of vigilante networks, many libertarians and pro-vigilantes found issue with the act. Nevertheless, the act passed both houses of Congress. The Justice League was now a criminal organization.

Reluctant to battle against the government, the Justice League and other ‘moral’ vigilante organizations formally disbanded, though many continued to operate in secret. Superman disappeared for a number of months, presumably abiding Luthor’s calls for him to retire. Batman, however, continued to operate in Gotham, leading to the dismissal of Police Commissioner James Gordon and the creation of a new anti-Batman task force that ultimately drove the vigilante from the city. Gotham DA Harvey Dent, scarred by an acid attack, resigned, leaving the appointment of an anti-vigilante DA. Other vigilantes across the United States continued to operate illegally. In response, Luthor directed the FBI to launch a vast anti-vigilante war. Numerous vigilante groups were forcibly disbanded in the coming months as their members were arrested and imprisoned. The vast Belle Reve Penitentiary, built in Louisiana, was retrofitted by its corporate owners to imprison metahuman vigilantes and criminals. Luthor also employed the use of black sites and off-shore military bases such as Guantanamo Bay Naval Base to hold the most dangerous of vigilantes and criminals.

Luthor also needed to address a key foreign policy issue: the new war over Crimea between the ascendant Russian Federation and Ukraine. While Luthor coordinated with the UN to push for negotiations, it became clear that both parties were gearing up for total war. In response, Luthor pushed for Congress to pass the Metahuman Security and Registration Act, which impelled all metahumans (estimated to be less than three hundred) to specially register with the Selective Service System as a metahuman, with their abilities clarified. This new registry would permit metahumans to be directly conscripted in times of war. The list of metahumans would also be shared with law enforcement, which would soon be permitted to track and follow metahumans under a new bill.

A metahuman terrorist attack in Kansas City prompted the next wave of Luthorite bills, including the new Domestic Security Act of 2002, which granted greater power to federal law enforcement in addressing terrorism, crime, vigilantism, including permission to wiretap, business entry without a warrant, and greater ability to investigate personal records. The DSA narrowly passed.

Meanwhile, Luthor oversaw negotiations between Ukraine and Russia. The new Republic of Crimea was created, guaranteed independence and assisted by the UN. Luthor’s solution seemed to stick, at least for the time being. Many critics pointed out how Russia simply became distracted by Islamist separatists in the Caucasus.

Congress also passed a series of bills fulfilling Luthor’s campaign promises to end crime, consisting of compromises between left-wing social policies and right-wing enforcement policies. Success was not immediate. Many pundits claimed that Luthor’s anti-vigilante war was a diversion from his failure to decrease crime rates. However, these claims gradually declined alongside the declining crime rates.


By the 2002 midterms, Luthor had the framework in place to conduct a war against vigilantes, had a positive approval rating, and the economy was good. Most attributed these successes primarily to Luthor, secondarily to Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich. This allowed Republicans to keep their two-house majority. However, the true winner of the midterms was Luthor. The majority of freshman Congressman supported Luthor’s agenda. In pro-Luthor districts where an anti-Luthor incumbent was unlikely to lose in an election, primary challenges from within the party was the answer. Additionally, many independent Congressmen won their election bids, including three new independent, Luthor-aligned Senators. Four Reform Party Representatives also won (though the party was now clearly Luthor’s through and through, shedding most of its previous staff). However, Luthor’s influence was not limited to the Reform Party, as he endorsed many pro-Luthor Congressmen and channeled funds into their campaigns.

