Religious M-BAM project

Ad1: Jharkand light blue is Sarnaism?
Ad2: is it possible to combine Pakistan with my Afghanistan? Note that the Kalash people in Pakistan are not officially Muslim..
Ad3: what is lavender in Karachi?
Ad 4: what happened to Bon religion in Tibet?
1: Yes
2: Sure, and please fix everything that isnt quite right. Can you use the file i attatched?
3: I honestly can't remember, i think i read there was a small evangelical concentration there, but i cant find it in wikipedia again, so please make it better.
4: I know it's somewhere, but i have no idea which areas they are specifically concentrated. do you know where i can find out?

Inserted South Asia within the larger Asia map. Changed colour of islam, adding colours for sunni and Shia denominations.
-Added Zoroastrianism in the Mumbai, Karachi and Uduva areas, thos
-Added Saint Thomas Christianity in Kerala, that was the only significant population I could find (colored as Orthodox because I wasn't sure how to color it, it seems to overlap into many different denominations)
-Added Judaism at the Magen Avraham Synagogue in Gujarat
-Added Bon in Dolanji and Kathmandu, did not find any significant concentrations in actual Tibet
Imma do France and stick it here, keep it or get rid of it or whatever.
EDIT: Actually, I might do Belgium and Luxembourg as well
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France and Belgium so far. Having trouble finding sources for Wallonia, Flanders and Luxembourg:

Does anyone have a good source for Belgium and Luxembourg
And I'd like to claim Sweden

Also I don't think Iberia's claimed