Ok, this is one of my personal favorite short stories, especially when it comes to Alternate History. While it's never a specific with the order, it does hint at a interesting timeline.

The point of divergence seems to be during Woodrow Wilson's term. Here is the timeline.

During the dark days of the first world war, Wilson never joined the war against Germany. The Germans, eager for any victories, smuggle Vladimir Lenin to the Russian Empire. Lenin would become a key component of the Russian Revolution.

The western front ground down, no clear victor. In late 1918, early 1919, Woodrow Wilson offered to be a peace broker between the stalemated warring powers. This armistice would become the Treaty of Silver Spring. The formerly warring powers came together and formed the League of Nations, with America as a founding member. Wilson drasticly downsized the U.S. Army and disbanded the black regiments. He believed the League would permanently keep the peace. He also grants independence to Puerto Rico and the Philippines.
"Barring little brown brother from the Golden Door"- Wilson.

Austria Hungary becomes a Triple Monarchy post Great War.

Kaiser Frederick William marries Elizabeth of house Windsor prior to 1956.

The glorious 20s are dominated by democrats, starting with President McAdoo in 1921-1929. His successor was Franklin Roosevelt.
Roosevelt proves to be inadequate to combat the Great Panic.

Herbert Hoover becomes president and is credited as the man who ended the Great Panic. He is also known as the man who helped rebuild Europe after the Great War (OTL World War I).

Joseph Kennedy Jr. Is never killed, as America doesn't fight in any more wars.

The League of Nations fights and defeats the Soviet Union during the Bolshevik War somewhere between 1920-1950 to topple a dictatorial regime with poor human rights. (I personally believe that it happened during the 1940s). The League of Nations also fights in the Paciffic War, invading and occupying Japan (which I think happens in the late 1930s). Erwin Rommel proves to be a skilled commander in both wars. Adolf Hitler becomes a famous artist, as well as a prominent opponent of smoking and other unhealthy habits.

Late 1940s-early 1950s, John Calvin King founds the Southern Colored Liberation Corps to fight against the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan.

With no Nazi threat to force the United States to intervene, the Americans never wage a war against a system that forces them to rethink Jim Crow. The racial discrimination in the American South gets much worse. The numbers of lynchings rises to horrific levels. These lynchings often times become Mass Murders. The division between southern and northern democrats widens.

1952: Hugo Black is elected, taking office in 1953. Sometime during his term, his vice president is arrested and sent to jail. The only clue of his identity is the name "Curley".

1953-1954: Little Rock Nine, a group of black students attempt to integrate into a all white school. President Black chooses not to involve federal troops. The Little Rock Nine never get into the school.

With the rising tensions in America between the blacks and whites, John Calvin King calls on the League of Nations to intervene to protect his people.

League of Nations troops parachute into the American South without warning. This causes the Klan and it's allies to increase the lynchings, as well as torching of black neighborhoods. It becomes a race war. Mass killings. Mass graves. It becomes a bloodbath. The League occupies the American South, citing intervention in member states. Hugo Black is forced to accept it, seeing as Wilson reduced to army to a fourth rate power.
"Less dangerous than Romania"- Hindenburg

Alabama is placed under Imperial German supervision under League of Nations leadership during "The Situation" (as the occupation is known). France, Britain, and the Triple Monarchy also occupy parts of the American South. What parts, it is not known.

I don't want to give away the ending because it is a Good ending, so I greatly recommend reading it. There are a lot of nods to civil rights history in the story, so it's almost like an Easter egg hunt. You can find the story online.

US Presidents
1913-1921: Woodrow Wilson (D.)
1921-1929: William Gibbs McAdoo (D)
1929-1933: Franklin D. Roosevelt (D)
1933-???? Herbert Hoover (R)
1941-1953 ? (?)
1953-1957 Hugo Black (D)
Thanks for the link! Haven't read it before since it appears to be a short story in an anthology. It sounds really interesting though, and I particularly like how it just swaps FDR with Hoover, and the more powerful LoN intervening in North America. I'll check it out this week.
Thanks for the link! Haven't read it before since it appears to be a short story in an anthology. It sounds really interesting though, and I particularly like how it just swaps FDR with Hoover, and the more powerful LoN intervening in North America. I'll check it out this week.
Neat! It's really good. I hope you enjoy it.