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Are there any First Person Shooters set in a future war like Battlefront: 2142? Call of the Proletariat: The Third World War?
What about the Cold War period?
Are there any First Person Shooters set in a future war like Battlefront: 2142? Call of the Proletariat: The Third World War?
What about the Cold War period?

The Cold War era is going to have two Call of the Proletariat games: Horn Of Death, set during the War For The Horn Of Africa, and Times Of Crisis, set during the UASR interventions in the Congo and Vietnam.

(As of right now, that's all we know about the Cold War, and we aren't supposed to talk about it.)

They've been well reviewed, but neither was as extensive or as revolutionary as COP II, so with the support of their fans they are considering making a futuristic COP set during the Third World War, where the UASR and Comintern take on a resurgent India and it's junior partner, Brazil, in both Earth and the solar colonies and socialist republics set up in the solar system and alpha Centauri.

The game would be complete with massive Combat Mechs similar to 40K Emperor Titans, suits of power armor similar to the mobile infantry complete with jump packs , chainguns, and plasma chainsaws, hover tanks, and much more futuristic weaponry that takes COP to a new level compared to COP II. Combat is more like WW2 as well.

The game would also feature a GAE Mark 3 which takes a similar leap in graphical quality that the GAE Mark 2 did with the original.
I'm wondering. How is run ttl? Because apparently some of the far right or generally unpleasant posters made for this tl's equivalent would have been banned otl
I'm wondering. How is run ttl? Because apparently some of the far right or generally unpleasant posters made for this tl's equivalent would have been banned otl

There's a lot more tolerance for the far-right and general unpleasantness overall due to the Cold War but bans are still abound. Non-Political Chat: Call Of The Proletariat 1 and 2 discussion

As much as it pains me to say it, you Yanks make much better FPS's than we do. Seriously, COP stuffs its bollocks in the mouths of the devs behind "For King and Country." If I have to hear the names Soap and Ghost one more time.....

My favorites, obviously, are the British campaigns. The campaign "Good Hunting" was amazing, and it felt like an old British Second World War action movie, and OBG added several great homages to The Dam Busters. The part where you are in that hen house, and the Lancaster Bombers fly over, and the chickens lay premature eggs made me burst out laughing.

"Watching The Skies" was a great campaign too, and it really made me feel triumphant. Britannia truly ruled the waves back then.
Political Party of the People's Republic of Bulgaria

Reformed block (Реформаторски блок)
Founded: 1980
Ideology: Social democracy
Political position: Rights (BPR), Left (International)
International Affiliation: International Democrat Union
Official Color: Darkblue, White
Youth Wing: Democratic Youth Union (Демократическата младежки съюза)
Party Newspaper: "Свободата България"

Political stances

Capital Punishment: universally opposed
Civil Defense: the party supports a state-sponsored military training program for youth similar to the Civil Defense Initiative in the UASR.
Cultural Stance: Maintain a policy Cultural Leap.
Defense: In favor of limiting offensive weapons.
Drug Policy: middle-of-the road, supporting decriminalization of soft drugs
Economy: supports a mixed economy with independent workers' councils handling most economic affairs except essencial goods like heavy industry
Education: supports a state-sponsored educational program to preserve standarts, and opposes parochial schools
Environment: Support for environmental protection measures.
Foreign Aid: the Reformers supports using foreign aid in order to foster democratic values in developing socialist states.
Foreign Alliances: Discharge in the relationship with the FBU, the open border with West Germany.
Immigration: Generally favoring more open immigration.
Social Welfare: the Reformers have favored highly permissive immigration policy, including offering asylum to anyone from war torn or oppressive regimes.
Taxation: the Reformers are opposed to income taxes on individuals, and support progressive production taxation on workers' councils
Trade: Free Trade with neighbors.

