Map Thread XVIII

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This one is in the setting of S.M. Stirling's work 'Conquistador.' Although the book is mostly a high-tech wild-west story, there is some scant mention of the outside world.



In this world, Alexander the Great was lucky enough to leave longer, successful to return to the west to conquer Carthage, and wise enough to know when to quit. Alexandrian Dynasties connected the world from the Bay of Bengal to the Straits of Gibralter for a few centuries as they slowly difted apart. For the next two thousand years, human progress is largely confined to the Middle East. Trade routes extend as far as the British Isles, Madagascar, and the Philippines, but essentially only the core of the Alexandrian Empire ever approaches anything resembling a renaissance-level of development-- spurred on by the invention of the priting press and paper in the 1800s. The Medditerranean and Black Sea perimeters, along with North India, are seen as provincial backwaters of civilization by the Greek-speakers in Mesopotamia, which continues to be the wealthiest and most densely populated part of the world.

One of the biggest factors in this world's apparently slow development has been the destruction of anything resembling our world's Chinese civilization from a very early date. Triggered by a very different situation in Persia, Red and Blonde-haired Tocharian peoples inhabitaing the Xinjiang migrate east. Large-scale invasions into China in the 3rd century B.C. dramatically change the political landscape, including preventing Qin Shi Huangdi from being born. Chinese unification is thus still-born. The Tocharians, like the Anglo-Saxons of our world, are forever referred to by the largest two of their tribes 'Selang' and 'Arsi.' (which are known to specialists in our world as Tocharian B and Tocharian A respectively) Although assimilated into the cultures they conquer (meaning that by modern times, their descendants look very different any culture in our world but would probably still be vaguely Chinese or Korean in appearance, sometimes with brown hair), their language becomes the language of Northern and Central China. They continue to recognize Chinese thinkers like Confucious or Lao Tzu [Actually, since Confucianism does not undergo state-sponsored repression, the ideology grows and develops in different ways but never comes as close to a religion as it did in our world] and fully embrace ancestor worship, but remnants of their chariot-driving twin deities (thunder and lightning) persist. The Horse and Cow take on a prominence not found in our China, leading to China's rather unique taste for pork not forming and rather more dairy products in locals' diets. Both the Selang-Arsi and the Han people they intermix with continue to be clan-oriented in the absence of any large-scale state building projects. As the Selang-Arsi spread north, they assimilate Machus and the peoples of the Korean peninsula.

A second group set of peoples migrates into the North China Plain in period from 200 A.D. to 600 A.D. These are North Iranic Peoples- relatives of the Scythians (whose closest modern-day equivalents in our world would be the Ossetians), populating a region streatching from the Dneiper to the Altai mountains. With a very different Middle East and a partially Hellenized Bactria invading Sogdiania in Central Asia, much of the medieval horse archer steppe horde migrations has gone rather more uniformly west-to-east in this world. Though numbering in hundreds of different tribes (and absoring non-Iranic steppe peoples such as the Turks and Mongols) these people unify on the steppes (referred to by residents of the Middle Lands as the people of 'Kang,' originally a term connotating just Sogdiana). When this land is conquered by the Greek-speaking Bactrians, there is just enough push to bring about a second great migration into the Middle Lands. The Kang leave an even smaller genetic inprint on the Middle Lands, but in the central part of the country (still contested between the Selang-Arsi and the Han) one of the Iranic languages becomes the common tongue of the masses.

The Middle Lands then, are not an Empire. But there is a common civilization of sorts, one which solidifies in the next thousand years. Following Confucius and Lao Tzi, new generations of philosophers write treatistes on harmony, duty, and nature (legalism, meritocratic tests for officials, and bureacracy all remain noticeably absent). The earliest forms of Classical Chinese, though not a spoken language for long, continue to be the primary written language of all the local peoples. Buddhism, Hinduism, Hellenization, and any additional foreign influences, are resisted as the Selang-Arsi, Kang, and Mian (the large Han state that eventually forms in the South) close ranks as the true 'natives' of the Middle Lands.

