New Deal Coalition Retained Pt II: World on Fire


5:40 AM, November 13, 1988

Good morning, America. This is Tom Brokaw with NBC news. I wish this were just a nightmare, that I was to wake up in several hours and find this to be just a figment of a troubled mind. But sadly, it is not.

Just seven hours ago, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and their combined allies have declared war on the United States of America. Already the Red Army has begun to assault across Europe, while NBC can confirm Paraguay and Iraq have been invaded by Warsaw Pact forces in the wee hours of the morning. Early reports on the ground have indicated that chemical munitions are being used, ones more deadly than those employed by Congolese forces prior to the Siege of Kinshasa...

[Inaudible chatter from his ear mic]

This just in, we are cutting out to a live message from President Rumsfeld.

[screen cuts out to a blackened background, President Rumsfeld sitting in the center]


"My fellow Americans, I come to you from an undisclosed location for my safety and the safety of the American government in these times of crisis.

"It is with a heavy heart to say that we have begun air, land, and sea operations against the USSR and their Warsaw Pact Allies. We did not seek this fight out, and despite every diplomatic effort General Secretary Kryuchkov has decided upon the course of armed conflict. He has started it, but we will finish it.

"By emergency order by the Executive Branch, I have ordered the Department of Defense to re-institute the draft. I do not wish this, but it is necessary. Victory will be ours, ours and our allies. The Soviet Government will find out the depth of American resolve and the heat of American fire..."

[feed cuts off to a frazzled Tom Brokaw; Air raid sirens heard in the background]

Forgive me, but we have just been notified that Washington DC is soon to be under direct assault by Russian long-range bombers. Pray for us.


"Today is the beginning of World Socialism's glorious victory over the imperialists and capitalists of the West. We will win! We will save our species! The Soviet Union will bring about a new age in humanity upon our victory, and we call upon the United States and all other nations to throw off the shackles of their dominant class and join us in the Revolution."

General Secretary Kryuchkov-

"Do you hear that sound, patriots! That is the sound of Soviet bombers assaulting Holy American soil! Washington, New York, Boston, Miami, and Newport News have all reported raids. Not since the perfidy of the southern Mexican swine did a foreign power touch our sacred ground! Rise up! Rise up to join our brothers overseas to repel this Russian menace. Together, we shall burn Moscow to the ground. Burn Rio! Burn Buenos Aries! Burn Tehran! Burn Warsaw! Burn Leningrad! Burn them all and send their godless souls to hell! We shall win! We shall be victorious! We will be free, or die trying!"

-Excerpt of the New Day with Congressman John G. Schmitz radio program, November 13, 1988-

A/n: And it's back! Expect updates to start back again next week.
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And so it begins! And wow, but I forgot how expanded the Warsaw Pact was in TTL. This will be even more of a World War than the actual OTL ones were.

Speaking of which, did you ever settle on an alternate name for this conflict, or are you sticking with WWIII?
"Do you hear that sound, patriots! That is the sound of Soviet bombers assaulting Holy American soil! Washington, New York, Boston, Miami, and Newport News have all reported raids. Not since the perfidy of the southern Mexican swine did a foreign power touch our sacred ground! Rise up! Rise up to join our brothers overseas to repel this Russian menace. Together, we shall burn Moscow to the ground. Burn Rio! Burn Buenos Aries! Burn Tehran! Burn Warsaw! Burn Leningrad! Burn them all and send their godless souls to hell! We shall win! We shall be victorious! We will be free, or die trying!"

-Excerpt of the New Day with George Lincoln Rockwell radio program, November 13, 1888-

Um george lincoln rockwell sounds like a racist neo nazi here
You do realize that he never said the N word or anything about the jews, also the Rockwell of this tl is different that our Rockwell.
I should rephrase that he sounds like a facist, The racism was when he talked about mexicans and the other stuff was unargubally not the type of thing someone says when their talking about freedom to the people he is supposed to be at war with, which he is supposed to be doing if you belive in freyism the way rockwell does.
im wondering what will happen with China and all the other communist neutrals. If they surrvive as commies, they will not be ripping us off with any unfair trade deals, who will buy anything which has the label of a country under tyrrany.