Photos of the Kaiserreich

What are all the conflicts that could play out? I want to spread them out between 1936 and 2000 to ensure that things are happening so it isn't just peace.
What are all the conflicts that could play out? I want to spread them out between 1936 and 2000 to ensure that things are happening so it isn't just peace.
hard to say as to all but you could easily move some of the conflicts Egypt has in 0.6 to the future, such as between Iran or Arabia(depending on whom the side with), conflicts in their southern Sudan region, and the Ethiopian empire. The latter of which could easily be moved to a cold war expy especially if you got Mittleafrika going boom, what with the both realms looking to ally with local warlords and kingdoms and so on. :)
hard to say as to all but you could easily move some of the conflicts Egypt has in 0.6 to the future, such as between Iran or Arabia(depending on whom the side with), conflicts in their southern Sudan region, and the Ethiopian empire. The latter of which could easily be moved to a cold war expy especially if you got Mittleafrika going boom, what with the both realms looking to ally with local warlords and kingdoms and so on. :)
An Ethiopian Egyptian war gives me late 70s early 80s vibes. Indochina kicks out Germany only to be intervened by Japan, similar events happen in German Asian territories contributing to cold war. Afghan Indian war, MittelAfrika war to dispose Goering, second Russo Japanese war That's all I can think of
@ThatOneGuy i like the way you set up that particular post!




The Battle of Dehli City, the largest battle of the 1971 Diwali Offensive was a major conflict occurring during the climax of The South Asian War, A 10 year conflict involving the military forces of the Combined Syndicates of America, the Syndicalist Union of Britain, The United Communes of Australasia, and the Bharatiya Commune, fighting against the forces of the United Kingdom of the Indian Raj, aided by the forces of the Riechspakt, primarily the powers of Qing China and Imperial Germany. Although the battle ended in a crushing Syndicalist victory, with only around 4000 Syndintern casualties, the majority of them wounded, as opposed to over 57000 Imperial casualties, the majority of whom were killed in action, the brutal fighting recorded by war correspondents helped turn public opinion in Britain, Australasia, and America towards returning the troops from aiding the Bharatiya Commune, resulting in a stalemate that allowed the Indian Raj to gain the upper hand on the surrounded Bharatiya Commune in later decades.

The battle began on October 22nd, 1971, when 10000 men of the Imperial Army of the Raj, aided by over 80000 members of the Assam Rifle Frontier Militia, wrested control of the city of Dehli from the forces of the Bhaarat Liberation Army during the opening stages of the Diwali Offensive. The Syndicalist peacekeeping forces in the nation, mostly comprised of British, American, and Australasian military personnel, quickly counter-attacked with a multi-national force comprised mostly of the American 1st Marine Division, the British 1st Red Guard Division (Grenadier) and the Australasian 1st Cavalry Division, aided by elements of the Bharatiya Communal Army. What followed was a brutal battle of close quarters combat, as the Marines, Red Guards, and Armored Cavalrymen took the city back block by block, inflicting casualty ratios of over 14:1 on their Imperial opponents, eventually taking the city back by early December 1971. Despite the Diwali Offensive being a major military defeat for the Raj, almost completely sapping the Assam Rifles of their combat ability for the rest of the South Asian War, it had a profound effect on the American and Allied governments and shocked the citizenry of those countries, which had been led to believe by its political and military leaders that the Raj was being defeated and incapable of launching such an ambitious military operation. The "Christmas of Blood" that followed in the aftermath of the Offensive, where the thousands of British, American, Australian, and Allied Military casualties were revealed to the people of the Syndintern, support for the war in India waned considerably, and the foreign militaries of the Syndicalist Internationale were pulled out of South Asia by Fall 1973.

