Alternate Electoral Maps II

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I think Rutherford is a fictional name IIRC.
It is a fictional name. The maps belong to an alternate scenario, a sort of "parallel world" to what is going on now. I haven't fully developed every aspect of it (and probably will not do so), but the basic outline is this. Al Gore runs a more competent campaign in the election of 2000 and ties himself to Bill Clinton as close as he possibly can. As a result, he wins a decisive victory over George W. Bush in the election of 2000, prevailing in Missouri, Louisiana, Arkansas, Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, Ohio, Montana, Florida, New Hampshire, and his home state of Tennessee. Gore is confronted with 9/11, as Bush was, and like Bush, he launches the war in Afghanistan. However, things do not go well for Gore, with a minor recession coming in 2003, and with the war bogged down in a strategic stalemate. John McCain wins the Republican nomination and then the election in 2004, taking advantage of voter fatigue after 12 years of Democrats, along with the associated economic and war troubles. McCain conducts a more competent campaign in Afghanistan and launches a belated war in Iraq. He also gets U.S. forces involved militarily in Yemen and Sudan. In 2008, he wins a narrow reelection over (ironically), Hillary Clinton. Economic troubles worsen, and the Great Recession arrives in 2009, rather than 2008. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan continue to go sour, as in OTL, and new crises arise with North Korea, Venezuela, and Iran, complicating McCain's troubles.

The Democrats win a decisive victory in the 2010 midterms, taking control of both houses (after briefly holding the Senate in 2001-2003), including the House for the first time in sixteen years. McCain's popularity falls into the twenties, and in 2012, Rutherford, the Democratic Governor of Minnesota, beats Republican nominee Mitt Romney in a landslide. Under Rutherford, things begun to turn around, and he, along with the Democratic Congress, implement a policy agenda which becomes known as the New Destiny (successor to the Square Deal, New Deal, New Frontier, and Great Society, etc.) By 2016, the recession is over, economic growth is strong, unemployment has dropped by half, and the war in Iraq is winding down. This, along with foreign policy successes elsewhere, leads Rutherford and the Democrats to a decisive reelection against Trump, nominated as a sacrificial lamb.
Vote-splitting between two conservative candidates plus a home field advantage gives the Progs an easy victory in SD
Except that George Wallace and George McGovern voters had a lot of crossover believe it or not, at least in '72; both benefited from the Anti-Establishment vote that was present within the Democratic Party at the time, and in this sort of match-up they would cannibalize each-other quite effectively outside of the South, which was Wallace's territory, and the Pacific Coast plus the Northeast, which would be McGovern's by and large. The remainder would be a toss-up in terms of who of the two would come out on top, but it would always be behind Nixon given the margins.
Any non US electoral maps?

Here you go!

The Seventh Party System: Part XXIX
Map of the United States
Part I - Metropotamia
Part II - Alta California
Part III - North Carolina
Part IV - New Jersey
Part V - Adams
Part VI - Alabama
Part VII - Rhode Island
Part VIII - Sequoyah
Part IX - Assenisipia
Part X - East Florida
Part XI - Tennessee
Part XII - Kansas
Part XIII - Dakota
Part XIV - Arizona
Part XV - Delaware
Part XVI - Oregon
Part XVII - Ozark
Part XVIII - New Hampshire
Part XIX - Western Connecticut
Part XX - New York
Part XXI - Santo Domingo
Part XXII - South Carolina
Part XXIII - Baja California
Part XXIV - Chersonesus
Part XXV - Canal Zone Territory
Part XXVI - West Florida
Part XXVII - Missouri
Part XXVIII - Colorado

Trinidad and Tobago is one of the more interesting states in the Union, being the first non-mainland state to join the Union in the 1833 as part of the Metropotamia compromise to keep the balance of power between free and slave states. Yet ever since the state overthrew its white oppressors during the Civil war the state has been the least white state in the entire union, being only 0.8% white. As such, Trinidad and Tobago is an often forgotten state, much like Hawaii and Alaska are, and has formed an entirely unique identity.

To fully understand this identity, one needs to go back to its origins, as a Napoleonic colony which was liberated by the United States during the First World War. While at the time it had a small population of barely 30,000 when the free state of Metropotamia petitioned to join the union as a free state southerners rushed to move slaves into the territory to bolster its population and allow for its admission as a slave state. As such, with a white population of little over 4,000 the island became the least white state at the time, a fact which drove abolitionists crazy as it allowed each of those 4,000 men many times the voting power men of even a small Northern state like Vermont.

Given this large disparity, soon after the Confederacy was formed it came as no surprise to the North to see the blacks of Trinidad rebel, and while the first rebellion failed after Union ships managed to sneak in firearms to the island all the Confederates of the island where soon kicked off, leaving only half the state's two main islands in white hands. Tobago, on the other hand, with its much smaller population, was able to become the main hub of the Confederate's Caribbean fleet, remaining a thorn in the Union's side until the end of the war.