Bulgarian People's Party "Strike" (Български народна партия "Удар")
Founded: 1980
Ideology: Marxism-Stalinism, Left populism, Neo-conservatism.
Political position: The right-wing radicals (BPR), left (International)
International Affiliation: Communist International
Official Color: White, Green, Red (Bulgarian national colours)
Youth Wing: Bulgarian Young Guard (Български Млада гвардия)
Party Newspaper: Българското възраждане

Political stances

Capital Punishment: Удар supports using death penalty against rapists, pedophiles, human traffickers and counterrevolutionaries
Civil Defense: supports a strong, state-sponsored military training program
Cultural Stance: Criticized "anti-national" values of the new culture.
Defense: Militarist party. "Strike" supports the idea of a strong army.
Drug Policy: Absolutely against.
Economy: The centralized, command economy.
Education: State control of the educational process.
Environment: Удар considers efforts to limits climate change and ecological devastation to be harmful to the communities' economic well-being
Foreign Aid: supports using foreign aid to build strong alliances that benefit the people of the BPR
Foreign Alliances: Deepening cooperation with the USSR.
Immigration: Closed borders.
Social Welfare: Удар supports welfare at state leve.
Taxation: supports revenue to come from renting of public property to workers' councils
Trade: the BPP strongly supports autarkic economic policy.

The Bulgarian Communist Party (Българска комунистическа партия)
Founded: 1891
Ideology: Council communism, neoconservatism.
Political position: The center-left (BPR), the Left Radicals (international).
International Affiliation: Comintern
Official Color: Red
Youth Wing: Dimitrov Communist Youth Union (Димитровски коммунистически младежки съюз)
Party Newspaper: Работническо дело

Political stances

Capital Punishment: the Communist continues to support using the death penalty against counterrevolutionary crimes and opposes efforts of provincial governments to abolish it.
Civil Defense: Emphasizes the role of civil defense in ensuring the defense capability of the socialist society.
Cultural Stance: Maintain a policy Cultural Leap.
Defense: Replacing recruits professional army.
Drug Policy: The decriminalization of soft drugs in conjunction with measures to combat drug addiction and propaganda of a healthy lifestyle.
Economy: The program is an extension of autonomy of enterprises. The introduction of the model "Matryoshka" in the Bulgarian economy.
Education: The party advocates increased local control of educational policy, in keeping with the party's strong support for participatory democracy.
Environment: The Communists support attempts to contain climate change, and have in recent years worked to develop public policy to repair the ecological devastation caused by past industrial policy.
Foreign Aid: Foreign aid to friendly regimes.
Foreign Alliances: Expansion cooperation with UASR.
Immigration: generally favoring open borders
Social Welfare: supports transfering social programs from the central government to the regional councils
Taxation: The Communists have remained categorically opposed to the institution of individual income taxes or general sales taxes, favoring union and provincial revenue to be derived from rents to publicly owned enterprises.
Trade: The Communists have championed the development of free-trade blocs among socialist nations.

Bulgarian Syndicalist Union (Българската синдикалистка съюз)
Founded: 1990
Ideology: Green Syndicalism.
Political position: Left Radicals (GDR) Ultra Left (international).
International Affiliation: Green International
Official Color: Green
Youth Wing: Youth Environmental Community (Младеж екологичната Общността)
Party Newspaper: Български екологичен Бюлетин

Political stances

Capital Punishment: The BSU is categorically opposed to the use of capital punishment.
Civil Defense: the Syndicalists consider civil defense programs as overtly militaristic and barbaric
Cultural Stance: Maintain a policy Cultural Leap.
Defense: Disclaimer centralized armed forces.
Drug Policy: Decriminalization in conjunction with measures to combat drug addiction and propaganda of a healthy lifestyle.
Economy: Refusal of central planning in favor of greater autonomy of enterprises.
Education: Transferring control of education to local councils.
Environment: The use of foreign aid for environmental protection at the global level.
Foreign Aid: Foreign aid to friendly regimes.
Foreign Alliances: Alliance with friendly regimes.
Immigration: supports open borders
Social Welfare: opposed to government programs, which are to be transferred into the workers' councils
Taxation: universally opposed
Trade: supports greater autonomy for regional trade
Party of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic.

