Let The Eagle Scream!

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Presidential Briefing: United Kingdom
Ok folks! Here's my attempts to get back into the groove of writing after my break:

Presidential Briefing: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland


Introduction: Mr. President, as you obviously know, the United Kingdom is the most dangerous threat the United States faces today. With their unmitigated aggression in Afghanistan, Iran, Arabia, Iraq, Ethiopia, Turkey, Ireland and Thailand, John Bull has been an alarmingly belligerent bastard these past few years, and things only seem poised to get worse.

Politics: The dominant force in British politics is the English Nationalist (IngNat for short) and Tory alliance. This is best demonstrated with the close relationship between IngNat leader and Prime Minister George Orwell and First Lord of the Admiralty Winston Churchill. Out of all the Unitist movements, these IngNat freaks are by far the craziest. Picture an aristocratic KKK with the resources of the world's largest Empire. Until the IngNat poison is expelled from the British political system, the UK will continue to be a threat.

Economy: Orwell may be a bastard, but his warmongering streak is certainly good for employment. The British economy is recovering quite well from the Crash thanks to the conscription of thousands of young men into the armed forces, along with the revival of the arms industry and large public works. How long this can last is anyone's guess, but it has certainly boosted his popularity. However, the British war machine is a ravenous beast, and their aggression in the Middle East is in large part due to a craving for oil. If we can target key resources in a potential conflict, the British economy could collapse overnight.

Military: Britannia does still rule the waves, albeit not as securely as she used to. The Royal Navy is still the largest on Earth, with the good ol US of A in a somewhat close second place. Luckily for us, in the event of a total war our navy can expand much larger than the Royal Navy could ever hope. The Royal Air Force is a new invention, and something to look out for. We have yet to devise anything similar, which is a national security risk. The RAF is cool, collected, and experienced. More importantly, they are absolutely ruthless, and have accumulated truly staggering quantities of chemical weapons. Countering the RAF should be priority #1.

Racial Policies: Even by Unitist standards, British racial policies are.... extreme. The government has committed itself to ethnic cleansing where possible and exploitation where practical. So, in India for instance, things haven't gotten too much worse for the average Indian, due to the sheer numbers involved. In South Africa, Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Kenya, and Rhodesia, government encouraged ethnic violence has exploded, especially in South Africa and Ireland. Estimates of innocent casualties in these massacres reach into the tens of thousands. There are also ridiculous rumors circulating that Orwell's government has a "Final Plan" to deal with large swathes of the Empire's colored population via planned famine and starvation. However, no civilized people could be capable of such barbarity, could they?

Alliances: The British are currently the de facto leaders of an informal alliance of Unitist powers around the world. They are certainly the closest with the Japanese, who they view as "Asian Britons." The Brits also get on well enough with the Greeks, Serbians and Portuguese. The relationship with Spain is cordial, but not particularly close. The French and the British are having a bit of a tough time, as the two powers are jockeying for position in the Unitist world. More alarmingly, reports have indicated that the Russians and British have entered into secret dealings and pacts. If true, this means that the two most repressive regimes in the world have gone into cahoots. Given the amount of resources and people these two regimes control, even the specter of an alliance is terrifying. We can only hope that their competing ambitions drive them apart.

British Goals: The ultimate goal of the British is to restore their Empire to its 1914 borders, and seize more territory. It is currently believed that if the Brits got their way, the 1914 colonial territories would be restored, Germany would lose its African holdings, they would dominate the Middle East, regain their colonial territories in the Western Hemisphere, and possibly take a bite out of Argentina. Needless to say, this would be unacceptable.

Basic War Plan: A condensed vision of any potential conflict of Britain is simple to understand. Priority #1 would be removing Canada from the picture. The first stage of this would be eliminating any RAF assets in Canada. They are well within bombing range of Boston, New York, Chicago, and even Washington itself. After these assets were destroyed, an invasion of the country has to commence. If done correctly, Canada can be under American occupation in 6-8 months. Priority #2 is squeezing India. India is a massive source of labor and material for the British war machine. The Brits also have a deep emotional attachment to owning the subcontinent. Threatening British power there will be a great way to bog down resources that could be used elsewhere. Plus, in the event India breaks away, the Empire would be severely crippled. Priority #3 is strangling British trade. The Home Isles are densely populated and small. They depend on massive imports of food and other materials to survive. If these are eliminated, the British will be forced to sue for peace, or starve to death. While this might seem cruel, it is the easiest way to conclude a war quickly and easily.