By 1975, history has moved forward, though rather differently. The Middle Lands remain technologically in the Iron Age, equivalent in the most advanced parts (say, on the *Korean Peninsula) to OTL Rome in the 3rd Century A.D. (and maybe with worse aquaducts and roads), and elsewhere roughly as technologically advanced as ancient Persia. The printing press, paper, and the compass exist, but have only been invented in the Greek Middle East, and this world has nothing along the lines of gunpowder, steel, or windmills. The Selang Arsi and Mian both do have improved wooden-navies scattered across the East China Sea. The Selang Arsi attempted to conquer the even more primitive land of Yamato (ruled by its own God-King), starting in 1555, but after four centuries of conflict and slow-rising up of the natives, the Selang-Arsi have (mostly) been kicked off the islands by angry locals.

In 1975, U.S.-made helicopters which have been transported from another dimension, land down in a small Selang-Arsi fort town at the sight of what in our world would be Beijing. The strange humans exiting them are hailed as gods by some, but the local king quickly realizes that they are at worst potential conquerors and at best potential trade partners...


I quite agree that we're not looking at something like genocide here, and your arguments - like those of @Valdore Javorsky earlier - certainly have merit. I would not discount the possibility that most everyone reacts in a reasonable manner, and that we end up with a Post-Russian Kaliningrad that voluntarily disarms in exchange for substantial EU support (and a road to membership), and which will then be able to receive the Russian refugees from the Arctic territories (as well as those who were abroad during the event, and those who do not wish to live on Sakhalin, which I really think the Japanese would nab - even if 'just' as a protectorate - considering their historical claims.)

But then, there's the more pessimistic outlook. My own take on humanity is that uncertainty tends to bring humans back to more base urges and instincts. Civilisation is certainty, and that is a shell we have built for ourselves. When there is chaos, when there is vast, supernatural change and complete uncertainty ("Are these the End Times?"), I think some people will prove to be heroes... and many others will prove to be quite less than that.

Russia is gone. Russia, which just yesterday was - or seemed to be - on the brink of war with NATO. It is gone. Is this providence? Is this the apocalypse? Is this a sign from God? What is happening?! -- Wait, there are still Russians left. Broadcasts from Sakhalin, emergency signals from the Arctic... and Kaliningrad is still there, receiving no word from Moscow. Over there, panic reigns. Has the West annihilated the Motherland with atomics? Certain military commanders start fiddling nervously with those launch codes they have on them...

In Europe, once the reality of the situation dawns on everyone, it will soon become evident that there is going to be a major problem come winter. Securing "strategic resources" is paramount. Poland and Lithuania will be rather more worried about an imminent threat huddled between them. I can easily see them rolling into Kalingrad, with EU support, offering EU help to rebuild Russia from "the unexplained cataclysm" in exchange for disarmament.

Later on, it will become clear that various other powers are moving into former Russian territory. It would not surprise me if Poland and Lithuania decided on a line of control, and essentially each annexed "their" part of Kalingrad. This does not have to involve killing all Russians, but considering tensions (and potential for worse), both nations may strongly encourage lots of Russians to move to the "Russian Development Zone", where a (much smaller) Russian homeland is being built with extensive NATO and EU support.

I fully expect the EU and NATO to support Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Ukraine and Georgia expanding into former Russian territory (and Belarus, too, if it is smart enough to pivot its allegiance to the West). These countries will likely be offered fast-track entry into the EU and NATO if they behave and cause no problems. "New Russia" will get the same offer, I imagine-- once it's sufficiently rebuilt to even function independently.

Kazakhstan will be ambitious in its claims, probably, which NATO will tolerate as long as Kazakhstan doesn't infringe on the strategic resource-rich regions NATO has prioritised for its own benefit.

In the East, China wll be moving rapidly and ruthlessly, knowing a land-rush when it sees one. Japan will assume conrol over Sakhalin (and the Kurils), partially to keep the Chinese out (thus gaining US backing for it) and partially to get something they've wanted for a long time.

In North-Eastern (ex-)Russia, the USA will likely move in with military force, for keep the Chinese hemmed in and to gain some resources on the cheap.

...and that's pretty much it. That's what I see happening. Without meaning to insult @TheDetailer by appropriating the scenario for another edit... I've cooked up another edit. (Truly, take it as a compliment: this whole ISOT has clearly captured a lot of peoples' attention!)

This mock-up below serves to illustrate what I think the final "outcome" would be. (Map adjusted for SUCK, potential geostrategic effects on the wider world ignored.) I think it's fairly self-explanatory, except maybe the blue area-- which is a NATO-administred "strategic resource area", where oil and gas are being pumped up to supply Europe. In time, the Russians may regain authority over the area (provided satisfactory treaties to supply Europe with oil and gas are signed)... but that's a long way off.