Czechoslovak People's Party (Československá strana lidová)
Founded: 1919
Ideology: Christian socialism, neo-conservatism.
Political position: The center-right (CSSR), Left (International).
International Affiliation: Socialist International
Official Color: Yellow
Youth Wing: Young Populars (mladí populárních)
Party Newspaper: "Nový Hlas"

Capital Punishment: universally opposed
Civil Defense: Populars consider the Civil Defense Initiative to be a relic of yesteryear, unnecessarily militaristic for modern society..
Cultural Stance: Currently support the feminist movement and the sexual minorities. However, consider the new cultural standards decadent and loose.
Defense: Stand for peace with the West and the general disarmament.
Drug Policy: Absolutely against.
Economy: Support a mix of participatory and central planning, though some support is given for market reforms in luxury goods.
Education: supports public education policy.
Environment: The use of state programs for the prevention of environmental degradation.
Foreign Aid: Support grant aid to third world countries.
Foreign Alliances: The Christian Democrats is categorically opposed to aggressive foreign policy and other destabilizing actions.
Immigration: Generally favoring more open immigration.
Social Welfare: The fight against poverty. Active promotion of social protection programs.
Taxation: CSPP favors taxing socially destructive activities as part of its overall theme of social justice.
Trade: CSPP trade policy generally favors autarky in essential industries such as agriculture, mining, steel and energy, but free trade in less essential, more luxury oriented markets.

Czechoslovak Socialist Party (Československá strana socialistická)
Founded: 1898
Ideology: Left-wing nationalism, state socialism.
Political position: Center Right (GDR), left (International)
International Affiliation: Comintern
Official Color: White, Red, Blue, Gold
Youth Wing: Joint Youth Front (Společné mládeže Přední, Spoločné mládeže Predné)
Party Newspaper: Československý Slovo

Political stances

Capital Punishment: continues to support using the death penalty against counterrevolutionary crimes and opposes efforts of provincial governments to abolish it.
Civil Defense: supports a strong, state-sponsored military training program
Cultural Stance: Criticized "anti-national" values of the new culture.
Defense: Known as the militarist party.
Drug Policy: Absolutely against.
Economy: Centralized government planning.
Education: They consider it necessary to put the learning process under the control of the state.
Environment: Consider measures to prevent climate change is economically useless and harmful.
Foreign Aid: Termination "a useless waste."
Foreign Alliances: Isolationists.
Immigration: Additional migration barrier.
Social Welfare: The party proposes to expand the state-sponsored child care programs and an increase in food subsidies to the workers and collective farmers.
Taxation: The CSP is most often the party of balanced budgets.
Trade: The SCP strongly supports autarkic economic policy.

Slovak Labour Party (Slovenský labouristická strana)
Founded: 1939 (Changed its name in 1981)
Ideology: council communism, left-wing populism
Political position: left-wing (CSSR), far-left (International)
International Affiliation: Socialist International
Official Color: Red, Blue
Youth Wing: Young Socialists (mladí socialisti)
Party Newspaper: slovenský Novinky

Political stances

Capital Punishment: the SLP supports the death penalty regarding counterrevolutionary acts or war crimes
Civil Defense: supports a goverment-sponsered military training program for minors
Cultural Stance: middle-of-the road, but strongly conservative-leaning
Defense: supports the creation of a Slovak standing army
Drug Policy: supports criminalization of most drugs
Economy: supports a mixed participatory economy, with greater government role regarding essencial goods like the agriculture
Education: supports increased regional influence over educational policy
Environment: while the CPU has made important steps to fight climate change and polution in Slovakia, it has remained a back-burner issue
Foreign Aid: supports using foreign aid to built strong alliances
Foreign Alliances: support the creation of cordon sanitaire with the People's Republic of China against India and closer economic ties with the UASR
Health Policy: supports a workers' council-run (private) universal healthcare system, with strong government regulation to ensure preserving the standarts
Immigration: has supported a permissive immigration policy, especially for people fleeing war-torn regions
Social Welfare: supports a strong welfare program and the Labour party is the founder of the modern housing and subsidies programs in Slovakia
Taxation: universally opposed
Trade: Labour party supports increased control over trading praticses