Occasional conflict with vigilantes and metahuman groups exploded in 2003 in the ‘Second Vigilante War.’ The resurgence of vigilante organizations, led by the returned Green Arrow, fought against pro-government forces, led by the metahuman ‘Shazam,’ Task Force X, and other government forces. A battle erupted in Seattle as Task Force X and Shazam assault Green Arrow’s hide-out. Captured alive, Green Arrow was demasked and revealed to be Oliver Queen, heir to Queen Industries and founder of Aegis Services (a private military company used by the United States to fight in the Second Russian Civil War). Queen’s connections with the Pentagon seemed to suggest to many that the United States had conspired to sabotage Lex Luthor’s electoral campaign. Immediately the FBI targeted Queen Industries and Aegis Services, digging deep into its secret archives to uncover connections between Queen Industries and various vigilante organizations. Other documents suggested Wayne Enterprises similarly supplied vigilantes. Queen had supplied small arms and advanced weaponry to vigilantes for years. While the company declared bankruptcy, its factories and assets were purchased by LexCorp. Oliver Queen, tried for vigilantism and dozens of murders, was imprisoned in Belle Reve Penitentiary.

Luthor, after Batman and Green Arrow, sought to finally bring Superman out of the woodworks and into the arms of the government. Using technological surveillance permitted by the new anti-vigilante acts, Clark Kent was identified hiding in Rapid City, South Dakota. Shazam and Task Force X were quickly brought to the location, confronting Superman at a motel. Combat quickly erupted, with Superman retreating westwards into Black Hills National Forest, where he managed to escape Shazam. Luthor, infuriated, began his back-up plan.

In late 2003, Luthor authorized the release of the ‘Doomsday’ creature on Norfolk, Virginia. The product of a decade of LexCorp supersoldier biological experiments and Kryptonian DNA, Doomsday has greater strength and endurance than Superman. A chip implanted in the creature’s brain allowed commands to be delivered directly. Rampaging, Doomsday quickly attracted the attention of Superman, who arrived in Norfolk minutes after the creature’s appearance. As planned, the Battle of Norfolk created vast destruction, though not comparable to Metropolis. Meanwhile, Task Force X and Shazam waited nearby for the order to defeat Doomsday (only to be given once Superman was killed). However, Superman, using the last of his strength, brought the battle out to sea. Both Superman and Doomsday disappear into the ocean, presumed dead.

The nation mourned for Superman’s martyrdom as Luthor raged. The death of Superman changed the national climate and many begin to wonder whether the whole anti-vigilante crusade went too far. Luthor’s manufactured scenario, designed to massacre Norfolk and bring himself acclaim, had backfired. Meanwhile, leaked evidence published in the Daily Planet began to hint that LexCorp was to blame for Doomsday….


Luthor hoped for a bloody primary season, where the rival parties would ruin their chances simultaneously. The primaries would not be as bloody as Luthor hoped, but there were clear demonstrations of support for anti-vigilantism in both parties. Nixon-tattooed political operative Roger Stone, employed by the Luthor re-election campaign, headed a series of morally questionable operations designed to inflame rival parties. Stone personally delivered campaign funds to runner-ups in the primary season and uncovered or fabricated salacious stories about front-runners.

On the Republican side, Texas Governor George W Bush portrayed himself as a compassionate conservative, who agreed with progressive social policies designed to curb crime. He also supported increasing Second Amendment rights so people could protect themselves against vigilantes and criminals alike. On the vigilante issue, Bush was a moderate, who believed that moral vigilantes should be allowed to operate ‘in coordination’ with police. Bush was challenged by Congressman Ron Paul (TX), who abhorred Luthor’s anti-vigilante policies, and Governor David Eisenhower (PA), a staunch supporter of Luthor’s anti-vigilante programs. While Eisenhower and Paul viciously debated the merits of Luthor’s presidency, Bush presented himself as a compromiser; Bush won the nomination in a landslide. Longtime moderate Missouri Senator John Danforth was selected as Vice President.

On the Democratic side, a wide race featured ex-VP and California-beloved Jerry Brown, Tennessee Governor and environmentalist Al Gore, Florida Senator Bob Graham, pro-vigilante Senator Howard Dean (VT), and Luthor ally Senator John David Keene (NJ). Gore and Keene eventually floated to the front of the pack, battling over Luthor’s crime and vigilante policy. Keene campaigned as a Democrat alternative to Luthor, who could bring Luthor voters to the Democratic party. Gore, a vocal critic of Luthor’s corporate past, authoritarian policies, and his sidelining of environmental issues, campaigned as an ideological nemesis of Luthor who was nevertheless moderate on the vigilante issue. Gore would soon pull ahead of Keene, using his many years of experience in Tennessee to his advantage, winning the nomination. Bob Graham was selected as his VP pick in order to win back Florida.