And despite the efforts of some former Confederate states, mainly Louisiana and Florida, to gain Tobago for their "common values," under the staunch abolitionist Ulysses Grant the island was put once again under the authority of Trinidad, resulting its entire white population emigrating to the American mainland, knowing very well the dozens of different ways whites were executed following the second Trinidad revolt. As such, much like the state of Lincoln, Trinidad and Tobago remained a deep blue Republican state throughout the late 1800s and into the early 1900s, until the National Union party began to pick up black votes during their consolidation of power in the 1930s.

Thus switching from a deep blue state to a deep gray state in little under a decade the state was horrified to see how the Conservative Revolution lead to the repeal of the Civil Rights Act, and its people united under one common party, the People's Congress. Standing in solidarity with Labor against the conservatives' horrible lack of empathy the party caucused exclusively with Labor until 1980, when the Republican-Labor coalition put an end to Democratic rule. While such a move was celebrated by most for its reinstatement of the Civil Rights Act, among the hardliners of the People's Congress who had been brought up during FDR's time, cooperation of a faction of the former Conservative party was tantamount to treason and the People's Congress cut all ties with Labor.

This cutting of ties of with Labor lead to the split of the People's Congress, as a the People's Congress (Christian) was formed by the right wing of the PC who believed in the virtue and supported the Black Baptist Bloc's position of strategic alliance with Labor and the Republicans for the greater good. Of course when the Republican-Labor coalition fell in 1982 and the Republican's right wing allies gained a majority in Congress this only angered the People's Congress hardliners even more, who drove a wedge between themselves as the PC(C) to monopolize the state's voteshare for themselves.

The People's Congress second split came in 1989 when party bosses kicked Governor Panday from power after he started giving rights to the Indians and mixed race minorities of the state, who were ironically treated worse than blacks in the Deep South. The Indian minority, brought to the island during the 1860s after the black leadership demanded someone besides African-Americans work the sugar plantations were treated as psuedo by the freed slaves and when India gained independence tens of thousands of them fled back to their homeland. As such, when Panday was kicked out the party in 1989 he started his own party called the People's Congress (Panday), to capitalize not only on his personal charisma but also his Indian heritage.

Despite all this, the mainline People's Congress still remained strong, only losing the election of 1990 to Panday's party before he was brought down on corruption charges and his party collapsed into pure minority politics.

Things got even dicier for the mainline PC, however, when the People's Congress (Tobago) split off in 1997 due to non-ideological reasons as the island's politicians felt that their county wasn't getting enough funds from the state's coffers. In order to give their movement legitimacy the splinter party created a mythos of Tobagonian resilience, claiming that because of the hardships the island faced under its Confederates oppressors that the island's inhabitants were sturdier than those of Trinidad, ignoring the fact that most of the island's modern population is descended from Trinidadians.

Finally, the latest splinter for the People's Congress to undergo occurred in 2005 when the People's Congress (Secular) was formed. After the mainline PC was forced to make an alliance with the PC(C) in order to stay in power following a surge in PC(P) support, secular left-wing elements of the party split off and demanded that the People's Congress never ally with the socially conservative PC(C). After a whole eight MPs left the People's Congress the governing coalition fell after apart and special elections had to be held later that year, which the mainline PC won decisively.

Yet, with the People's Congress continuing to routinely win over 50% of the vote after the Second Great Depression had many wishing for stability many thought that the People's Congress might rule over the state forever. Then the 2015 election rolled around, with both the PC(S) and PC(C) gaining massively, forcing the People's Congress into another coalition with the centrist Christians again. While most of the mainline PC party bosses where confident of a repeat of 2005, the opposite occurred, with the People's Congress losing over a dozen seats, ending their 25 year reign and reducing the party to a measly 21 seats, the least it has ever had in the party's history.

Now with the corrupt party bosses of the mainline PC ousted hope has restored to Trinidad and Tobago with a more healthy multiparty democracy looking to be the state's future.

People's Congress (Secular) - A socially liberal, left wing splinter of the People's Congress created in 2005, it is the newest splinter of the PC and is right now itself most successful, quadrupling its seat count in the course of four years. The party also possesses a large anti-establishment vibe and has an overwhelming majority of the state's youth vote who see the People's Congress as a corrupt and old institution, just like how in other states the Greens despise Labor. It is also the only party to have widespread support across all races, with the party having a stated goal of ending the racial tensions between the black majority and the mixed and Indian minorities.
People's Congress (Panday) - The party for minorities, it has been the number one enemy of the mainline People's Congress since its creation in 1989. However, much like the Black Baptist Bloc of South Carolina it rarely ever is successful, having only won a single term on its own, and now a second term with the help of its allies. Dedicated to the protection of multiculturalism, it protests how not only Indians, but also those of mixed descent such as the Trigueno and Mulatto, are treated. However it also has its flaws, being endemic of corruption, a fact which lead to its loss of a significant chunk of seats to the PC(S) in recent elections.

