Return of Horrible Educational Maps

Admittedly its a 1919 map and therefore subject to a little bit of border wibbly-ness but this one is still grim (highlights are found in Yugoslavia-Austria area)
i wanna see how terrible they are.

Obiously written by a Finnish nationalist, from humble beginnings in the 17th century, Finland grows to become a utopian superpower with electric cars galore. Randomly conquered and annexed Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Karelia, Kola Peninsula, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Austria and Italy without Sicily for some random reason. Despite a PoD in the 17th century, the timeline still contains the Soviet Union, Nazism, the moon landings in the 1960s, John Lennon and Marilyn Monroe. Despite glaring inaccuracies, Finland is somehow the world's dominant economic and military superpower, and despite having all that conquered territory whose inhabitants outnumber quite heavily actual Finnish people, has no signs of major separatist conflict.

There are probably worse timelines, but this is an example of everything wrong with

Obiously written by a Finnish nationalist, from humble beginnings in the 17th century, Finland grows to become a utopian superpower with electric cars galore. Randomly conquered and annexed Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Karelia, Kola Peninsula, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Austria and Italy without Sicily for some random reason. Despite a PoD in the 17th century, the timeline still contains the Soviet Union, Nazism, the moon landings in the 1960s, John Lennon and Marilyn Monroe. Despite glaring inaccuracies, Finland is somehow the world's dominant economic and military superpower, and despite having all that conquered territory whose inhabitants outnumber quite heavily actual Finnish people, has no signs of major separatist conflict.

There are probably worse timelines, but this is an example of everything wrong with
bloody hell, what did i just read?
Admittedly its a 1919 map and therefore subject to a little bit of border wibbly-ness but this one is still grim (highlights are found in Yugoslavia-Austria area)
So, Austria was partitioned between Jugoslavonia and Austria-Hungary and England declared independence then annexed the rest of the UK and Ireland?