Long live the White Rose! OR A Yorkist Victory

Kingdom of Alaska

Capital: New Archangel
Languages: Russian And English
Government: Democratic Constitutional Monarchy
Tsar: Peter IV


Another little infobox, this time for Alaska!
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You don't considering butterflying the hapsburgs from spain. If Edward V survives then perhaps Catherine of York can wed Juan prince of Asturias and have a infante or two?
I am very invested in a non-hapsburgs spain as all on this board can testify. If Juan dies as otl and no infante then I suggest keeping Alfonso, prince of Portugal alive and have a Isabel II of Spain scenario and a unified iberia that don't have to fight in germany and the netherlands.
I am very invested in a non-hapsburgs spain as all on this board can testify. If Juan dies as otl and no infante then I suggest keeping Alfonso, prince of Portugal alive and have a Isabel II of Spain scenario and a unified iberia that don't have to fight in germany and the netherlands.
I'd say i like the other option.
There were nazis in Austria who weren't fond of the ones in Germany who keep the "theme" if you will. Not being rid of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy doesn't necessarily delete them from existing, either.
> be me
> OP sends me link to TL
> Is finally noticed by someone
> Austria-Hungary
> Russian Alaska
> Hmmm...


I'm interested in seeing a world map. :)
National Unity Party of Austria-Hungary

Ideologies: Austro-Hungarian Unionism
Position on the spectrum: Centre


Hope i don't get witch hunted by Tumblr for this... :noexpression:


National Unity Party of Austria-Hungary

Ideologies: Austro-Hungarian Unionism
Position on the spectrum: Centre


Hope i don't get witch hunted by Tumblr for this... :noexpression:
I'm sure they have better things to do, like protest endlessly