View attachment 407999
That's pretty Russophobic


That's pretty Russophobic

Are you implying that I am Russophobic? (In that case you are apparently incapable of making a distinction between my own opinions - not expressed in the above - and my projections of peoples' behaviour in a specific ISOT scenario.)

Or are you suggesting the premise itself is Russophobic? (In that case, keep in mind that it's just a theoretical exercise, just like every ATL scenario.)

Or are you saying that I portray the actions of certain parties in the scenario as too Russophobic? (In that case, I point out that the POD is 2014, when Russophobia was being stoked pretty hardcore in the sensationalist Western media, and I root my projections at least partially in the mindset-of-the-moment.)
This one is in the setting of S.M. Stirling's work 'Conquistador.' Although the book is mostly a high-tech wild-west story, there is some scant mention of the outside world.



In this world, Alexander the Great was lucky enough to leave longer, successful to return to the west to conquer Carthage, and wise enough to know when to quit. Alexandrian Dynasties connected the world from the Bay of Bengal to the Straits of Gibralter for a few centuries as they slowly difted apart. For the next two thousand years, human progress is largely confined to the Middle East. Trade routes extend as far as the British Isles, Madagascar, and the Philippines, but essentially only the core of the Alexandrian Empire ever approaches anything resembling a renaissance-level of development-- spurred on by the invention of the priting press and paper in the 1800s. The Medditerranean and Black Sea perimeters, along with North India, are seen as provincial backwaters of civilization by the Greek-speakers in Mesopotamia, which continues to be the wealthiest and most densely populated part of the world.

One of the biggest factors in this world's apparently slow development has been the destruction of anything resembling our world's Chinese civilization from a very early date. Triggered by a very different situation in Persia, Red and Blonde-haired Tocharian peoples inhabitaing the Xinjiang migrate east. Large-scale invasions into China in the 3rd century B.C. dramatically change the political landscape, including preventing Qin Shi Huangdi from being born. Chinese unification is thus still-born. The Tocharians, like the Anglo-Saxons of our world, are forever referred to by the largest two of their tribes 'Selang' and 'Arsi.' (which are known to specialists in our world as Tocharian B and Tocharian A respectively) Although assimilated into the cultures they conquer (meaning that by modern times, their descendants look very different any culture in our world but would probably still be vaguely Chinese or Korean in appearance, sometimes with brown hair), their language becomes the language of Northern and Central China. They continue to recognize Chinese thinkers like Confucious or Lao Tzu [Actually, since Confucianism does not undergo state-sponsored repression, the ideology grows and develops in different ways but never comes as close to a religion as it did in our world] and fully embrace ancestor worship, but remnants of their chariot-driving twin deities (thunder and lightning) persist. The Horse and Cow take on a prominence not found in our China, leading to China's rather unique taste for pork not forming and rather more dairy products in locals' diets. Both the Selang-Arsi and the Han people they intermix with continue to be clan-oriented in the absence of any large-scale state building projects. As the Selang-Arsi spread north, they assimilate Machus and the peoples of the Korean peninsula.

A second group set of peoples migrates into the North China Plain in period from 200 A.D. to 600 A.D. These are North Iranic Peoples- relatives of the Scythians (whose closest modern-day equivalents in our world would be the Ossetians), populating a region streatching from the Dneiper to the Altai mountains. With a very different Middle East and a partially Hellenized Bactria invading Sogdiania in Central Asia, much of the medieval horse archer steppe horde migrations has gone rather more uniformly west-to-east in this world. Though numbering in hundreds of different tribes (and absoring non-Iranic steppe peoples such as the Turks and Mongols) these people unify on the steppes (referred to by residents of the Middle Lands as the people of 'Kang,' originally a term connotating just Sogdiana). When this land is conquered by the Greek-speaking Bactrians, there is just enough push to bring about a second great migration into the Middle Lands. The Kang leave an even smaller genetic inprint on the Middle Lands, but in the central part of the country (still contested between the Selang-Arsi and the Han) one of the Iranic languages becomes the common tongue of the masses.

The Middle Lands then, are not an Empire. But there is a common civilization of sorts, one which solidifies in the next thousand years. Following Confucius and Lao Tzi, new generations of philosophers write treatistes on harmony, duty, and nature (legalism, meritocratic tests for officials, and bureacracy all remain noticeably absent). The earliest forms of Classical Chinese, though not a spoken language for long, continue to be the primary written language of all the local peoples. Buddhism, Hinduism, Hellenization, and any additional foreign influences, are resisted as the Selang-Arsi, Kang, and Mian (the large Han state that eventually forms in the South) close ranks as the true 'natives' of the Middle Lands.