Photo 1: National Republic Marine Corps Infantry secure an apartment block in Dehli.
Photo 2: NRMC personnel evacuate wounded civilians from the combat zone.
Photo 3: An Australian United Communes Red Army soldier surveys the environment during a patrol.
US Marines in the Philippines.jpg

US Marines in the Philippines, 1978. The US entry into the Great Pacific War shocked the Japanese and their allies, who were weakened following the Entente's Operation Titan. American ships and troops overwhelmed isolated Japanese posts in the Pacific, even retaking the heavily fortified Fiji Islands. By mid-1978, American troops were landing on Luzon, pushing toward Manila while the Japanese attempted to stave off the American advance. These attempts were undermined by Filipino guerrillas, as the population rose up against the Japanese colonial government, aiding American and Entente forces by sabotaging Japanese supply lines and destroying vital infrastructure throughout the islands. By January 1980, the Japanese Imperial Army had been reduced to a series of holdouts in northern Luzon after losing the Battle of Manila.
Since no one is posting

Saʿūd bin Abdulaziz Al Rashid, first sultan of The United Arab Emirates (1940-1955)
After a 3 year struggle against the Sauds and the wahhabi muslim warriors, Sa'ud bin Abdulaziz, along with the arab houses of al-nahyan, Al-sabah, Howleitat, a rashid, and the renowned hashimite family, spent six months drafting the Arab constitution and eventually founding the United Arab Emirates.
Sa'ud bin Abdulaziz‘S rule would see the wahhabism be scrubbed off the face of the middle east, and solidifying the UAE’s position as a major non aligned power along with Qing China and India in the cold war between the Eurasian Alliance and the international
My timeline is actually more moderate than what I said but it's not peaceful. Here's a list of wars that I could think of
West African Civil War

Entente peacekeepers secure the port regions of Abidjan, Union of West Africa, 1991

The with the French Civil War and the rise of the Commune of France, millions of Republican French fled to the Francophone colonies in Algeria. However with the end of the Second Welt Krieg and the division of France between Entente and German Spheres of influence, as well as lingering Syndicalist sympathies. Many French citizens were forced to stay in the colonies, with later generations adopting a Francophone identity, decolonization would result in French West Africa being consolidated as the Union of West Africa. However tension between native Africans, Algerians and Colonials would remain high under the white dominated government. Further concessions would be given over time as more Africans were appointed positions, however they were rarely popular and accused of being European puppets.

The West African War started on December 24th, 1987 when the National Patriotic Front led by Charles Taylor initiated a military coup against the Samuel Doe, the first African president of the UWA during his reelection night. The war officially ended in 1997 when the last NPF cell in the Saharan desert was eradicated, but for the last 10 years was a brutal occupation that saw the conscription of child soldiers, many attrocities, and the middle third of the country to be declared a no man's land by the WeltBund.
MittelAfrika War

June 15, 1963 German soldiers peer out of the trench to evade Loyalist snipers during fighting in Congolese Jungle, Mittelafika
Ever since the First Welt Krieg, the German Empire had little concern on the minute details of the going on of it's colonies, only that resources and cheap goods arrive on time. With the end of WK2 Germany needed these resources more than ever to recover from it's depression with the devastation brought to West Germany and to replace the materials lost pushing back the Russian State. Greater oversight was required to acquire the necessary materials, while they had known about the brutal colonial rule under Goering, it was not brought directly to their attention until 1950. When Kaiser William demanded that he be removed from office, Goering closed borders and seceded from the Empire.

While most of Mittelafrika was easily secured in a matter of weeks, it was very core of Goering's empire that proved to be the hardest. Vizekong loyalists would keep the German Heer awake at night with guerrilla warfare, ambushes, and traps. Even with heavy bombing of Goeringsburg his troops merely dispersed into the forest like rats. For 15 years the German Federate Union was pressured by the international community to rectify it's gross human rights negligence, however presure back home would force Germany to withdraw from the Congo, and the region has become a pariah state since then.