While Luthor initially polled ahead of the challengers, scandal soon began to rock his administration. LexCorp leaks continued to allude to some involvement of Luthor in the crises that had shook the nation for the past decade. These leaks, published in the Daily Planet and other newspapers, seemed to come from an inside source at LexCorp, or at least someone who had access to LexCorp archives. Luthor addressed the leaks by questioning their veracity and the journalistic integrity of the Daily Planet, which had, after all, employed Clark Kent. Responding to rumors that LexCorp had profited off the collapse of Queen Industries, Luthor stated that he had been completely cut out of LexCorp, which was now controlled completely by CEO Lana Lang, though there was much evidence that Lang acted on behalf of Luthor’s interests. These scandals weighed down the Luthor re-election campaign, which spent valuable time on the defense instead of presenting its successes.

In August, a terrorist attack on Wayne Manor by Edward Nigma injured Wayne Enterprises owner Bruce Wayne. During interrogations, Nigma seemed to hint at a connection between him, Luthor, Wayne, the Justice League, and the leaks, though Nigma offered no clear testimony. Afterwards, leaks to the Daily Planet ceased for several weeks.

Meanwhile, Roger Stone’s back-alley operations produced a series of tabloid articles about Bush and Gore, including several about Bush’s alleged cocaine addiction and Gore’s ‘Clintonite’ marital affairs. These scandals distracted from and decreased the legitimacy of Luthor’s own scandals. By mid-October, following strong debate performances, Luthor had once again pulled ahead in the polls.

On Halloween, three days before the election, a LexCorp-owned gold mine in South Africa experienced a break-in (later identified to be by Batman). Superman soon returned, giving an interview with the Daily Planet in which he accused Lex Luthor of creating Doomsday, holding back government forces from defeating Doomsday, and attempting to bioengineer supersoldiers from captured metahumans (as was Superman’s experience during his recent most disappearance). Soon, Superman was confronted by Shazam and Task Force X, but resisted arrest and defeated Shazam. In combat, an ‘obedience chip’ (new technology developed by LexCorp) planted in Shazam’s skull was destroyed, liberating Shazam. Shazam and Superman reappeared at a government black site in Las Vegas, where contracted LexCorp scientists had studied Zod’s corpse. Seizing failed Doomsday prototypes, the two then transported the bodies directly to the US Capitol building.

With Superman’s explosive re-entrance onto the scene, Luthor’s poll numbers crumbled and House Judiciary Committee launched an investigation the matter. However, early-voting secured Luthor a significant lead. On November 2nd, the nation voted. Luthor came in third, losing over half of his 312 electoral votes from the last election. Many attributed Luthor’s loss of the mid-Atlantic, to the decline of the anti-vigilantism in response to Superman’s ‘death’ and return. Luthor also lost Florida (Bob Graham) and California (inevitable) to the Gore/Graham ticket, but picked up West Virginia (coal miners didn’t like Gore’s environmental criticism). To Bush/Danforth, Luthor lost Mississippi and Alabama (Bush was more attractive to Southerners than Luthor and McCain the election before), Kentucky (which was close to voting for McCain in the first place), and Virginia (the Norfolk disaster to be blamed). Gore performed stronger than Rockefeller nation-wide, picking up the McCain states of New Mexico, Wisconsin, and Minnesota, but losing New Hampshire. Ultimately, Luthor’s best performance could be found in the rustbelt and the Midwest, where he attracted moderate suburbanites that benefitted from his social and economic reforms and the pro-police. Luthor also found support, albeit less than four years ago, in urban areas among the anti-vigilante vote. Rural areas and the South found Luthor too progressive for their tastes, while urban centers, brought into the pro-vigilante camp by Luthor’s scandals and Superman’s revelation, turned back to the Democrats.