People's Justice Party - One of the few parties in Trinidad and Tobago which is unrelated to the People's Congress, the PJP is a Muslim minority party formed to represent the interests of Muslim Africans in the state. Although Islam was first introduced into the state by Bengal Indians the religion soon became more popular among poor blacks and with many Indians converting to Hinduism in the 90s to show their solidarity with Panday Trinidadian and Tobagonian Muslims are now near exclusively black. Having been judged harshly by the People's Congress after the war in the United Arab Republic, they soon mobilized into a solid minority party and their coalition with the PC(S) and PC(P) has been the first time in history that the PJP has gotten into a governing coalition, subtracting those who were elected in fusion with the Liberal party in New York.

People's Congress - The natural governing party of Trinidad and Tobago, they represent are the establishment party of the state, occupying a center left position that is similar to that of Labor. And despite the party's initial vow to never ally with Labor again, ever since the 90s the People's Congress has adopted a conciliatory tone towards Labor, though their party leaders still remain pragmatically independent and just like the Reformed National Union hold growing reservations over Labor's alliance with the Progressives.
People's Congress (Christian) - The closest thing to a right wing party that you will find in Trinidad and Tobago, the party's policies are near identically to those of the Black Baptist Bloc, emphasizing the need for welfare and religion to uphold the righteous black race in their struggle against the whites, and in the case of Trinidad and Tobago, the Indians. Criticizing the corrupt bureaucratic nature of the People's Congress and calling them heathens for supporting abortion they nevertheless were pragmatic enough to realize that an alliance with the mainline PC was better than having the PC(P) or PC(S) get in power, an alliance that may still work out in their favor as they slowly pull the mainline PC closer to their socially conservative values.
Movement for Assemblies of the People - One of the two communist parties in the left wing state of Trinidad and Tobago, they focus mainly on minority rights and condemn the "imperialist" People's Congress. While their strength has faded in recent years due to the rise of the PC(S) the party is still widely popular among Dougla who remember the founder of the MAP, musician turned activist Claytis Ali, a Dougla himself, who struggled nonviolently against American imperialism and was later executed in 1971 by the governor of Trinidad and Tobago for suggesting that the US normalize relations with Guevarist Gran Colombia.
People's Congress (Tobago) - The smallest splinter party of the People's Congress, they are little more than a cry for attention from the residents of Tobago, who want more resources to be drawn from Trinidad towards their island. And while the party has always held a plurality over the county they rarely get more than two seats as most of its residents vote for either the mainline PC or the PC(C).
New Jewel Movement - The smaller of the two communist parties in Trinidad and Tobago, they are a more radical version of MAP, splitting off from the main party in 1983 by those who wished to go down the path of the Frente de Sandista de Liberacion and take up arms against the American government. Although the movement was swiftly and harshly crushed the people of the movement's home county in Rio Claro still hold a grudge over how the US Southern fleet carpet bombed the area, thinking it was a Gran Colombian invasion, resulting in the county still possessing a third of its pre-1980s population to this day.

California if Californian Whites voted like Texan Whites:

Donald Trump (GOP, AI) - 6651856 - 46.7%
Hillary Clinton (DEM) - 6585750 - 46.3%
What's up with Montana and Indiana?

I assume she wins them because she's doing much better with whites, even whilst doing much worse with minorities. this is why the plains states are all (at least somewhat) competitive.

Of course, these states (save for Indiana which is a bit odd), are all overwhelmingly white so doing much better with whites is enough to make them close even while she does a lot worse with every other racial group.

Deleted member 83898

Yet another random realignment map. this represents a tied election, with the most GOP states being Wyoming, Iowa, and Utah, but with the most Democratic states being Mississippi, Texas, Kentucky, and Georgia.
How accurate is this map?


Here it is with the closest states (in my guesstimation) switched to Tossup. I could be completely off the mark with AR.
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How accurate is this map?


Here it is with the closest states (in my guesstimation) switched to Tossup. I could be completely off the mark with AR.
For the first map, I would flip Illinois, Oregon, Washington, California, and maybe Colorado. for the second, I'd say Texas is a toss-up and so is Arkansas. Michigan would appear to be quite close as well.
The 1916 West Florida Gubernatorial Election in Forgotten No More:


George S. Long (Workers) - 46%
William Ruthers (Federalist) - 44%
B. B. Comer (Constitution) - 10%
I used the MBAM as a base, though the counties were largely made at random by myself.
In 2011, there was a referendum in New Zealand on whether to go from the MMP electoral system, which is a mix of proportional and plurality elements, back to First Past The Post. MMP won out, of course, but only with 57% of the vote.

