Proposals and War Aims That Didn't Happen Map Thread

Some French in 1884...

Some French in 1884...
It's...quite insane.
Of course, seeing the text, it makes sorta sense.

Of the Great Continent
(Europe, Asia, Africa)
First Alliance of Peoples with the French Republic
Division of the West of the Great Continent based on all the seven perspectives, ethnographic, linguistic, geographic, administrative, commercial political and moral

1885 : A great disaster will strike England
1885 : Reconstitued French Republic, Italian Republic, Spanish Republic, Hungarian Republic
1886 : North Germany Republic, Polish Republic
1887 : South German Republic, Greek Republic

Morroco as a Spanish Colony, Tripoli as an Italian Colony.

Note the existence of a separate Little Russia,
I took a quick screenshot of the video in question.

It doesn't strike me as a true proposal, Argentina did want to simply erase Paraguay from the map, but AFAIK it was only wishful thinking. I personally never saw such a map and I have some comments to make:

- There was no de facto border between Bolivia and Paraguay, that's OTL border established after the Chaco War in the 1930's.
- Why is Bolivia even involved? Back in 1860's ALL Chaco (including a good part of Argentina, Paraguay and Bolivia) was virtually uninhabited.
- The Brazilian Army occupied Asuncion for ten years after the war, they wouldn't let Argentina have it.
When the Americans came back, they surrounded the drunk men and arrested them. The prisoners later escaped and were never recaptured or went to trial. Their declaration of independence was also never repealed, so the Free State of Van Zandt still technically exists.
How often do people come together to repeal a Declaration of Independence they personally made?
Note the existence of a separate Little Russia,
Better yet is the Russie in the Baltic. I also adore how the map have parts of the Archduchy of Austria go to South Germany, and just barely had Vienna in Hungary. I also like how Buda and Pest are not yet joined together in this world. I have thing this may have been from a time (though I know it isn't) when the Ottomans had not yet been driven out and people were making a future map, and just used Hungarian as a phrase for people in a massive area of land to be resettled. If it had been the Kingdom of Hungary I would have guessed it was a Kingdom of Sardinia sort of situation. Wait a minute. I just realized from the font size Vienna is the capital of Hungary... oh, happy days.

Also, can anyone read the full title given to Great Britain? Some of the words get a bit fuzzy for me, form how tightly packed they are. And anyone have any idea what the EN before dates are supposed to be? The time the republics were established?
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The Nazis didn't invent the Madagascar Plan. It was a much older idea
According to the information I found, neither did the Poles or French. The map says the regions were proposed by the Governor of Madagascar, who looking it up briefly didn't bother to reply to messages about it and waited for Paris to do any organizing, and my googling his name and Madagascar brought me to a link suggesting it was some Jewish group in Poland. Also, the group the Poles sent to investigate the area believed they couldn't even get eight thousand families over their to be settled safely and efficiently, so they dropped the whole plan. This wasn't something like the Nazis trying to destroy all house s in an area to freeze everyone to death, or the various ethnic cleansing in the Anglophonic world that came as settlers kept moving in and turned the lands of locals into farms. This should be considered more like the proposal by the British to settle Assyrians in Guyana so as to prevent the rest of them from being slaughtered by Turks, Kurds, and Arabs as was happening during WWI. They investigated the area, did some tests, and said 'nah, that ain't gonna work'. Though in a rather more official manner, given they were colonial and academic figures working for the British government during WWI. cayla madagaskar&f=false

What year was that plan?
There is info on the Wikipedia page of the Madagascar Plan, giving a timeline on the proposals.
Karel Kramář (ář) was one of leading czech politicians in early 20th century and one of most ardent russophiles. At the outbreak of world war he came with idea of Slavic union, union of Slav countries with Russian tsar (and Bohemian king) as its head. His concept wasn´t unsimilar to other panslavist plans throughout 19th and early 20th century, interesting however were his ideas about Germany. That should loose, besides Prussia, Alsace and maybe even some other bits of Rhineland to France, Holstein-Schleswig and then split in two: "protestant" still dominated by weakened Prussia and catholic, led by Habsburgs, which should including south german states, remnants of Austria, catholic Rhineland and Hanover kingdom.
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Please tell me this is just very, very loose federations, because I can't imagine how uniting the Balkans together would bring peace.
And I do love how Poland is stuffed with basically all of the former Commonwealth of Poland and Lithuania, meaning the Austrians have to give them all of Galicia-Lodomeria, despite how Jews and Rusyns, Ruthenians, and Ukrainians (there were differences between the groups, though some slid into the other) outnumbered them. It also seems that half of Bukovina was given to Poland, leaving the Austrian half of their Dual Monarchy just the tiniest of nubs over there. You would think they would just give it to Romania, maybe with Bessarabia as well. After all, they have a map in the corner showing language/ethnic groups anyways, so they were hardly ignorant of it. Can anyone read a date on the map sometime, to give an idea of when it was printed? There is a 1920 on there, but given the question mark and how WWI ended long before then, I imagine it would be at least five or six years in the future. Really though, this all points to how lazy people could be back in those days when it came to maps. Just find a regular map, then do outlines over it. No need to change colors. Just slice off bits of Turkey