Alternate Electoral Maps II

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The seats are apportioned based on GDP, not population. Meanwhile, the alliances are loose idealogical caucuses that candidates group with. For instance, the liberal in Arizona-Los Angeles is a member of the Progressive Party, while the liberal in Taiwan-Fuijan is a member of the Chinese Communist Party. There are a number of smaller parties and groupings, but all of the delegates in this session associate either with Sadikin's majority government or the opposition.

That caucus wouldn't get called Liberal - the FDP in Germany and Liberal Party in Australia come to mind as parties who are liberal (or even conservative-leaning) but wouldn't want to caucus with communists.
2004-Kerry win
This is a 5.5% swing to Kerry, so he wins all states he lost by 5.5% or less.

John Kerry/John Edwards-Democratic: 325 EV 51.01%
President George W Bush/Dick Cheney-Republican: 213 EV 47.98%


Deleted member 83898

This doesn't make much sense, I'm afraid.

For one, Europe has less population than Africa, so why does Africa only get two seats?

And "conservative" vs. "liberal"? Those are very Amerocentric labels, I'm afraid. You probably wouldn't get that in a global election system.

And no third parties?
To be fair, it says in the bottom right that districts are apportioned based on economic output, rather than population.

Obviously the coalitions/alliances wouldn't be called "conservative" or "liberal", but those might just be labels applied to the coalitions for the sole purpose of helping us to understand them from an OOC standpoint – hence why it reads "conservative alliance" and "liberal alliance" rather than "Conservative Party" or "Liberal Party".

It may also be the runoff round of a two-round election system, explaining the lack of third parties.
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North American Seats

As a complement to that map, here are the delegates for each seat in North America, elected in 1968. The order of each line is Seat: Name (coalition) (party)

Alaska-Manitoba-Iceland: Tommy Douglas (Liberal) (New Democratic)

Quebec-Massachusetts: Edward Brooke (Conservative) (Republican)

New York-New Jersey: Robert Kennedy (Liberal) (Democratic)

New York Center: Nelson Rockefeller (Conservative) (Republican)

Pennsylvania-Maryland: Richard Schwieker (Conservative) (Republican)

Virginia-North Carolina: Harry Byrd (Conservative) (Democratic)

America South: Howard Callaway (Conservative) (Democratic)

Alabama-Florida: George Wallace (Liberal) (Democratic)

Louisiana-Texas: John McKeithen (Liberal) (Democratic)

Rio Grande: George Romney (Liberal) (PAN)

Mexico-Central America: Jose Trejos (Conservative) (Global Unionist)

Arizona-Los Angeles: Jesse Unruh (Liberal) (Progressive)

California North: Goodwin Knight (Conservative) (Progressive)

America Northwest: Donald Nutter (Conservative) (Republican)

America Southwest: Wallace Bennett (Conservative) (Republican)

Kansas-Missouri-Iowa: Jack Miller (Conservative) (Republican)

Illinois-Indiana: Charles Percy (Conservative) (Republican)

Great Lakes: Henrik Shipstead (Conservative) (Farmer-Labor).
North American Seats

As a complement to that map, here are the delegates for each seat in North America, elected in 1968. The order of each line is Seat: Name (coalition) (party)

Quebec-Massachusetts: Edward Brooke (Conservative) (Republican)

New York Center: Nelson Rockefeller (Conservative) (Republican)

Pennsylvania-Maryland: Richard Schwieker (Conservative) (Republican)

Illinois-Indiana: Charles Percy (Conservative) (Republican)

Great Lakes: Henrik Shipstead (Conservative) (Farmer-Labor).
I'm shook
The 1968 house elections in Earth United

1968 house elections.png

The Conservatives, an unwieldy coalition of Republicans, dissenting progressives from California, old school Dixiecrats, and the Republican-Farmer Labor Party of Minnesota managed to win 250 seats in this election, beating out the Democratic-Progressive-Liberal alliance by a substantial margin. The leftists had managed to gain back the house in 1966, but Goldwater and Sadikin’s coattails managed to steer them back to a towering majority.