As a thought experiment, I was going to draw boundaries for 120 First Past the Post electorates, as would be required if the vote had gone the other way. Then I realised that the Maori electorates would be affected, but I didn't have the numbers on hand to work out those boundaries, so I've just assumed that there was another referendum at some point which abolished them, as Winston Peters desires.

Then I realised, halfway through tracing the coastline of Cape Reinga, that redrawing the entire electoral map would be incredibly boring, so I've just done the central isthmus of Auckland, the place I know best.


Going clockwise from the top, Auckland Central encompasses the Central Business District of Auckland and pushes east to the plush suburb of Parnell, in which former PM John Key resided until he sold his house for $20 million. However, Labour's Helen White managed to give Nikki Kaye a reasonably close race by taking advantage of the urban liberals and bohemians of the CBD.

To the southeast of Auckland Central is the uber-safe National seat of Remuera. The successor to ACT's Epsom electorate, Remuera was targeted by David Seymour in the first FPP election in 2014 but National ended the electoral accommodation that had kept the minor party in Parliament. They no longer needed the extra votes. As such, Paul Goldsmith has sat for Remuera since 2014, his electorate covering Newmarket and Epsom as well as Remuera itself. His main challenger this time was Labour's Chloe Swarbrick, a popular mayoral candidate.

To the northeast lies Tamaki, the seat formerly occupied by divisive PM Robert Muldoon. Labour haven't had a chance here since the 1960s, as affluent beach-lovers flock to Mission Bay and the surrounding suburbs. Simon O'Connor, National MP for Tamaki since 2011, made some controversial remarks about youth suicide this election, but this was not reflected in the polls as he handily defeated first-time Labour candidate Sam McDonald.

Looking to the east is the Panmure electorate, which was recreated in 2014 and stretches from Glen Innes down to the Panmure Basin, via the Point England Reserve, which is being controversially sold off by the National government. Carol Beaumont handed over to Priyance Radhakrishnan with a minimum of fuss, despite a desperate last stand for the Maori Party.

West of Panmure is Ellerslie, formerly held by Peseta Sam Lotu-Iiga, who did much better among the large Pacific Island community than National usually does. His successor, former United Future politician and current Auckland Councillor Denise Lee, lost votes in the south to Labour's Nerissa Henry, but held the northern suburbs of Ellerslie and Meadowbank.

Onehunga is bordered to the east by the Southeastern Motorway and the rail line, and is dominated by One Tree Hill and the large suburb of Onehunga, which was formerly a separate port town but is now gentrifying by dribs and drabs. It is one of the most marginal seats in the country, and was this time gained by Labour's Patrick Cummuskey, despite a bitterly contested selection battle between the goatee'd Cummuskey and Maori dynast Peeni Henare.

Along the coast from Onehunga is Mount Roskill, subject of a scrappy by-election contest in 2016, which was won handily by Michael Wood (Labour). He saw off National's Parmjeet Parmar for the third time in three years this time.

Further to the west is New Lynn, the electorate formerly held by Labour Leader David Cunliffe. He retired ahead of the 2017 election and was replaced by tax expert Deborah Russell, who held on relatively narrowly to this electorate which stretches from Blockhouse Bay in the south to the Rosebank peninsula in the north.

Nestled between Mount Roskill and New Lynn is the rather ugly electorate of Owairaka, which also includes Sandringham to the northeast. Labour's young gun Shail Kaushal took over this heterogenous seat from his father Sunny in 2017.

Eden, to the east of Owairaka, was another Labour gain in this election, with the signal policy of light rail down Dominion Road proving popular with the locals. Despite Jian Yang's ties to the local ethnic communities, he was defeated amidst allegations that he is a Chinese spy. The new Labour MP is Paul Stevens, who falls neatly into Jacinda Ardern's refreshing new image of the party.

North of Eden is Ardern's own electorate of Grey Lynn, which includes some of the most hipster - and the most expensive - neighbourhoods in Auckland, including Ponsonby, Freeman's Bay and Herne Bay. National's Melissa Lee was always going to be a long shot against somebody with such a high profile.

Finally, to the west of Grey Lynn, is the historic electorate of Mount Albert, which has been held by two Labour leaders. David Shearer caused a sudden by'election earlier in the year, which controversial former Alliance MP Willie Jackson won with little opposition bar the remnants of the Green Party, and it was no surprise that he held the seat at the general election, one of the few Maori voices in Parliament since the return to FPP.
This is a map if the Republicans were more libertarian constitutionalist party, while the Democrats a populist party that represents a common man and the working class (both white and non-white). I wasn't sure about California, but I made it red, because otherwise, R would have no chance of winning.

Would you change something? R=rep; B=dem
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