A Question of Emphasis

Do you plan on making a religious map?

Coud you make a map showing which lands are in the Empire and which are not?

I do plan a religious map but not just yet.

I will be doing one soon but I wanted to leave it vague at the moment because "The Empire", even in OTL was not as simple as it seems. At different times Poland, Hungary, Denmark & Naples all had some sort of tributary status so, should they be considered "part" of the Empire or Independent?


Also, how did the various Emperors handle the Viking invasions, and did the Normans ever emerge?
I will be doing one soon but I wanted to leave it vague at the moment because "The Empire", even in OTL was not as simple as it seems. At different times Poland, Hungary, Denmark & Naples all had some sort of tributary status so, should they be considered "part" of the Empire or Independent?
Is France part of the Empire? I'm sorta confused on how it is developing.
Also, how did the various Emperors handle the Viking invasions, and did the Normans ever emerge?

Is France part of the Empire? I'm sorta confused on how it is developing.

Sorry for the delay, lost 16000 words and a dozen maps to a corrupted USB stick.

Vikings; The Northern part of Britannia is Jorvik, a Viking Kingdom. Francia beat back the Viking raids but paid a great deal of "Danegeld". Only a few bases on the coast were ever ceded but re-claimed when Viking [or Northmen] attention turned to Southern Italy.

West Francia is what France developed from in OTL. In this TL the Empire has remained [more or less] intact. So the answer is "Yes, but it's not France"

I will be silent for a while whilst I try to re-construct my lost data [I'm also near to moving house].
This is the reconstructed blank map
1616x2164 by Bob Hope.png