Deleted member 83898

What? Tex Arkana was kicked again? I wasn't offended by the Rutherford posts: I thought it was a humorous take on the character which I created. Kicking him out without warning might have been a little harsh, but who am I to say? One must be very careful with the scenarios that they devise here.
Have you seen his signature on Atlas? He needs to be punished for that to some extent, even if it's not on Atlas.:)
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The Seventh Party System: Part XXXVI
Map of the United States
Part I - Metropotamia
Part II - Alta California
Part III - North Carolina
Part IV - New Jersey
Part V - Adams
Part VI - Alabama
Part VII - Rhode Island
Part VIII - Sequoyah
Part IX - Assenisipia
Part X - East Florida
Part XI - Tennessee
Part XII - Kansas
Part XIII - Dakota
Part XIV - Arizona
Part XV - Delaware
Part XVI - Oregon
Part XVII - Ozark
Part XVIII - New Hampshire
Part XIX - Western Connecticut
Part XX - New York
Part XXI - Santo Domingo
Part XXII - South Carolina
Part XXIII - Baja California
Part XXIV - Chersonesus
Part XXV - Canal Zone Territory
Part XXVI - West Florida
Part XXVII - Missouri
Part XXVIII - Colorado
Part XXIX - Trinidad and Tobago
Part XXX - Pennsylvania
Part XXXI - Wisconsin
Part XXXII - Lincoln
Part XXXIII - Deseret
Part XXXIV - Platte
Part XXXV - Kiribati

New Mexico is the largest columnas state by area and due to its unique legislative system the state also features the most diverse sets of political parties in the entire Southwest.

The main quirk of New Mexico's legislative branch is its de facto tricameral legislature with a normal state parliament along with an English Language Board and a Spanish Language Board. These boards were set up in 1996 by a Labor-led coalition who foresaw the state's shifting demographics and sought to ensure the English speakers of the state would always be guaranteed power over the Hispanics. Knowing that the Supreme Court would strike down the plan if it excluded Hispanics entirely the Labor coalition instead opted to establish both English and Hispanic boards with an equal number of representatives. While this in fact gave Hispanics a slight edge in terms of representation at first by 2004 Hispanics had constituted a majority of the population and the English Language Board began its true purpose of serving as a thorn in the state parliamentary government's side.

While neither of the Boards are allowed to start legislation both of them can veto a bill by a simple majority vote. As a result, any government coalition which wished to gets its agenda through would have to get a majority of the votes in both the English Language Board and the Spanish Language Board, a task which would prove impossible to do for the majority of the 00s as both the Union Democrata Cristiana, and Partido Revolucionario proven hostile to the English speaking parties and vice versa.

With the onset of the Second Great Depression both Labor and Partido Revolucionario managed to put aside their differences to form the first three chamber government since 2002, passing substantial reforms which helped saved the state from further economic collapse. However this honeymoon would not last long, as in 2014 the Progressives surged among both English and Hispanic speakers, with younger voters angry at how the New Mexican Labor party refused to work towards the abolition of the antique language boards. Allying with the Revolucionarios and Ciudadanos the Progressives managed to form a government without Labor and attempted to abolish the language boards entirely. This of course led to the break up of the Labor-Progressive coalition in the EL Board, leaving a minority Libertarian led coalition in charge of debate scheduling.

In reaction to the Progressives' actions a new party was formed for the election of 2016, Patriotic Alternative. Arguing for an abolition of the Hispanic language board but not the English one, they wanted to repeal the bilingual government of New Mexico and force all residents to either learn English or face jail time. While this party was universally condemned by almost all parties besides Constitution the fact that they managed to get seven votes in the English Language Board worried the moderates of New Mexico, especially after one of its supporters went rogue and performed a "lone wolf" attack which killed five in El Paso.

While the number of "lone wolf" attacks against Hispanic neighborhoods grew every year, so too did membership in the Hispanic Pentecostal Megachurches, with sensationalist preachers proclaiming the imminent approach of Rapture which would bring fire and brimstone upon the heads of the Anglo devils. However these threats of violence soon became a reality when a Pentecostal priest murdered a sitting Alternative board member shouting the words "Larga Vida la Raza!" Although the Partido de Dios was quick to condemn the priest and the Megachurch he was a part of began a comprehensive internal investigation into the matter this act served only to stoke the fears of the far right, and in 2018 the Patriotic Alternative won big with 25 seats in the English Language Board and 13 seats in the state parliament.

With the Union Democrata Cristiana blaming the PA's success on the Progressives' radicalism the party decided to leave the government coalition to call for new elections. With the Progressives now struggling to find enough seats for a majority the Libertarians offered them an interesting deal, roll back business regulations in return for the votes needed both the parliament and EL Board to restrict the veto power of the boards. While the Progressives still wanted to try and aim for the complete abolition of the language boards making them unable to veto parliamentary bills without a two-thirds majority was still good enough considering the danger faced by the Patriotic Alternative.