By 1975, history has moved forward, though rather differently. The Middle Lands remain technologically in the Iron Age, equivalent in the most advanced parts (say, on the *Korean Peninsula) to OTL Rome in the 3rd Century A.D. (and maybe with worse aquaducts and roads), and elsewhere roughly as technologically advanced as ancient Persia. The printing press, paper, and the compass exist, but have only been invented in the Greek Middle East, and this world has nothing along the lines of gunpowder, steel, or windmills. The Selang Arsi and Mian both do have improved wooden-navies scattered across the East China Sea. The Selang Arsi attempted to conquer the even more primitive land of Yamato (ruled by its own God-King), starting in 1555, but after four centuries of conflict and slow-rising up of the natives, the Selang-Arsi have (mostly) been kicked off the islands by angry locals.

In 1975, U.S.-made helicopters which have been transported from another dimension, land down in a small Selang-Arsi fort town at the sight of what in our world would be Beijing. The strange humans exiting them are hailed as gods by some, but the local king quickly realizes that they are at worst potential conquerors and at best potential trade partners...

Cool, I always thought the idea of a fractured Asia in the shadow of an Alexandrian state stretching from Gibralter to the Ganges was one of Conquestador's coolest ideas.


Are you implying that I am Russophobic? (In that case you are apparently incapable of making a distinction between my own opinions - not expressed in the above - and my projections of peoples' behaviour in a specific ISOT scenario.)

Or are you suggesting the premise itself is Russophobic? (In that case, keep in mind that it's just a theoretical exercise, just like every ATL scenario.)

Or are you saying that I portray the actions of certain parties in the scenario as too Russophobic? (In that case, I point out that the POD is 2014, when Russophobia was being stoked pretty hardcore in the sensationalist Western media, and I root my projections at least partially in the mindset-of-the-moment.)
Ok, I got it, you're politically insane, have a good day
North America 1915-present.


Red: Dominion of Canada
Blue: United States of America
Green: United States of Mexico

POD: Napoleon is captured at the battle of Dresden.

With Napoleon captured at the battle of Dresen, the Sixth coalition was finally victorious against the Emperor of the French. With the war now over in Europe, Britain turned its full attention on her runaway daughter. The second American war was a decisive British victory, the British army led by Arthur Wellesley later 1st Duke of Wellington, swept any significant resistance aside. Now undistracted by the affairs in Europe, Britain strangled the Americans into submission. American guerilla tactics gave the British enough trouble that they didn't try and reannex their former colonies.

Instead in the Treaty of London 1814, Britain took all of Maine, the northern two-thirds of New Hampshire and Vermont, upstate New York between the Hudson River and the source of the Ohio River. The new border would follow Ohio River until it joined the Mississippi. From there the border would go up the Mississippi up to the mouth of the Missouri River and then the Missouri River would mark the Western border between both nations.

The United States would be humbled but would get up and dust itself down and move on. Over the next couple of decades, it would go on to have a strong, stable and expanding economy. The loss of the War of 1812 led to the US pursuing an isolationist policy. It stood by and watched the Spanish colonies revolt. Due to losing land in the Midcontinent, many Americans moved to the south. First filling up Kentucky, Tennesee, Mississippi, and Alabama. Then crossing the Mississippi River into Arkansas, Lousiana, and Missouri. The southern expansion of the American settlers led to border disputes with Spain and later Mexico. In the Adams Onis treaty of 1819 put the western Border of the USA between the Sabine, Red and Arkansas Rivers and gave the US Florida.

But Mexican independence led to more disputes, in the end, both nations settled their borders in 1822 in the Agustín-Monroe treaty. The Mexicans accepted the Rio Grande River up to its source, then straight North the new border, in return for 6 million dollars.

The final Border adjustment of the 19th century took place in 1842 and 1860. In 1842, the UK, USA, and Mexico signed the treaty of New York. Which set the final border between all three nations. The most contentious points of the treaty were the US-Canadian border. the Americans wanted to follow the Missouri river, but in the end, the Border would follow the Platte river until it reached the 42nd parallel North. The 42 parallel would also become the border between Columbia and Mexico.