While Al Gore won a plurality of electoral votes, he didn’t win a majority, tossing the election to the slightly Republican House of Representatives where Gore would battle the two runner-ups, and the slightly Democratic Senate, where Graham would duel Danforth. A swarm of back-room negotiations immediately began. While Luthorites were still a minority in Congress, their numbers had doubled since the midterm thanks to Luthor’s funding and campaigning. Most were independents who conformed to Luthor’s platform in exchange for aid; they were of questionable loyalty. However, these Luthorites held the keys to the gate now, as they occupied the central stretch of the Congress, denying any party a strict majority in the Senate and biting deeply into the Democrats’ new lead in the House.

Luthor quickly began meeting with Congressmen in order to whip up support. While most Luthorites associated with a party pledged their support, many wouldn’t; they believed Luthor was a brief fad, a blip compared to the long-lasting Democrat and Republican parties. Luthor, working alongside Roger Stone and his other political operatives, began offering bribes: new military bases, pork barrel legislation. This wasn’t as effective as Luthor hoped it would be. Meanwhile, Luthor reached out to Congressional Leaders. Over the next few days, Luthor outlined a deal: whichever party could get him the most House votes would get the Senate Luthorites to back their VP. Nobody was biting, as Bush and Gore were confident enough in the House.

The Electoral College vote was soon conducted. Faced with a third-place finish, many Reform Party electors attempted to vote instead for the Bush/Danforth or Gore/Graham. Roger Stone was tasked with enforcing party loyalty among electors, removing those of questionable loyalty and bribing others with promised of political positions. Ultimately, Luthor would lose no electoral votes because of faithless electors.

Meanwhile, Luthor began to use the kompromat he had collected for the past four years, revealing his knowledge to those politicians affected by it. Gathered through digital surveillance and spies, Luthor had blackmail material on dozens of key Representatives (House Majority Leader Newt Gingrich included) and almost ten Senators. One-by-one Luthor began to drag the hesitant forcibly into the Luthor camp. By mid-December, it began to look like Luthor might have the votes. He again offered the deal; Gingrich was able to whip more votes than Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, but because it wasn’t enough to win a majority of states Luthor didn’t direct Senate Luthorites to vote for Danforth.

In January, Vice President Armand Krol oversaw the official certification of the 2004 presidential election results during a joint session of Congress. Immediately afterwards, the contingent election began.

First Senate Vote:


First House Vote:


With neither party winning a majority, a second vote was scheduled the next day. The Republican and Democrat turn-coats approached Luthor and revealed that they were already being threatened with primary challenges. Luthor realized that, having played all his cards, victory was still too far away. His castle was built on shifting sands. If he wanted to truly stay powerful, he needed to make sure his network of allies remained stable, and forcing them to abandon their parties would knock the whole house of cards down. Luthor needed to pick his battles. Approaching Speaker Gingrich, Luthor offered him a deal: Luthor will free up his underlings in exchange for no Congressional investigations into LexCorp’s part in Norfolk. Gingrich accepts the deal, and Luthor frees up the Congressional Luthorites to vote as they please.

Second Senate Vote:


Second House Vote:


With Bush winning the majority of states in the second House vote and Graham winning the majority of the Senate, a split ticket is sworn into office come January. Both parties promise conciliation and compromise in the coming four years, working together to address the serious problems harming America and course-correct Luthor’s most extreme policies.