Thus in an ironic twist of fate, the leaving of the more moderate UDC led to a coalition of the extreme left and right, united by a single cause of abolishing the language boards. Seeing the Progressives as having made a deal with the devil both Partido Revolucionario and the Verdes dropped out of the Progressive led coalition in the Spanish language board, however with Libertarian support the Progressives just barely managed to hold onto power. And so with the power of the Language Boards finally being limited the hope for somewhat functional governments has at least become a possibility.

Progressive/Progresivo - The largest party in the state of New Mexico by far, their attack on the Language Boards has led to a rise in their popularity among speakers of both languages as the Progressives are seen as the party which can mend the divides which plague New Mexico, even if many of their members hold grudges against laissez-faire Libertarians.
Ciudadanos - The party of Bourgeoisie Hispanics their support for the petty bourgeoisie over the haute bourgeoisie has put them in conflicts with the Republicans many times. After being given insurance that zero interest loans for "culturally beneficial" small businesses would stay in the party is in all in for an alliance with their English speaking rivals.

Libertarian/Libertario - A party for small government lovers both English and Hispanic speaking their base is remarkably well split between the two communities, being 55% non-Hispanic and 45% Hispanic in the 2018 election. Emphasizing their devotion to fighting racism and the evils of fascism and religious extremism their vote share among Hispanics is now the largest for any Libertarian party in America.
Republican - The party of bourgeoisie non-Hispanic whites who believe in center right economics and moderate social policies their alliance with the "socialist" Progressives and the "druggie" Libertarians is one of pure necessity in the face of the Patriotic Alternative threat.

Patriotic Alternative - A vaguely fascist party which calls for an end to "white genocide" they popularity surged in the 2018 election as a result of Progressives' attempt to abolition the Language Boards. And with the boards now being severely limited the Alternative has threatened to start an all out race war, a call which half a dozen "lone wolves" seemed to have already heeded.
Union Democrata Cristiana - The party of the Devout, they represent the interests of centrist Catholic Hispanics. While on economics issues the party can often find common ground with the Progressives when it comes to social issues the party's staunch anti-drug beliefs often lead to conflict. And with the economically right wing, socially liberal Libertarians being the exact opposite of the economically left-wing, socially conservative UDC the party's leaders have unequivocally condemned the Progressives for allying with such sinners.
Partido de Dios - Fanatical Hispanic protestants who subscribe to the Pentecostal sect, their Megachurches preach non-stop hate against devilish whites, heretical Catholics, and godless leftists who they claim will all be purged when Rapture arrives. And while the party continues to publicly condemn the use of violence the number of "random" homicides against Anglos by their members has only continued to rise.
Greens/Verdes - A party of social liberals with center left economics they never in a million years suspected that the Progressives would make a deal with a party as economically right wing as the Libertarians. And while the two parties share a love of drugs and LGBT rights the Libertarians opposition to feminism, abortion, and most importantly, welfare, has left them bitter enemies.
Partido Revolucionario - The party for Hispanic workers they were outraged at the Progressives' decision to ally with the Libertarians and are now calling them traitors to the cause of leftism. Aiming to position themselves to the left of the Progressives for the next election, the fact that the party still denounces "homosexual culture" as "capitalist propaganda" allows most to see who is truly more left wing.
Constitution - The party of the religious right, in the state of New Mexico they have mostly co-opt the Democrats as the party of devout whites. Normally possessing a solid base in the rural Eastern parts of the state the rise of the Patriotic Alternative has deprived them of a majority in all counties but one.
Labor -The party of English speaking workers, their white base has all but left them for either the Progressives or the Alternative leaving the party with little more than the black supporters.
Alianza Conservadora - A right wing splinter of Ciudadanos, they are fearful of the Patriotic Alternative's strength and wish to make peace with the party by abolishing the Spanish Language Board while keeping the English Language one. Of course arguing for peace with the Alternative has brought the party nothing but hate with both the UDC and PD denouncing them as race traitors.
Democrats - A party which used to monopolize the vote share of religious whites, the rise of religious extremists has left them with just their smallest base of military personnel and conservative Catholic non-Hispanics.
First People's Party- The party of Native Americans their centrist outlook has made them an easy supplier of votes to any party willing to continue funding the reservations.
Asian Action - A party for the small Asian minority of New Mexico their seat in the state parliament is a testament to the inclusiveness which a legislature without thresholds provides.
Convencion Bautista - A party for Hispanic Baptist, they are seen as little more than a puppet of the Constitution party by most observers, following the religious right on every issue from the economy to immigration.
United Left/Izquierda Unida - The main socialist party of America the party normally does not fare too well in the state of New Mexico, however this year the party broke through to win one seat in the Spanish Language Board and the state parliament, likely as a counter to the rise of the fascist PA.


Credit for the basemap goes to Chicxulub.
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