Picture of First Lord of the Admiralty Churchill and Russian Supreme Director Josef Stalin meeting for reasons unknown
Murica with Geroge Orwell the being the face of British fascism, I feel that Oswald Mosley should probblay be the liberal democratic guy that Roosevelt installs in London after the war. Post WW2 Mosley was a n adovacte of Unitng Western Europe under Britian prefer he would me may advocate having Britian America. Perhaps he rights this universe's veriosn of 1984. Or maybe it should be writen By Hittler. If Hittler writes it it should porbally be a gharpic novel. Somebody suggested Hittler interdoucing american style superheroe comics to Germany


Monthly Donor
Welcome back! To harken your return, here's my two cents here:

Picture of First Lord of the Admiralty Churchill and Russian Supreme Director Josef Stalin meeting for reasons unknown

Stalin must have never found himself involved in leftist politics ITTL for him to have such a high rank on Holy Russia, let alone (presumably) becoming Denikin's successor(?).

What is it with Fascist and Communist Britain stories that have Blair become the very thing(s) he hated?

Probably an appreciation of irony on the part of the author, perhaps?

The Union of Britain in Kaiserreich: Legacy of the Weltkrieg is a syndicalist (radical left-wing trade union-run not dictatorial) nation. Oswald Mosley in that universe can attempt to be elected leader of this nation and centralize power and all the stuff an autocrat would want to do. Eric Blair (pen name George Orwell IOTL) is his right-hand man in some of this, but if Mosley goes too far in this Blair becomes disillusioned and leads a coup against him and adoots beliefs similar to his OTL counterpart.

Orwell, for reference and for those unaware, got a lot of his anti-authoritarian beliefs from his own experiences in the Spanish Civil War IOTL.
Presidential Briefing: The Union of Orthodox Christian States
Presidential Briefing: The Union of Orthodox Christian States


Introduction: The Russians are Public Enemy No. 3, only exceeded by Great Britain and Japan, and are somehow even more despicable. In the years since their "Holy Revolution," the UOCS has become a terrifyingly violent, totalitarian state. Containing the spread of Russian power must remain a top priority.

Politics: Today's UOCS is run by a theocratic Supreme Director who also functions as the Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church. The current Supreme Director is, as you well know, Josef Stalin. A vicious, paranoid little bastard, Stalin has been rounding up thousands of suspected "heathens, traitors, Bolsheviks, and sodomites" and placing them in gulags. Although there are plenty of generals fed up with Stalin, they're too scared to rebel. The only hope we have of weakening the nation's political structure would be to sow division among the old loon's probable successors. Until then, Russia will be a terrifying totalitarian menace to all mankind.

Ideology: The Russia of today is guided by the ideology of "Stalinist Orthodoxy." The ideology is part Russian nationalist/revanchist, part radical religious fundamentalist, and part personality cult. The official line holds that the Russian people are God's Chosen People, and that it is their divine right to spread their "uniquely Christian" culture across the globe. Stalin is essentially viewed as something of a "Russian Christ" who will lead the nation to a holier, greater existence. There is quite the crusading element to Stalinist Orthodoxy, with state media fantasizing about "removing the Jews, Masons and Mohammedeans from the Holy Land."

Economics: Stalin might be crazy, but he isn't stupid. When he isn't busy murdering thousands in fits of paranoia, he has deftly used his power as an absolute autocrat to modernize backward Russia. While they are certainly not as modern as the US, their heavy industry is nothing to sneeze at. This also serves to allow the Ruskies to equip a sizeable standing army, which is good for absolutely no one.

Military: The Unionite Military is formed of a backbone of well trained and equipped Russian soldiers, combined with massive numbers of conscripts. These conscripts are treated as completely disposable, but we'll be damned if there aren't millions of em. The UOCS Navy is unimpressive, and will likely remain so for the near future. A helpful note is that thanks to "Holy" Stalin's paranoia, most of their best officers are 6 feet under.

Alliances: The UOCS has essentially alienated everyone. Most of their "allies" are Islamic puppet states that they have a mutually beneficial relationship with. There are frightening rumors of Anglo-Russian cooperation, but they remain unsubstantiated. For the most part, Russia stands alone against the world.

Russian Ambitions: The end goal for the Orthodoxers is simple, yet enormous: Eurasian hegemony. In their vision, Russia would reclaim it's former territories in Eastern Europe, including Poland, Finland, Ukraine, the Baltics, and more. The rest of Europe would be placed under a variety of puppet regimes, who would report to Moscow. The Middle East would be under direct control, with the eventual hope of destroying Islam, if not the actual Arabs themselves. Asia would be drawn into a variety of alliances and client state arrangements, except Manchuria (which would be annexed outright). Needless to say, confronting the Russians as they try and spread should keep them hemmed in.