While a Congressional investigation is gathered to investigate Norfolk, the blame is pinned on a bioengineering company rather than LexCorp. While Luthor is out of the White House, many in Congress continue to hold anti-vigilante views, led by Senator Keene, and continue to have contact with Luthor. Luthor leaves the White House, temporarily defeated in his war against vigilantism and metahumans. However, there will be many more battles to come. After all, Luthor only served one term….
Alternate 1976 US elections
1976 US presidential election-Carter wins all states lost by 2% or less

Jimmy Carter/Walter Mondale-Democratic: 410 EV 51.08%
President Gerald Ford/Bob Dole-Republican: 128 EV 47.01%

1976 US presidential election-Ford wins all states lost by 2% or less

President Gerald Ford/Bob Dole-Republican: 284 EV 49.01%
Jimmy Carter/Walter Mondale-Democratic: 254 EV 49.08%
With the permission of MoralisticCommunist and mod approval from Dom, I'll be posting the rest of The Seventh-Party System here.

The Seventh Party System
Map of the United States
Part I - Metropotamia
Part II - Alta California
Part III - North Carolina
Part IV - New Jersey
Part V - Adams
Part VI - Alabama
Part VII - Rhode Island
Part VIII - Sequoyah
Part IX - Assenisipia
Part X - East Florida
Part XI - Tennessee
Part XII - Kansas
Part XIII - Dakota
Part XIV - Arizona
Part XV - Delaware
Part XVI - Oregon
Part XVII - Ozark
Part XVIII - New Hampshire
Part XIX - Western Connecticut
Part XX - New York
Part XXI - Santo Domingo
Part XXII - South Carolina
Part XXIII - Baja California
Part XXIV - Chersonesus
Part XXV - Canal Zone Territory
Part XXVI - West Florida
Part XXVII - Missouri
Part XXVIII - Colorado
Part XXIX - Trinidad and Tobago
Part XXX - Pennsylvania
Part XXXI - Wisconsin
Part XXXII - Lincoln
Part XXXIII - Deseret
Part XXXIV - Platte
Part XXXV - Kiribati
Part XXXVI - New Mexico
Part XXXVII - Maine
Part XXXVIII - Alaska
Part XXXIX - Hamilton
Part XXXX - Mississippi
Part XXXXI - North Virginia
Part XXXXII - Bioko
Part XXXXIII - Hawaii
Part XXXXIV - Louisiana
Part XXXXV - Seward
Part XXXXVI - Illinoia
Part XXXXVII - Georgia
Part XXXXVIII - Columbia
Part XXXXIX - Maryland
Part L - Texas
Part LI - District of Columbia
Part LII - Vermont
Part LIII - Yazoo
Part LIV - Jefferson
Part LV - Virgin Islands
Part LVI - Washington
Part LVII - Puerto Rico
Part LVIII - Kentucky

Labor Coalition
Democrats and Social Credit


Original DeviantArt Post Here

While Hispanos Unidos is by far the dominant party nationwide in representing Hispanic interests, it also has an unique relationship with two smaller centrist Hispanic parties, the Unión Demócrata Cristiana and Ciudadanos. But before we can delve into this unique relationship, we must first learn of the history of the Hispanos Unidos party.

Hispanos Unidos - The party for centrist Hispanics in most states outside of the Southwest and Caribbean, they have been the firmest supporter of Hispanic interests on a national scale. Started right after the 1974 midterm elections which dealt the final death blow to the National Union party, at first they had just two branches in New York and Florida. However over time they soon began to dominate the scene among many Hispanics in East Coast states and when the party began to spread out West, especially to states such as Texas and Alta California, Hispanos Unidos really began to pick up steam. During the political chaos of the late 1970s and early 1980s Hispanos Unidos had to duel it out with the UDC and Ciudadanos in these Western states, however with the cash from big New York and Florida donors the HU soon began to outcompete both of these centrist parties and pushed them out of the several big states.

Yet in the heart of the Southwest the influence of las columnas proved too strong for any party to occupy the center ground between the Devout and the Bourgeoisie. On the other hand, the Progressives offered a radical left wing alternative to las columnas, running not only socially and economically to the left of both the UDC and Ciudadanos, but also bridging the ethnic gap between Hispanics and Anglos. Thus, with Hispanos Unidos being unable to find any sort of niche within these electorates, Hispanos Unidos devised a devious plan.

