No Spanish Civil War in 1936 (my new Timeline)

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And like most American politicians, Wallace changed his mind after post war euphoria gave way to the cold war.
True, eventually. Wallace was not the complete Red dupe that he is sometimes portrayed as.

Wallace however, ran a presidential campaign advocating good relations with the Russians...
In 1948, well after most Americans had shed that wartime illusion about the USSR; Wallace was still gripped by it.

Wallace was the figurehead for a Presidential campaign run by Communists. Its primary function was as a mechanism for spreading the idea that all the conflicts between Communists and others in Europe (and elsewhere) were due to reactionaries and fascist hangovers opposing the democratic will of the people - and that the U.S. must not support the anti-Communist side in these battles.

For example, Wallace condemned U.S. aid to the government of Greece, under attack from Communist guerrillas. He also attacked the Marshall Plan. He also argued that the U.S. was at fault for any conflicts with the USSR, and opposed the Berlin Airlift.

In other words, Wallace's campaign advocated "good relations with the Soviets" by letting the Soviets have whatever they wanted.

Even Eleanor Roosevelt saw him as a Communist dupe at that time.

By the 1950s, Wallace had figured out what was really going on, and admitted he had been wrong.
A bump just because, every few months, this thread deserves to be on the front page so that those who have recently joined can experience a masterpiece of writing.
I think Dr. S got stuck with a combo of real life and a block in developing the war to its end.

Dr S: Come back to us! Wrap up the war in a quick couple of vague updates and move on to the après-guerre. With all the hints you gave us throughout the YEARS (God we're all getting old) this TL progressed leaves me to believe you had that much better laid out than the War itself.

Arise, dear Timeline, arise!
Thank you everyone for taking the time to read all this monster, and even more for appreciating it! :)

I feel kind of guilty for having abandoned it right after a massive cliffhanger (what are those italians up to in Berchtesgaden?), but I wrote that at a time when I was really busy, and I never really had the time to pick it back up. And, after 3 and a half years, I felt a bit burned.

Right now I have finished college, found a fulltime job, and what little time I have left, I take it into reading and writing publishable things (and it's going to get worse if I get into a relationship...), so I am afraid I really wouldn't have much time to keep writing NSCW at the extent I had envisioned it.

Maybe (but I can't promise anything), I could try to write until the end of WWII, if I found the time.

in any case, I am very happy and flattered that people keep enjoying this so many years after I began writing it. :)


I'm sad to hear that. Will we get at least, should the update ever come, some more details about the postwar World? We can already get a very general picture, but I was thinking about something like a Spanish presidential list, and most importantly, what the heck happened in 1987. I've lived with the intrigue for years. Finally, I would love to make, someday, a NSCW World map, if you are Ok with that.
Thank you everyone for taking the time to read all this monster, and even more for appreciating it! :)

I feel kind of guilty for having abandoned it right after a massive cliffhanger (what are those italians up to in Berchtesgaden?), but I wrote that at a time when I was really busy, and I never really had the time to pick it back up. And, after 3 and a half years, I felt a bit burned.

Right now I have finished college, found a fulltime job, and what little time I have left, I take it into reading and writing publishable things (and it's going to get worse if I get into a relationship...), so I am afraid I really wouldn't have much time to keep writing NSCW at the extent I had envisioned it.

Maybe (but I can't promise anything), I could try to write until the end of WWII, if I found the time.

in any case, I am very happy and flattered that people keep enjoying this so many years after I began writing it. :)
Real life is the most important, but I hope you will be able to update it in the future.:)
Finally, I would love to make, someday, a NSCW World map, if you are Ok with that.

I can't speak for the author, of course, but aren't there already plenty of NSCW world maps in this thread? I'll admit that they aren't all of optimal quality, but they're still NSCW world maps.


I can't speak for the author, of course, but aren't there already plenty of NSCW world maps in this thread? I'll admit that they aren't all of optimal quality, but they're still NSCW world maps.

I meant a postwar one with alliance systems. A four-sided Cold War, one which includes byzantine European politics and an ideology that doesn't exist IOTL? Tell me that doesn't just ask for a map.