Great Chinese War

Artist depiction of People's Liberation Forces in the battle of Chengdu before the armistice in 1953

After the white peace with Germany and the cession of the Far Eastern territories to Japan in 1947, the Russian state would go on to provide support to any potential allies to the motherland. From the former Mongolian empire arose the People's Republic of China to appose the Japanese backed Unified Republic of China. Both sides had it in their heads that they were the true China and the other were but puppets (they were both half right). In 1950 a URC training patrol got lost behind the PRC border, when met with a PRC patrol, both sides thought they were invading the other, leading to the first shots fired in the war. Neither the Empire of Japan or the Russian State were ready for another protracted war after the Second Weltkrieg, so they both temporarily cut ties with them and suspended membership while providing covert support. The war would rage for three years until a joint Entente/Reichspakt intervention would force the signing of the Chengdu treaty in 1953. China still remains divided to this day, and many exports see the agitation as a potential flash point of Welt Krieg 3.
(inspired by the Earthallias post from yesterday)

Anti-War Protests in Germany, 1967
German intervention in Deutsch Mittelafrika was initially heavily supported by the German populace, viewing it as a necessary step to keep control of the countries steadily growing colonies in Africa, Asia, and Oceania. Fighting Hermann Goering, viewed as an extremist by the public, was supported as a necessary struggle for the Germans as a "good versus evil" war.

the German Empire in the 1950s and early 60s was in its golden age. the coalition of Mitteleuropa had successfully defeated the Russians to the East and the Syndicalists to the West, becoming the hegemon of continental Europe. Its allies, Austria-Galicia-Hungary-Illyria, Bulgaria, its subject kingdoms in Eastern Europe saw explosive growth. For Mitteleuropa, the 50s-1963 would be viewed in a nostalgic, almost romantised point of view for decades to come. Mitteleuropa saw rapid economic growth and the massive rise of the middle class. The Autobahn and other European highway systems allowed for easy transportation around continental Europe. WK veterans went to college and return home to waiting brides, becoming the leaders of society across Europe. German pop culture was exported around the continent. A new form of music hailing from Russia, nicknamed Schaukeln, spread across beginning in 1956 across Mitteleuropa among youth. The fast pace ran in complete contrast to the slow adult contemporary style that was popular. For the older population of Deutschland held on to their mostly traditionalist and aristocratic ways. People were clean cut and clean living at the time. Normalcy had fallen on Mitteleuropa. In the 60s, some youth had began to grow restless, however.

In 1962, Hermann Goering, administrator of Mittelafrika attempted independence. Kaiser Louis Friedrich and Chancellor Konrad Adenauer deployed troops in Mittelafrika. Mittelafrika would be quickly taken, but little did the Kaiser and the Chancellor now that Hermann was in for the long run, hiding in the jungle. The military draft that was put in place after WK1 and came to use in WK2 had resulted in all young men being required to serve. As the Mittelafrikan war ran longer, German youth, tired of their clean cut ways, unhappy with the draft, and dreaming of more liberties began to protest across the nation. While opposition to the war was initially limited to supporters of the SDP, opposition grew as daily reports of carnage in Afrika were shown on the Fernseher. In 1963, when the war was still young, Konrad Adenauer died in his sleep to the collective shock of the German public. He had lead German through a Weltkrieg and the subsequent economic miracle.

His handpicked successor, the famous general Erwin Rommel, promised to defeat Goering at all costs (except nuclear). The mass expansion of the war galvanised the youth further, with Universitaet students attempting to avoid the war at all costs, while young working class folk begrudgingly were drafted. in late 1966, Hermann Goering's forces went on the offensive, fighting Imperial forces at all locations at all times. The Offensive, named the All Saint's Day Offensive after the day it began, caught the Germans off guard. The high casualities rates among German forces were shocking to normal citizens. Erwin Rommel's popularity collapsed among German citizens. Nationwide protests in Berlin saw over a million march in the "Marschieren gegen den Krieg". Notable slogans, such as "Nie wieder Krieg!" and "liebe, kein Krieg", were spread by the protestors to eventually the common folk. Among many young protesters, a new counterculture "Boehme" went against the clean shaven 50s culture began out of Oriental philosophy and the anti-war "Liebe, kein Krieg" ethos. The movement was popularised by the Schaukeln group die Kaefer, who reached international fame.

In 1968, Erwin Rommel had announced that he would not be running in another term in the subsequent election that year. Helmut Schmidt of the SPD would win the election for the Chancellorship running on an anti-war campaign. Ironically that same year Hermann Goering would die of a surprise fit of malaria, dividing the Mittelafrikan forces, allowing for the Germans to successfully expand the war. In 1969, the last of Goering's Schutztruppen would surrender. Also ironically, Helmut, who ran on an anti-war platform, technically got peace through expanding the war.

