The Q-BAM Improvement and Core Thread


Can't believe no one caught this, but there's a blank spot in the middle of Mexico, Guatemala sunk into the ocean, and some of the Canadian Arctic islands are shown as unclaimed. I think Namibia is off but those might just be frontlines.
The grey bit in the middle of Mexico's a rebellion being suppressed (tail-end of the Mexican Revolution), while those Canadian islands literally hadn't been discovered in 1918 (this was when the area was still being explored for the first time after all; humanity had only reached the North Pole a decade before the map was set, Norway still claimed the Svedrup Islands by dint of exploring them first, and knowledge was overall sketchy). Those islands were locked in sea-ice year-round, so no one had figured out they were islands - it took aerial surveys in the 30's and 40's to find them. As no one knew they existed, they could hardly be claimed by anyone.

Just to hammer it home how recently they were discovered, the large one south of Baffin Island is called Prince Charles Island. Not named after some obscure member of the Victorian or Edwardian aristocracy like many of the others, but after the current heir to the British throne - it was finally discovered in 1948, and named to honour the then recently born heir. Consider that Prince Charles Island is the 78th largest island in the world and you realise just how remarkably late some things were discovered.
Currently redoing the States for my own purposes. Anyone on this thread care if I post the finished product a week or two from now? It'll have revised state borders and major rivers but no counties or reservations.
United States Correction - Copy.png
Introducing, for the first time ever, a contiguous United States for the Q-BAM that doesn't look like total ass. I've aligned this as closely to a Robinson projection as possible, and as a result most state borders and lakes have moved. I touched up the California and Louisiana coastlines as well. If anyone wants to do counties, be my guest.
United States Correction - Copy.png