Proposals and War Aims That Didn't Happen Map Thread

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Also, I want to congratulate the genius that thought that a Serbian-Albanian Union would be just fine and that, while Thrace is too much for Greece, they can reclaim Magna Graecia.
How exactly are they determining the ethnicity of each canton? It makes no sense to me.
The ethnicities are already there. It is not as though this is some ASSR which is made to have 98% of one group. Here everyone lives in peace and harmony as arguments are made over why Vienna is named after the patron Saint of Hungary, and why Jews are all deported (yet still a part of the union) and how Sicilians and Appulians (or the ones form the toe, rather than heel) count as Greeks. And is that Spanish Sardinia? Alright, I can see what some of the many problems you had were. The bloody buggers even took Bornholm from Denmark. And I just realized The Hebrew Reich is classified as Slavs.

Should thread marks be created to help prevent reposts?
I recall some images being posted five or six times, a few within days or pages of each other. I think for ones like the one above we can let it slide, as it is a good one we can get discussion out of. I would say most of the current maps from Strange Mapss have already been posted, though. Certainly would like to see some of the old ones, though. Form before they moved to Big Think.
The ethnicities are already there. It is not as though this is some ASSR which is made to have 98% of one group. Here everyone lives in peace and harmony as arguments are made over why Vienna is named after the patron Saint of Hungary, and why Jews are all deported (yet still a part of the union) and how Sicilians and Appulians (or the ones form the toe, rather than heel) count as Greeks. And is that Spanish Sardinia? Alright, I can see what some of the many problems you had were. The bloody buggers even took Bornholm from Denmark. And I just realized The Hebrew Reich is classified as Slavs.
No I mean those colored artillery pieces. I can’t seem to make sense of them.
Aren't these the supposed ethnicities of armed forces, acting in these cantons?
Yep, that would fit the key. Never noticed that was the purpose before.
No I mean those colored artillery pieces. I can’t seem to make sense of them.
Also, it seems that the whole proposal is basically to get everything Deutsch ever controlled into one big conglomerate, with some military frontiers in Russia to apparently protect against them, and buffer states against Muslims everywhere. Including the oddity of the Serbian-Albanian thing that has almost no Serbs. And oddly enough, there is no key for the pink color showing the English, Scandinavians, and Balts. Almost a shame there aren't more Military Frontiers, as it seems like the map is inspired by some loony mixture of Austrian natoinalism and Revolutoinary French Ratoinalism. Of the sort which makes the pro in all map a checkerboard and makes the calendar metric.
How exactly are they determining the ethnicity of each canton? It makes no sense to me.
If I remember correctly, they aren't. The reason the 'kantons' are all long strips of land is because they aren't meant to be based off of ethnicity - the creators (who were pacifists, which makes the presence of what seem to be armies puzzling) thought that this would help create peace.

I may be misremembering, though.
That would make sense, but we're talking eighteenth century empire building-minded European Monarchs, small is not typically in their vocabulary.
Well, 19th, and regardless these colonies would look more like Santo Tomás than the Congo Free State. These were conceived as settler colonies, not economic.