Helmut Schmidt would under see the reorganisation and decolonisation of Mittelafrika into new countries, such as Kamerun, Tanganyika, Kongo, Niger, Njassaland, Togoland, Ubangi-Schari, Suedwest-Afrika and die Goldkueste. Civil liberties would be expanded, with the Bundestag receiving a greater role in government and the right to vote being expanded to all over 18. Schooling would be more liberalised and society demilitarised. The Mitteafrikan War would be a collective shock for the German populace, ending the normalcy and golden age of the period 0f postWK2-63, and beginning the rocky 1970s.
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(inspired by the Earthallias post from yesterday)
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This is mostly canon :)

Pop culture of the Kaiserreich

Kantai Collection is the anime adaption of the popular browser game produced by Diomedea studios in 2015. While it's been commissioned as a nationalist piece like it's source material, the artistic creativity laws of the Chosun prefectures (games don't count as art in Japan, but they're trying) allow the animators greater artistic control. The show follows Fukumoto "Fubuki" Tsukiko, an idealistic young girl (by western standards) drafted into the Kanmusu corps due to her harboring the soul of the IJN Fubuki, a WK2 era destroyer.

The primary antagonist is the Hive, a parasitic collective organism that has infested Earth's oceans, and is a naked metaphor for Syndicalism in WK2. While on the surface it is mouth piece of Japanese nationalism, it has interesting themes on the brutality of war, the emotional costs of sacrificing oneself to the state, either through your efforts, or your life, and the abolition of predestination.


English version of the movie poster
Brasilia is a dystopian science fiction movie produced by the sindicato cinematográfico de atlantida in the United Communes of Brazil. Produced in 1985, Brasilia is lauded as one of the finest piece of satiric political cinema, and a spiritual successor to the last man in Europe by Eric Blair. While conveying the same themes, Brasilia uses comedy to underscore his themes, and has the main protagonist find freedom in his mind rather than his will broken. The movie takes place in a SAU under the influences of the Totalist leaders of Syndicalism, Mired by corruption, bureaucracy and oppression.


A Congolese prime original, the Man in the High depicts a nightmarish alterate world where the third Internationale defeated the Entente and MittelEuropa in the Second Weltkreig. The result is the German Empire split between the Commune of France and the Russian State. The story follows multiple perspective such as a rebel in the West German Socialist Republic, a collaborator in the Prussian State capitol of Dresden and various others. A plot point in MHC is not only the worsening tensions between the Western Syndicates and the Eastern Totalists is the ability to jump dimensions, such as when one character entered our world during the French missile crisis.

(Meanwhile in the outskirts of Berlin, a 20 year old Arabian girl pens a fan fic where the KLM Bismark liberates Germany from Totalist/Comunard oppression)

Originally a game series centered around the Second Weltkreig, the Medal of Honor series made a successful move to the modern era in the 4th game in the series, Medal of Honor 4: Modern Warfighter. While many consider the MoH franchise to be Entente wank, only a few consider MOHMW's deconstruction of the Entente hero with the infamous nuke scene, which leaves the protagonist helpless as he succumbs to radiation sickness
Inspired by @Worffan101 and his excellent heroes.


Thor Odinson, the greatest hero of the Avengers and one of the mightiest heroes of the Marvel Universe. Associated with War, Thunder, and Lightning, Thor also believes in protecting the common man, gaining the title of "friend of the humans". despite his royal nature, Thor favors the Internationale, though he does not intervene in the humans' political affairs. Instead, he holds the line against tides of Giants from all the realms, traveling the cosmos and slaughtering anything that could be seen as a threat to humanity.

While a protector of earth and mankind, Thor is a violent, blood hungry God, and delights in gory, brutal battle. Wielding his gigantic hammer, MJOLNIR, a weapon so powerful it can destroy planets, alongside thousands of other brutal weapons, Thor tears through his foes in a berserk fury, eclipsing that of his father, Odin, God of Valhalla. Despite this, he will never kill an innocent and strives to protect the weak, even though he may be drenched in the gore of his enemies to do so. His comics are known for being the most violent of any Marvel storyline.