Communist Party of Czechoslovakia (Komunistická strana Československa)
Founded: 1921
Ideology: Council communism.
Political position: Left (CSSR), the Left Radicals (international).
International Affiliation: Comintern
Official Color: Red
Youth Wing: Socialist Youth Union (Socialistický svaz mládeže)
Party Newspaper: Rudé právo

Political stances

Capital Punishment: Seek to maintain the use of the death penalty only in cases of treason, and in grievous international crimes such as war crimes and crimes against humanity.
Civil Defense: Emphasizes the role of civil defense in ensuring the defense capability of the socialist society.
Cultural Stance: Maintain a policy Cultural Leap.
Defense: It is emphasized the need to strengthen the armed forces in case of war with West Germany.
Drug Policy: Decriminalization in conjunction with measures to combat drug addiction and propaganda of a healthy lifestyle.
Economy: The program is an extension of autonomy of enterprises. The introduction of the model "Matryoshka" in the German economy.
Education: The party advocates increased local control of educational policy, in keeping with the party's strong support for participatory democracy.
Environment: The Communists support attempts to contain climate change, and have in recent years worked to develop public policy to repair the ecological devastation caused by past industrial policy.
Foreign Aid: Foreign aid to friendly regimes.
Foreign Alliances: Expansion cooperation with UASR.
Immigration: generally favoring open borders
Social Welfare: supports transfering social programs from the central government to the provincional governments
Taxation: The Communists have remained categorically opposed to the institution of individual income taxes or general sales taxes, favoring union and provincial revenue to be derived from rents to publicly owned enterprises.
Trade: The Communists have championed the development of free-trade blocs among socialist nations.

Green Party (Strana zelených)
Founded: 1990
Ideology: Ecosocialism, pacifism
Political position: Left (СSSR) Left (international).
International Affiliation: Green International
Official Color: Green
Youth Wing: Young Greens (mladí zelení)
Party Newspaper: Morena

Political stances

Capital Punishment: Greens are categorically opposed to the use of capital punishment.
Civil Defense: Greens consider civil defense programs as overtly militaristic and barbaric
Cultural Stance: Maintain a policy Cultural Leap.
Defense: Partial disarmament and the abolition of conscription as part of a "renewed socialist program).
Drug Policy: Decriminalization in conjunction with measures to combat drug addiction and propaganda of a healthy lifestyle.
Economy: Refusal of central planning in favor of greater autonomy of enterprises.
Education: Transferring control of education to local councils.
Environment: The use of foreign aid for environmental protection at the global level.
Foreign Aid: Foreign aid to friendly regimes.
Foreign Alliances: Alliance with friendly regimes.
Immigration: supports open borders
Social Welfare: Using public social protection programs to protect the environment.
Taxation: The introduction of taxes on pollution and waste.
Trade: Full control over the trade in order to ensure environmental safety.

PS - I would like to discuss the game quest and adventure genre. Is there any idea about the following games:
Culpa Innata
games from Telltale Games

The Longest Journey or others?
More worries me a new philosophy of history. It dominates whether formational approach ildi something else? This may affect the global strategy civilization type .
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Hey, since Uncle Sam no longer exists as a symbol of America ITTL, who do you think replaces him? I'd imagine a burly industrial worker would replace him. "Hank The Hammer" anybody?
Sorry, but Hungary turned out fewer parties. The reason for this relatively soft of Kadar mode.

Hungarian Socialist Party (Magyar Szocialista Párt)
Founded: 1978
Ideology: Goulash communism, neoconservatism.
Political position: Right (HPR), left (International)
International Affiliation: Comintern
Official Color: Green, Red
Youth Wing: Societas - New Movement (Societas – Baloldali Ifjúsági Mozgalom )
Party Newspaper: Magyar Igazság.