Basic War Plan: In the event of war with the UOCS, our top priority should be mobilizing as many troops as we can. The Russians are unafraid to throw millions of disposable soldiers at a problem, and if we don't have sufficient numbers, they could easily succeed. Gaining total control of the Bering Strait is also key. The Ruskies will likely try to invade Alaska out of revanchism, and destroying their invasion fleet will be a great way to cripple their war effort. If an invasion is required to end the war, it would be best to invade at the end of winter, and to seize as much Siberian oil as possible. Without that precious resource, Russia grinds to a halt. Attacking their supplies of oil in the Mid East should also be a priority in this case. Advancing on to Moscow, however, should not be. The Ruskies are fanatical, and taking Moscow has never worked for anyone.


A portrait of Stalin produced by the Kremlin for propaganda. The unseen caption reads "Holy Supreme Director Stalin Leads Russia Towards A New Christian Era!"
Welcome back! To harken your return, here's my two cents here:

Stalin must have never found himself involved in leftist politics ITTL for him to have such a high rank on Holy Russia, let alone (presumably) becoming Denikin's successor(?).

Probably an appreciation of irony on the part of the author, perhaps?

The Union of Britain in Kaiserreich: Legacy of the Weltkrieg is a syndicalist (radical left-wing trade union-run not dictatorial) nation. Oswald Mosley in that universe can attempt to be elected leader of this nation and centralize power and all the stuff an autocrat would want to do. Eric Blair (pen name George Orwell IOTL) is his right-hand man in some of this, but if Mosley goes too far in this Blair becomes disillusioned and leads a coup against him and adoots beliefs similar to his OTL counterpart.

Orwell, for reference and for those unaware, got a lot of his anti-authoritarian beliefs from his own experiences in the Spanish Civil War IOTL.

Thanks for the warm welcome back Aero! As for Stalin, if I recall correctly, he studied to be a priest IOTL before abandoning his studies. If he merely continued on that course before becoming involved with the Whites, he could very easily wind up where he is, given his ruthlessness


Monthly Donor
Syndie sum or a Longist rabble rouser?

Better red than dead!

(As long as you aren't for a putsch by MacArthur then we should, theoretically, be okay. :p If it's any comfort I lean towards being somewhere between a radsoc and a syndie; not much of a fan of Totalism here.)

Thanks for the warm welcome back Aero! As for Stalin, if I recall correctly, he studied to be a priest IOTL before abandoning his studies. If he merely continued on that course before becoming involved with the Whites, he could very easily wind up where he is, given his ruthlessness

You're welcome! I can only imagine getting ready for college is tough, but I've still a year to go, fortunately (or unfortunately, depending on how one sees it). As for the Georgian "Communist" Theocrat, aside from his ideology he's still pretty much the same, with all the authoritarian goodness that comes with it, like

Stalinist Orthodoxy
busy murdering thousands in fits of paranoia
variety of puppet regimes who would report to Moscow

I am looking forward to see how this alternate World War II unfolds!
Presidential Briefing: The German Empire
This chapter is going to mess with you a bit.

Presidential Briefing: The German Empire


Introduction: The German Empire as of today is the most powerful nation in Europe, and the world. Luckily for us, they're also a pretty dependable friend.

Politics: Today, Germany is under the control of one Chancellor Adolf Hitler, in conjunction with the aging but still kicking Kaiser Wilhelm. Hitler is the Austrian born, Munich raised son of an Army Sargent and a Vienna Jew. He was a bona fide hero on both European fronts, earning the Iron Cross. He then went on to marry minor Prussian nobility. Politically, he's moderately conservative, pro-Imperialism, and extremely anti-Unitist. He was sounding the alarm about Orwell when the rest of the world thought appeasement might work. Keeping Herr Hitler happy is a priority for the indefinite future, even though we don't want to get involved in the current war. For small talk, ask about his highly renowned watercolor landscapes or his Indian travels.

Economy: The German economy is a force to be reckoned with. With control over vast tracts of rich African and Asian lands, the Germans have plenty of cheap raw materials. Even better, their Eastern European "allies" (clients) are essentially a captive market for German goods. In many areas, the Germans actually outperform us (for now). They're also our biggest single trading partner, so keeping them happy is a good idea.

Military: The German military is a powerful, well oiled machine. Currently in possession of the world's 3rd largest navy, the extremely powerful Luftwaffe, and quite possibly the most elite and powerful army in world history. Taking down Germany in a potential conflict would be a nightmare.