The most powerful incarnation of Thor, known as Godkiller. A five mile high being capable of destroying entire universes, Thor donned his Godkiller incarnation in order to battle the Eternals, a race of humanoid, malevolent beings with infinite numbers and God-like powers who consume universes to create more of themselves. The comic, which involves Thor taking on literally Millions of universes worth of Eternals, is one of marvels most bombastic and gory comics ever made.
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Thanks! Did I miss any groups?

It's been worked on! Though as I note in the reddit thread, I didn't really think through the geography or logistics of this conflict, more like the general flow and the players.
I just have one question, why did the Papal states support the AUS and does the Catholic Workers movment group show any sort of world wide divison within the Church?
Coughlin was less loony and the Pope was more anti-Syndicalist (who he is is debatable- could be Innitzer or the new Julius IV or whomever) and Papal/Austrian/Sicilian support arrived after the Klan and other anti-Catholic and white supremacist forces took over the AFP and attempted to overthrow Long, under Pelley.

Dorothy Day being very worker friendly makes her beloved by some Cardinals but mistrusted by others...
Coughlin was less loony and the Pope was more anti-Syndicalist (who he is is debatable- could be Innitzer or the new Julius IV or whomever) and Papal/Austrian/Sicilian support arrived after the Klan and other anti-Catholic and white supremacist forces took over the AFP and attempted to overthrow Long, under Pelley.

Dorothy Day being very worker friendly makes her beloved by some Cardinals but mistrusted by others...
that seems acceptle. was their any excommunications of people in any of the factions who opposed Long?
Inspired by @Worffan101 and his excellent heroes.

View attachment 382346

Thor Odinson, the greatest hero of the Avengers and one of the mightiest heroes of the Marvel Universe. Associated with War, Thunder, and Lightning, Thor also believes in protecting the common man, gaining the title of "friend of the humans". despite his royal nature, Thor favors the Internationale, though he does not intervene in the humans' political affairs. Instead, he holds the line against tides of Giants from all the realms, traveling the cosmos and slaughtering anything that could be seen as a threat to humanity.

While a protector of earth and mankind, Thor is a violent, blood hungry God, and delights in gory, brutal battle. Wielding his gigantic hammer, MJOLNIR, a weapon so powerful it can destroy planets, alongside thousands of other brutal weapons, Thor tears through his foes in a berserk fury, eclipsing that of his father, Odin, God of Valhalla. Despite this, he will never kill an innocent and strives to protect the weak, even though he may be drenched in the gore of his enemies to do so. His comics are known for being the most violent of any Marvel storyline.

View attachment 382351

The most powerful incarnation of Thor, known as Ragnarok. A ten mile high being capable of destroying entire universes, Thor donned his Ragnarok incarnation in order to battle the Eternals, a race of humanoid, malevolent beings with infinite numbers and God-like powers who consume universes to create more of themselves. The comic, which involves Thor taking on literally Millions of universes worth of Eternals, is one of marvels most bombastic and gory comics ever made.
Thor is a bigger badass tham the OTL Thor and he defiantly looks like the actual Thor from Norse mythology the only thing that turns me off is that he aligns himself with the Internationale despite his Royal bloodline he should be aligned with Mittleuropa/Reichpact
that seems acceptle. was their any excommunications of people in any of the factions who opposed Long?

I wouldn't say the Pope was that activist. There were likely Encylicals against Syndicalism and also anti-Catholicism but I think most American Catholics ended up siding with the Oranges, Greens, or Blues at this stage of the war. Or Golds, since they're the least ideologically inclined besides "foreign-propped separatism for the sake of the continuation of (market) liberal democracy."

However, that's not to say Long is motivated solely by fear of a Red America. The Act created by La Follette (which one? Up to you.) and Harry Leland Mitchell was a secret agreement that de-escalated Green and Red/Orange/Black conflict along certain fronts, and even led to cooperation against the Ultra-Whites in other ones...