Alternate Wikipedia Infoboxes II

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Are there a lot of white Southern Democrats? Like rough percentage-wise I'd guess it would be similar to modern day levels.
Thanks. When were the last Republican governors for all three states?

It's been about 30-40 years for the Southern states. Like I said, a bigger, blacker Solid South.

Are there a lot of white Southern Democrats? Like rough percentage-wise I'd guess it would be similar to modern day levels.

About 20% of Southern whites tend to vote Democratic, but the black vote has high levels of turnout while the white turnout is a bit lower.


I guess the Republican and Democratic parties are eternal an AJND, eh? :p

I remember that somewhere Mike mentioned that the duopoly was the glue that held America together across the solar system, or something to that efefct.
I remember that somewhere Mike mentioned that the duopoly was the glue that held America together across the solar system, or something to that efefct.

It's not just the parties, but civic groups and organizations binding the civilization-state together, so things like unions, business associations, fratneral organizations and religious groups along with pop culture like record labels, movie studios, television stations, etc.

Mulling this over, I have to say this is a horrifying idea. Literally the automatic segregation of people based on religion, ideology, ethnicity and so on. I understand the need for many voices and not being drowned out by a majority group, but I can't imagine living in something like this.




I am intrigued. Context please?

The American Revolution is lost, although, it drags on about as long as OTL. In a last ditch effort to prevent the end of American liberty forever, after Washington's death near Philadelphia, and the routing of the Continental Army, thousands of Americans flee their homeland onboard Dutch trade fleet ships, which go to South Africa.

These Americans then create new lives in South Africa, becoming marginally Afrikaanerized/Dutchified. When Napoleon knocks on Holland's door, and the Netherlands falls in 1795, the Boers and Amerikaners seize the colony and declare independence. Georgia (named for Washington), is born from it. Over the course of the 19th century, despite British meddling, the state prospers immensely, with Chartists, Bolsheviks, what have you, coming to this land that is, as described by Rudyard Kipling, "a beacon of civilization, liberty and light, in a dark continent.".

Their state spans most of Sub-Saharan Africa, which is significantly more wealthy than OTL, and less violent. Over the years, the Boer identity has weakened as the "Amerikaner Spirit" has overwhelmed them, leading to a majority of people in the country being white Amerikaners. However, Africans are not marginalized, and are properly represented, unlike Draka and South Africa OTL.

I sorta want to do a TL on it.


Sort of a reverse Draka? I remember some speculation on that idea waaay back in the mid-2000s on the board, but I don't think it got that far.


Sort of a reverse Draka? I remember some speculation on that idea waaay back in the mid-2000s on the board, but I don't think it got that far.

Very much so, I think. Instead of every single evil person shoring up in Cape Town, this case, it's more of a massive influx of revolutionaries.

Chartists, Bolsheviks, standard Liberals, Socialists, the poor, disenfranchised, even Africans living in OTHER colonies, migrated to Georgia.

And in ATL, the actual Caucasian country of Georgia is called something else. Maybe Kartvelia.
Very much so, I think. Instead of every single evil person shoring up in Cape Town, this case, it's more of a massive influx of revolutionaries.

Chartists, Bolsheviks, standard Liberals, Socialists, the poor, disenfranchised, even Africans living in OTHER colonies, migrated to Georgia.

And in ATL, the actual Caucasian country of Georgia is called something else. Maybe Kartvelia.

How about Gruzia (it's name in its language I think), or Gruzistan?

As noted by yours truly in the Map Thread, I'd love to see this made like crazy. However...most of Sub-Saharan Africa (tropics and all) ends up roughly half white? That seems more than a little unlikely. If anything, I'd expect those two demographics categories to be flip-flopped (tropical medicine not being around yet, large pre-existing black populations, etc.). Either that, or there's some early revolutionizing in the tropical medicine field to "even things out" (still need lots of babies being made and/or immigration to make those figures work), or this TL ends up ASB territory (although I don't mean that as a bad thing, BTW).


As noted by yours truly in the Map Thread, I'd love to see this made like crazy. However...most of Sub-Saharan Africa (tropics and all) ends up roughly half white? That seems more than a little unlikely. If anything, I'd expect those two demographics categories to be flip-flopped (tropical medicine not being around yet, large pre-existing black populations, etc.). Either that, or there's some early revolutionizing in the tropical medicine field to "even things out" (still need lots of babies being made and/or immigration to make those figures work), or this TL ends up ASB territory (although I don't mean that as a bad thing, BTW).

No trouble. Maybe make "Amerikaner" a more dynamic ethnic title, including a significant number of Africans who have become culturally similar.
No trouble. Maybe make "Amerikaner" a more dynamic ethnic title, including a significant number of Africans who have become culturally similar.

I guess that could work too, perhaps being more of a societal marker of "Amerikaner-ized" persons regardless of skin color. Personally I'd have used similar population ratios for African-American-majority cities in OTL as a starting point, and then fine-tuning the numbers to account for various ethnic groups outside those two categories (multiracial persons, Asian/Indian immigrants, etc.), but your way could work for the TL's purposes too.
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