German Ambitions: The Germans are currently a people riding high on imperial grandeur. This means that many Germans have ambitions of further conquest. The most radical visionaries would see Germany colonize its Eastern clients, annex most of the Middle East, seize India, and break off chunks of South America. The last part of that list is the most concerning. Chancellor Hitler has assured us that Germany will not interfere in the Western Hemisphere, but German migration to Argentina in particular is troubling. The more popular (and realistic) plans for expansion include seizing Egypt and the Sudan from Britain, Algeria from France, and perhaps Korea or Formosa from Japan.

German-American Friendship: The German-American alliance is the most important political relationship in the world today. This bond is forged on blood ties and cultural values. Indeed, our supposed "Teutonic Character" is used by the German government as proof of the supposed superiority of the German people. Culturally, we admire them and they admire us. American conservatives, admire Germany as an orderly society, where everyone works hard and knows their place. Southerners have heavily romanticized the Prussian aristocracy in much the same way that they romanticized their planter class, as "a race of gallant knights, fierce warriors, proud matrons, and beautiful fair maidens." German liberals view America's less rigid social system and ethnic harmony as an ideal future for Germany, while German conservatives admire our "typically Teutonic" patriotism and military prowess. Let's hope this mutual admiration stays around for a long while.

Basic War Plan: In the unlikely and unfortunate event of a war with Germany, the Joint Board has drawn up plans for the sake of preparation. The key would be crippling the German navy would be our best shot. The US Navy is still larger than the German one, and could quickly expand in a total war. Another key component would be getting Liberia on board so they could attack German colonies and funnel weapons to disgruntled natives. Beyond that, there isn't too much we can do, short of invading Africa.


Chancellor Hitler before a speech. The Chancellor is wearing his signature armband, which bears an Indian symbol for good luck. He adopted the symbol after a talisman bearing it stopped a bullet meant for him.
Better red than dead!

(As long as you aren't for a putsch by MacArthur then we should, theoretically, be okay. :p If it's any comfort I lean towards being somewhere between a radsoc and a syndie; not much of a fan of Totalism here.)

You're welcome! I can only imagine getting ready for college is tough, but I've still a year to go, fortunately (or unfortunately, depending on how one sees it). As for the Georgian "Communist" Theocrat, aside from his ideology he's still pretty much the same, with all the authoritarian goodness that comes with it, like

I am looking forward to see how this alternate World War II unfolds!

Be prepared to buy a lot of dorm stuff, lol!

Oh yeah, Stalin is still the same psychotic autocrat we all know and love, just religious instead of Communist.

I'm going to start WWII somewhat soon. I'm writing all these briefings first to dust off my writing and to try and get into the "minds" of all the major players, if that makes sense.
I could see a lot of Northern and Midwesterners in the US being very proud of their German heritage. Southerners would still be more romantic Anglo-Celtic. The German military, being successful and wealthy would be more traditional minded and less likely to try crazy ideas like their American cousins.
I could see a lot of Northern and Midwesterners in the US being very proud of their German heritage. Southerners would still be more romantic Anglo-Celtic. The German military, being successful and wealthy would be more traditional minded and less likely to try crazy ideas like their American cousins.

Oh yeah, plenty of Northerners, and especially Midwesterners will be very proud of their Germanic heritage. Especially if they have Prussian ancestors, who are a "German's German."

The South romanticizes the Junkers, alongside the Scottish Highlanders and the English aristocrats. The English will fall out of favor after the War (for obvious reasons). I could also see other European nobility and warrior cultures being idolized by the South. It's basically their version of OTL's love affair with the Antebellum planters, since idolizing them like OTL would be a great way for them to be accused of treason.

I think delving into all of these sorts of things could be a really interesting chapter. I'll have to get some ideas together.
Remember however that durning world war 1 in this timeline that all these regional divides were squashed and local German dialects creating only a American identity


Monthly Donor
This chapter is going to mess with you a bit.

"A bit", I feel, is quite an understatement. Let The Eagle Scream!, while not implausible, is definitely playing a bit more towards the Rule of Cool rather than hard realism. And it's not a criticism (unless realism is what you were aiming for), but I'm just a little observant and I'm getting a good kick out of this.

If only I could find the motivation to make multiple updates to a TL per day.

Oh yeah, plenty of Northerners, and especially Midwesterners will be very proud of their Germanic heritage. Especially if they have Prussian ancestors, who are a "German's German."


I think delving into all of these sorts of things could be a really interesting chapter. I'll have to get some ideas together.

That, and Irish-American Heritage would be something interesting to look at, especially when you consider Orwell's Britain and the implications of what will probably happen to them.

Relations postwar between Britain and Ireland MIGHT be closer to OTL's Japan-Korea relationship, but that depends on how the United States and the German Empire feel about the partitioning of the Unitist powers in the postwar world. (Not to mention Russia's interests, too.)