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The militarists have been defeated, and the country is poor, in need of both rebuilding, and clearing out American influence. Plus, collectivism is definitely within the Japanese ethos.

Um, Syndacylism isn't the answer to everything. More likely is a regime similar to Nasser takes over.
I think the Americans and Germans would try their best to ensure that the arms they are selling would not find their way to the Chinese, given China's rise and potential destabilizing of the present world order by its mere existence and ambitions...

People's morals become more flexible when money is involved. Plus there may be ex-servicemen and party members who disagree with the new government and may decide to take up other employment.
With foreign intervention escalating into World War 3 between all major political blocs.
Eh, more like just a massive implosion, not so much WW3. I just think that seeing a massive superpower collapse into civil war would be amazing. Just seeing a massive empire that seemed indestructible just a year before completely tear itself apart in weeks just because of a minor spat between a few factions. Perhaps the SS thinks that the new Fuhrer is too soft and attempts a coup? But alas, I can only hope.
Leaders of Nazi Germany:
Adolf Hitler: 1933 - 1954 (21 years)
Hermann Goering: 1954 - 1958 (4 years)
Albert Speer: 1958 - 1981 (23 years)
Reinhard Heydrich: 1981 - 1992 (11 years)
Siegfried Hitler: 1992 - current (3 years)
OTL Nixon died in 1995, how he's functioning?
I think it goes without saying:
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