Political stances

Capital Punishment: It provides for the use of the death penalty in treason and crimes against humanity.
Civil Defense: The HSP continues to defend the tradition of civil defense, and seeks to promote readiness among the citizenry.
Cultural Stance: The proposed revision of certain aspects of the Cultural Leap
Defense: The progressive reduction of the armed forces and the improvement of relations with the Entente.
Drug Policy: Decriminalization of marijuana.
Economy: Market socialism.
Education: They consider it necessary to put the learning process under the control of the state.
Environment: Limited measures for waste disposal.
Foreign Aid: Limited assistance to developing countries.
Foreign Alliances: Neutrality between the Comintern and the Entente.
Immigration: Generally favoring more open immigration.
Social Welfare: HSP have been the architects of the modern Soviet welfare state, from child support subsidies, universal healthcare and public ownership of housing programs
Taxation: The HSP is most often the party of balanced budgets.
Trade: The liberalization of foreign trade.

Hungarian Workers' Party (Magyar Dolgozók Pártja)
Founded: 1978
Ideology: Council communism.
Political position: Left (HPR), the Left Radicals (international).
International Affiliation: Comintern
Official Color: Red
Youth Wing: Left front (Baloldali Front)
Party Newspaper: A Szabadság

Political stances

Capital Punishment: Seek to maintain the use of the death penalty only in cases of treason, and in grievous international crimes such as war crimes and crimes against humanity.
Civil Defense: Emphasizes the role of civil defense in ensuring the defense capability of the socialist society.
Cultural Stance: Maintain a policy Cultural Leap.
Defense: Supports a multilateral international nuclear disarmament program
Drug Policy: supports decriminalization of soft drugs, combined with programs to combat addiction
Economy: universally opposes any government role in the economy, which is to be run by workers' councils. Anticipated curtailment of market elements.
Education: The party advocates increased local control of educational policy, in keeping with the party's strong support for participatory democracy.
Environment: HWP support attempts to contain climate change, and have in recent years worked to develop public policy to repair the ecological devastation caused by past industrial policy.
Foreign Aid: Foreign aid to friendly regimes.
Foreign Alliances: Expansion cooperation with UASR.
Immigration: generally favoring open borders
Social Welfare: supports transfering social programs from the central government to the provincional governments
Taxation: HWP have remained categorically opposed to the institution of individual income taxes or general sales taxes, favoring union and provincial revenue to be derived from rents to publicly owned enterprises.
Trade: HWP have championed the development of free-trade blocs among socialist nations.

Party of Greens (Zöldek Pártja)
Founded: 2006
Ideology: Environmentalism, international socialism.
Political position: Left (GHPR) Left (international).
International Affiliation: Green International
Official Color: Green
Youth Wing: Green Student Movement (Zöld Hallgatói Mozgalom)
Party Newspaper: Környezeti Figyelmeztetés.

Political stances

Capital Punishment: categorically opposed to the use of capital punishment.
Civil Defense: the Greens consider civil defense programs as overtly militaristic and barbaric
Cultural Stance: Maintain a policy Cultural Leap.
Defense: The progressive reduction of the armed forces
Drug Policy: Decriminalization in conjunction with measures to combat drug addiction and propaganda of a healthy lifestyle.
Economy: Strongly in favor of participatory planning, though central planning to maintain ecological standards is often supported.
Education: The program expanded environmental education.
Environment: The use of foreign aid for environmental protection at the global level.
Foreign Aid: Foreign aid to friendly regimes.
Foreign Alliances: The Greens is philosophically internationalist to the core, and has often echoed the Socialists' support for genuine proletarian internationalism.
Immigration: supports open borders
Social Welfare: opposed to government programs, which are to be transferred into the workers' councils
Taxation: universally opposed
Trade: supports greater autonomy for regional trade

