Q-Bam Borderpool Improvement and Core Thread



And greece is done.
So I fixed the coastlines to add all patches that have been posted in the main Q-BAM thread. However most island boxes tanked in the process, but that can be fixed later.
I was working on the 1942 map, and I was wondering something as I was getting rid of some of the man-made lakes. Should we keep them on the borderpool? They seem to get in the way of certain borders when working on the borderpool.
I was working on the 1942 map, and I was wondering something as I was getting rid of some of the man-made lakes. Should we keep them on the borderpool? They seem to get in the way of certain borders when working on the borderpool.
Yes we should keep them. If I recall correctly someone made a Q-BAM without reservoirs. Also take into account the borderpool is not exclusively historic.

Oh btw, I think we should change a bit our priorities in Q-BAM. I'd say we first finish patching the basic Q-BAM (for example, Indonesia and the US are half-done) and then center on the borderpool so we don't have to patch them both at the same time. Anyways, just a suggestion, I'm no one to tell you what to do.
Yes we should keep them. If I recall correctly someone made a Q-BAM without reservoirs. Also take into account the borderpool is not exclusively historic.

Oh btw, I think we should change a bit our priorities in Q-BAM. I'd say we first finish patching the basic Q-BAM (for example, Indonesia and the US are half-done) and then center on the borderpool so we don't have to patch them both at the same time. Anyways, just a suggestion, I'm no one to tell you what to do.
I know, I made one without reserviors and I think someone else did as well. But, my case with the borderpool is just to make drawing the borders more about accuracy over historical existence.



Fixed the border between Plymouth and Massachusetts. Also, what's that statelet around Boston? I don't recognise it.