Anyway, those are not days of hope, but of mourning.

Atraviesa la muerte con herrumbrosas lanzas,
y en traje de cañón, las parameras
donde cultiva el hombre raíces y esperanzas,
y llueve sal, y esparce calaveras.

Verdura de las eras,
¿qué tiempo prevalece la alegría?
El sol pudre la sangre, la cubre de asechanzas
y hace brotar la sombra más sombría.

El dolor y su manto
vienen una vez más a nuestro encuentro.
Y una vez más al callejón del llanto
lluviosamente entro.
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How many Jews remain in Europe?

I know you haven't updated in a while, but I enjoy your alternate history a lot. I am curious as to the remaining population of Jews in Europe.

Even without the italians helping to siphon european jews to Libya or Palestine, I'd say the Holocaust is far less deadlier than IOTL. With Italy being more independent of Germany and having a firm grip of the Balkans; and Ciano being less willing to accept Hitler's antisemitic hijinks (or rather willing to earn points towards the allies); I'd say that the Balkans and Hungary are a safe haven for Jews. Not that that's going to help a lot of polish, lithuanian and russian jews, but it will mitigate the body count.

You said at one point the Holocaust death toll in ITL was 50% OTL. So there were 3 million more Jews remaining in Europe. What are the remaining jewish populations in Europe?

I did the calculation of the Jewish populations of that Naza Pact countries, because in your timeline they stayed out of the war.

Here is what I figured out:
Country Jews Killed
Greece 65000
Hungary 550000
Italy 7500
Romania 270000
Yugoslavia 60000
Death Toll OTL: 952500

So almost a million Jews are saved in Eastern Europe because these countries don't go to war in the ITTL. How about the rest of that surviving Jewish population?

In Poland alone three million Jews died in the OTL. So how is it that the jewish population lasted much longer than it did in ITTL?

I doubt that the Zara pact countries would open themselves to Jewish immigration.

In OTL many of these countries were already enacting anti-Jewish legislation that only intensified after the start of World War 2.

I know in the OTL, Bulgaria was of few nations whose government made every effort not to collaborate in the Final Solution in their own country, but they still established many anti Semitic laws, and in the part of Macedonia they occupied, they deported thousands of Jews living there to death camps.

So, can you explain the policies of the Naza Pact countries in regards to Jews, as well as the numbers of survivors in Eastern Europe?
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OK, it's been quite a long time since we last heard from Dr. Strangelove, and that we got an update on this.

However, it should not be the death of it. We already have a TV Tropes page, and, Internet (and muse) willing, at 12 PM CEST time (in about 18 hours, more or less), No Spanish Civil War In 1936 will prominently feature in my blog, Ucronía Lallena, as another wonderful example of how funny and interesting Alternative History can be. If you read Spanish, you can access it through the link in my signature. If you want to read it in English, wait two weeks, as that's the time that passes between a post in the Spanish blog and the English one.
Holy shit, thank you! :) I am flattered about this, really.

Unfortunately I can't promise you anything about continuing NSCW in the foreseable future, as I have other literary projects in the works, of the publishable kind. :(
Hello, Dr Strangelove! Just finished reading this timeline and I greatly enjoyed it. But it ended on a mystery: what are Italian doing in the Berchtesgaden?


I thought for a split second that this had been updated and I almost fainted. I don't think I've ever enjoyed a TL as much as this one. I don't think at this point that it will be continued (And if it is, GLADIO should be recorded as the biggest cliffhanger ever), but I don't mind at all. I could never repay how much pleasure it gave me to read it.
May as well reveal it after all these years.

GLADIO is Ciano's Get out of Gulag Free card, and it is basically a surprise attack on retreating german forces. Italian forces retreating across Hungary must either make their way back to Italy or Italy-alligned Yugoslavia and engage retreating germans if possible, italian Alpini are advancing on the alpine passes, and the Berchtesgaden op is basically Ciano getting leverage in the form of the whole nazi leadership, including Hitler himself.
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