Alternate Wikipedia Infoboxes II

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Look, take it elsewhere. Do I ask you for chapter and verse on anything you’ve written? No.

Take OTL USA. If the continent(s) were not called America, would Americans want to be called ‘Statesiders’/’Statists’ or ‘United Statesiders/Statists’. Plainly the latter if only as an encouragement of national unity. Will that satisfy you or do I have to create an etymology for you? I might remind you (a) it isn’t real and (b) I am drawing boxes, not creating a full timeline.

But if I were creating a timeline it is not impossible it might develop in a way you don’t like but which is not incoherent. I have already said that Wales outside Glamorgan and Monmouth would turn into solid GOP Dixie on the basis of it being rural with a dying radical streak. You didn’t like that either. Tough – it isn’t impossible.

As I said, if you don't like it, set up a British Presidency 1792-2012 thread. I am trying to work out a 19th C party system, but if you get in before me I shan't mind in the least.
I was only saying that "Great British" is not easy to say and that "British" was easier and likely to hold despite jingoism.
I was only saying that "Great British" is not easy to say and that "British" was easier and likely to hold despite jingoism.
Here it isn't. It is all of three syllables rather than two, but a constant happy reminder of Great British Exceptionalism, and all of a piece with God blessing God's Own Great Britain with "The Land".

This bit of whimsy should not have required such logorrhoea on my part or yours. Now let's drop it.
This is probably the oldest one I'll be making.

Since I used Plinio Salgado as Wallace in 1968 and Brazil has no movement similar to the "Dixiecrats", I decided to use Filinto Muller as Thurmond, representing a conservative authoritarian faction of the Democratic Party, one formerly aligned with the mainstream of the party during the Vargas (Roosevelt) Era, but nowadays sort of rogue.

Balbino's 1964 landslide against conservative leader Afonso Arinos.

I don't know if you already noted that, but I'm trying to use the Nordeste as an analogue of the US South. If you look closely, every Southern US politician has been represented by a Northeastern Brazilian politician.

Moraes, when you're finished, you should try to see the reversal. :D

Sure! I just need a couple of military rulers, a left-wing sociologist who becomes a neoliberal and a bearded union leader with a missing finger :D

Anyway, the 1972 Lacerda landslide against notorious left-wing politician Leonel Brizola.

Sure! I just need a couple of military rulers, a left-wing sociologist who becomes a neoliberal and a bearded union leader with a missing finger :D
Hmm... The bearded union leader? You could plausibly get away with Tim Bishop of New York, he's a part of the Labor caucus.

Military rulers? Easy, just take some of the most famous American generals.

A leftist who becomes a neoliberal? Fernando Henrique Cardoso, you're talking about? You could go with Jerry Brown. :D:p;)
After the resignation of Vice President Ademar de Barros for corruption charges, President Lacerda picked popular Minas Gerais governor José Magalhães Pinto for VP. After the Hotel Nacional scandal and Lacerda's resignation, Magalhães Pinto found himself seating in the presidential chair.

He was defeated in a very close election by Pernambuco politician Miguel Arraes, who managed to win the Northeast for the Democratic Party, something very hard at the time.

Facing a troubled economy and a complicated international scenario, Presidente Arraes lost its reelection to the old right-wing icon, former diplomat and notorious free market advocate Roberto Campos, from the city of Rio de Janeiro, Guanabara. Antônio Carlos Magalhães was picked for VP as a way to appease the mainstream of the Republican Party.

Álvaro Valle, a moderate republican congressman launched an independent campaing, but failed to win in any state.



These are some wiki boxes from NationStates, the canon me and my friend are putting together for our two countries, the part we've done so far is mostly just World War III and the aftermath for the United States. Not very realistic. Because there are a significant number of them, I'll link to the imgur album.
These are some wiki boxes from NationStates, the canon me and my friend are putting together for our two countries, the part we've done so far is mostly just World War III and the aftermath for the United States. Not very realistic. Because there are a significant number of them, I'll link to the imgur album.
I like the idea. Very much. What do you think happens to the Socialist Party in Communist rule? I assume they're incorporated into the party of the regime?
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