Proposals and War Aims That Didn't Happen Map Thread

On the topic of Arabistan on the last page, that is an actual region of Persia, that wasn't something the map author made up...

But that Arabistan contains basically none of Arabistan so...
I - United States​

I suspect it's an official rump state based on having Washington, Philadelphia, and New York - the triple historical capitals - and being the Mid-Atlantic core, which is frequently called the "most American" region of the east coast vs the Southern States from VA downwards and New England having much stronger local identities vs the Mid-Atlantic's identity always being based on "sorta just there". :p
Grouping hypothetical balkanized states together by political or cultural similarities? Nah.

Grouping hypothetical balkanized states together in random lumps based on nearby powers? Perfect.
From reading the article, it seems like the guy who made the map didn't know that much about American culture.

Alcsentre Calanice

Gone Fishin'
While not an actual claim, I thought this image I found in old cartoons would make an interesting map, even though it would be more likely the Germans went for Fiume. A world with a German plurality Trieste would have been interesting, though.

On the bottom left the gay Nazi stereotype?
Not a full-on proposal or war aim, but I remember that, back in 2016, young lil Bennett tried to predict the future of North America. Needless to say, it was pretty stupid because I was about thirteen years old and didn't know how geopolitics worked, but here it is:
Apparently it was a tiny bit more complex, but not by much.
@Bennett it was apparently published in 1985, but the source is shady. Arguably, the whole ultra-libanization of the map would come from contemporary events.
Having Lebanon split in two certainly makes more sense than both halves being swallowed by Israel, which would just lenthgtehn their border and cause even greater rifts with local Christian and Shia groups. Oddly enough though, I bought the Alawife state was further south.
Not a full-on proposal or war aim, but I remember that, back in 2016, young lil Bennett tried to predict the future of North America. Needless to say, it was pretty stupid because I was about thirteen years old and didn't know how geopolitics worked, but here it is:
Foolish? Perhaps. But at that age most kids don't know the islands north and west of Quebec are all owned by Nunavut. The rest is fairly standard stuff. Do you rememeber what you thought process with Coahuila was? You found old maps showing both them and Texas as part of the same province?
Foolish? Perhaps. But at that age most kids don't know the islands north and west of Quebec are all owned by Nunavut. The rest is fairly standard stuff. Do you rememeber what you thought process with Coahuila was? You found old maps showing both them and Texas as part of the same province?
Coahuila was probably because I thought the Rio Grande Republic still had, like, relevance and shit.
Yes, the only aspect I think will still happen: VERMONTEXIT 2020
Gonna make a WorldA outta this tomorrow: Francisco de Miranda's vision of a united Latin America:

Ignore the right side, that's Bolivar's poor meeting trying to get it to happen.