Final border change would be the creation of the Dominion of Canada, after the Purchase of Alaska from Russia, Britain decided to take a step back from the governance of North America and merged the colony of Canada and Columbia to form the Dominion of Canada, an independent nation in domestic policy, but one still subservient to the UK in international affairs. Canda would annex Greenland and Iceland from Denmark in 1915, after occupying the islands a year earlier when Denmark joined Britain's enemies in the great war.

Fact sheet.

Name: Canada.
System: Federal, Democratic Parliamentary, Monarchy
Population: 132 million - 11th
GDP: £3300 billion - 3rd
Per capita: £25000 - 11th

Name: the United States of America
System: Federal, Democratic Republic
Population: 178 million - 9th
GDP: £4272 billion - 2nd
Per capita: £24000 - 14th

Name: the United States of Mexico
System: Federal, Democratic Republic
Population: 163 million - 8th
GDP: £2542 billion - 10th
Per capita: £15600 - 21st
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This one is in the setting of S.M. Stirling's work 'Conquistador.' Although the book is mostly a high-tech wild-west story, there is some scant mention of the outside world.

Excellent! Although I must express some doubts about the original scenario: this was the warring states period after all, warfare was the ruling classes normal activity rather something that a bureaucratic elite looks upon with disdain, and the various major proto-Chinese states were fielding huge (by the standards of the time) armies. The Tocharians carrying all before them is a bit iffy.
I love this so, so much. Can you give a tiny outline of the timeline? What type of government does this state have? How much of the population is English speaking? What was the impetus to colonize Taiwan?

So, I have a pretty strong outline to around ~1800, with a lot less confidence to the present day

England has more miscarriages in the Americas, and the diplomacy in India is shakier, with significantly less brilliant concessions. Their trade mission to Japan goes much more swimmingly. The Dutch, on the wings of a butterfly, manage to yoink Macau out from under the Portuguese. The English in turn set up base in Taiwan, and with negligible American holdings begin searching for things to trade with China and Japan. In this world, thusly both the European presence in the Sea Cucumber trade, and the Pacific Maritime Fur trade arise a century early (1650s ish). Trading with various Pacific Northwest people brings things like metallurgy, firearms, and potatoes to the Coastal Salish People. In spite of epidemics, the population begins to grow rapidly, intensifying trade in the Northwest Pacific region and accelerating political developments.

When the fur trade is exhausted in the Pacific, the OTL Duwamish peoples begin consolidating a trade empire on the interior, forming a more imperial structure. Though initially very powerful, as furs deplete, the state becomes more shaky. Even as the Empire collapses, the remnant states are very powerful, and have left a cultural legacy that the English are happy to step into (to surround Spanish territories, etc.) So the English sign various treaties with these groups for protectorates and resource extraction, ala the British Raj. Though there are normal settlers tilling the land and establishing communities apart from the natives, a lot are workers, lumberjacks, miners, etc. who quickly catch on to Chinook wawa and begin to understand themselves to be one part of the people of the Salmon-lands (Samenilia, perhaps). Lots of Irish, Chinese, Hawaiian, and Fijian laborers making their presence in the region.

It acquired more land in wars with French, Dutch, and Spanish speaking countries to the East and South. Other English possessions are offered to join Samenilia, and only OTL Taiwan joins, under the pressure of Chinese and Pacific Islanders in the country looking to expand electoral influence. I'd imagine Samenilia borrows a parliamentary system from the English, and either has parties with strong ethnic allegiances (like OTL Malaysia or Trinidad and Tobago) or even something similar to the Maori electorates.
Excellent! Although I must express some doubts about the original scenario: this was the warring states period after all, warfare was the ruling classes normal activity rather something that a bureaucratic elite looks upon with disdain, and the various major proto-Chinese states were fielding huge (by the standards of the time) armies. The Tocharians carrying all before them is a bit iffy.

It's possible their initial conquests were also in the vein of the Anglo-Saxons or perhaps the Normans - first as mercenaries, then as immigrants, finally as conquerors.
The Empire of Ireland the day before WWII.
No real story. Just posting a really mediocre map here because why not.

I have one big recommendation to lift this map from mediocre to great: convergent borders (and, well, butterfly nets like "WWII")

The specific state boundaries in North America are, in several cases, completely arbitrary, though if your PoD is late enough, you could keep some or most of them.