In 1990 Hispanos Unidos withdrew from las columnas states, as well as the states of Santo Domingo, Puerto Rico, and Media California. While in Puerto Rico and Media California it unconditionally supported the Partido Renovacion and Progressive Conservatives as the only viable centrist Hispanic parties, in the other states it offered its donor dollars to whichever party it thought could best represent its interest. Thus both the UDC and Ciudadanos began to compete for the Hispanos Unidos’ attention, leading to a fierce competition between the two to support the national policies of Hispanos Unidos. Thus while the two parties remain divided between those who prioritize businesses and those who prioritize the Catholic Church, both drew closer together on many other policy issues and became united in their foreign policy to support free trade and open borders with the capitalist nations of Latin America, parroting the position of Hispanos Unidos.

While in the state of Colorado the UDC was successful in utterly demolishing Ciudadanos, resulting in the Ciudadanos party of Colorado being little more than a few interns in one office, in all other states the two parties remain fiercely in competition with one another for HU dollars. Of course, sometimes the parties do end up allying together to form a coalition government, but such coalitions are extraordinary cases and for the most part the two parties remain at each others' throats.

Unión Demócrata Cristiana - A columnas party representing the Devout Hispanics, their main constituency resides among those Hispanics who value social conservatism and the Catholic Church above all else. In comparison to Ciudadanos and Hispanos Unidos they are a bit more socially conservative and economically left wing, however their popularity among rural and older Hispanics has made them good partners for Hispanos Unidos donors.

Ciudadanos - A columnas party representing the Bourgeoisie Hispanics, their main constituency resides among the small business owners and self employed Hispanics who value free and fair markets above all else. In comparison to the UDC and HU they are a bit more socially liberal and economically right wing, and as such have faced difficulties in states where the Libertarians dominate, such as Colorado where the party has been wiped out entirely. Nevertheless, the party continues to find a niche among those who are turned off from the radicalism of the Libertarian party, and they remain very competitive for Hispanos Unidos donors in the states where they remain operating.

Hispanos Unidos Affiliates - There are two state parties which are affiliates of not just Hispanos Unidos, but also the UDC, Ciudadanos, and the Republicans. In Media California that affiliate is the Progressive Conservative party, which remains the only opposition party capable of taking on the Progressive establishment. And in Puerto Rico this affiliate is the Partido Renovacion, which has long been the party of the conservative establishment for that island state.


Credit for the party logos goes to Turquoise Blue
Credit for the basemap goes to Chicxulub
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Alternate 1976 US elections
1976 US presidential election-Carter wins all states lost by 2% or less

Jimmy Carter/Walter Mondale-Democratic: 410 EV 51.08%
President Gerald Ford/Bob Dole-Republican: 128 EV 47.01%

1976 US presidential election-Ford wins all states lost by 2% or less

President Gerald Ford/Bob Dole-Republican: 284 EV 49.01%
Jimmy Carter/Walter Mondale-Democratic: 254 EV 49.08%

Shows how more efficiently distributed both parties' votes were.

I made a map for a 2008 presidential election between Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) and Senator Ben Nelson (D-NE). The political environment in this scenario is pretty similar to the real 2008 (recession, unpopular outgoing President George W. Bush) What do you think the state map looks like?
1948 US election-Dewey wins all states lost by 1% or less

Thomas Dewey/Earl Warren-Republican: 267 EV 45.57%
President Harry Truman/Alben Barkley-Democratic: 226 EV 49.05%
Strom Thurmond/Fielding Wright-State's Rights: 38 EV 2.41%

I made a map for a 2008 presidential election between Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) and Senator Ben Nelson (D-NE). The political environment in this scenario is pretty similar to the real 2008 (recession, unpopular outgoing President George W. Bush) What do you think the state map looks like?


I made a map for a 2008 presidential election between Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) and Senator Ben Nelson (D-NE). The political environment in this scenario is pretty similar to the real 2008 (recession, unpopular outgoing President George W. Bush) What do you think the state map looks like?