President Forever and other 270soft games Megathread

Play Trump in Medium in Ticket Trump/Pence vs Sanders
Win in D.C but Loss in Delaware by Two % ??

A new dawn has broken, has it not?


Forgot to screenshot my victory and my save is corrupted (this is a recurring problem) heres the results in depth its fun read and featuring a few surprises including a 'Liberal' win Tweedale. I have results pdf but cant upload it here,any suggestions?

Publisher Darryl Perry (L-NH)/Dr. Marc Allen Freidman (L-OH): 515 EVs, 64.1%

CIA Agent Evan McMullin (I-UT)/Strategist Mindy Finn (I-TX): 19 EVs, 7.7%
Professor William Kreml (G-SC)/Air Pollution Inspector Kent Mesplay (G-CA): 4 EVs, 23.4%
Attorney Darrel Castle (C-TN)/University Administrator Scott Bradley (C-UT): 2%

ANC Chair Tom Hoefling (A-IA)/Nuclear Energy Consultant Steve Schulin (A-SC): 1.2%
Other: 1.6%

Publisher Darryl Perry (L-NH)/Dr. Marc Allen Freidman (L-OH): 515 EVs, 64.1%

CIA Agent Evan McMullin (I-UT)/Strategist Mindy Finn (I-TX): 19 EVs, 7.7%
Professor William Kreml (G-SC)/Air Pollution Inspector Kent Mesplay (G-CA): 4 EVs, 23.4%
Attorney Darrel Castle (C-TN)/University Administrator Scott Bradley (C-UT): 2%

ANC Chair Tom Hoefling (A-IA)/Nuclear Energy Consultant Steve Schulin (A-SC): 1.2%
Other: 1.6%
Libertarian wank.
Hi everyone,

Meanwhile in an alternate universe, Cali elects a Republican governor in 2018.

In all seriousness though, I think Cali's gubernatorial seat is safe with the Democrats in 2018.
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Just wanted to show off my first full playthrough of the game. The scenario is in 2008 with me as Rice. I enabled Rice, Jeb! Bush (who was actually a decent opponent all things considered), and Al Gore. I was able to get some early momentum via Giuliani collapsing in on himself early in the primaries because of scandals and I took every chance I got to spin Obama headlines or to research Obama scandals to damage him. The Democrats had a brokered convention and Gore ended up coming out on top despite Obama having more delegates. I then proceed to trounce Gore in every debate and campaign my butt off along with my running mate Bobby Jindal. I should have chosen someone who was from Ohio instead so I could have spent more time campaigning elsewhere (Wisconsin was close!) but I can't say that he was particularly bad.

I also have no clue as to how I snagged California.