Your Mideast though...the boundaries of the Mandate of Palestine and the Mandate for Syria and various internal states are, which not completely arbitrary, quite so. The big straight lines are all drawn through desert and could vary quite a bit, and while you have no way of knowing this you've done a lot of research, the northern boundary of western ("Cisjordan") Palestine was laid out by a British survey team who were kinda sorta maybe following a line connecting Jewish settlements, but maybe kinda not really.

Changing the boundaries just a little - the new ones can also be pretty arbitrary - makes the resulting map look much less "meh" and much more awesome.
Evtania is located in the southern North Sea, between Britain, Norway, Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands.

Its people, the Evtanians, are believed to be one the oldest peoples in Europe. Their language has very vague similarities with Basque and some Caucasian languages. Linguists believe that the Evtanian language is a direct descendant of pre-Indoeuropean languages of northwestern central europe.
The Evtanian language is a conservative language. More than 2/3 (67,52%) of it has roots of close languages and dialects, spoken on the island before the arrival of the indoeuropean speakers in Europe.
Other influences are:
Pictish (12,44%),
Nordic (8,5%),
Celtic (there are both insular and continental Celtic influences - 4,18%),
Paleo-Britannic (meaning pre-Indoeuropean Britannic - 2,78%),
other central european pre-IE languages (1,67%),
Latin (1,13%)
Greek (0,9%)
and influences of other languages (mostly Dutch and (Lower) German - 0,88%)
During the 17th and 18th century, Evtanian was believed to be relative to Hungarian, because the sounding/ the melody of Evtanian reminds one to Hungarian. But in fact, Evtanian and Hungarian are no relative languages, also not far relative. The similarities in the sounding of both languages are pure coincidence.

Evtania has massive resources of oil and coal. It also has a lot of other natural resources like rare earth elements, gold, silver, tin, copper, iron and uranium.
This made and makes the country a trading partner in great demand, which made the country very rich.
The country`s industry is strong and its products have a very good reputation in the world and have a very similar quality as German products have.

Socially, the Evtanians are a lot of different from the rest of Europe. Their society comes from a paleo-european neolithic one, in which women and men were totally equal. That concept continued until today, even through the dark medieval age. Women are not just absolutely equal to men, about 45% of their leaders during the last 2.000 years were women.

Historically, Evtania has been tried to get conquered by the Angles and Saxones, the Vikings, the Dutch, the British and the French. None of them could ever bring the whole island under its control.

20180914  Evtania.png

Project I've been working on for a while. Don't really have an aim or direction for it, just kind of a sandbox for ideas and worldbuilding (more specifically, historybuilding). As always, any tips or feedback would be greatly appreciated.
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View attachment 408148
Project I've been working on for a while. Don't really have an aim or direction for it, just kind of a sandbox for ideas and worldbuilding (more specifically, historybuilding). As always, any tips or feedback would be greatly appreciated.

To give a bit of context to this:

Obviously, its loosely based on the history of the British Isles (though I plan on bringing in some more Japanese influences later on). There are two major cultural groups - the Himbra-Cantones (analogous to the Anglo-Saxons) and the Gen Myr (Celts/Irish). Himbren is similar to England, the upper kingdom in the Kingdom of the Dahlese Islands. Dahlen, Ainen, and Surden are all ruled by Dukes (or Duchesses), nobility that is subordinate to the crown of Himbren. Miren was a later addition to the Kingdom as it was carved out of the historic Kingdom of Gen Myr. The title of Prince was bestowed on the ruler of Miren to appease its peoples, but hierarchically the Prince of Miren is on the same level as the rest of the Dukes.

Isaac Beach

17 year old boy (Gasparu Cantoni) and 19 year old girl (Gnese Negroni) apprehended by Assistente Sallaveri and Agente Vincenty at Santa Ghjulia Stazione in Central Aiacciu. Officers were alerted to the suspects defacing a Corsican train map with red paint and proceeded to apprehend them. Negroni is already known to police as a simpatizzante with the Esèrcitu Industriale di Corsica (EIC) and has been charged previously with rioting, but was discharged with a formal warning. Cantoni is new meat, and told Sallaveri and Vincenty that Negroni seduced him into the misbehavior. The officers were skeptical and both youths were detained at Aiacciu Commissariat di Polizia and their parents notified.

Rapportu di sustintamentu #205101, 11/06/2020, Cuntrollu Stazione Tumasgiu Bettolace.

NOTE: Please forgive my horrible Corsican.

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