BardWI: WI Operation Sealion Was Succesful

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(OOC: This is a new WI I just invited--a BardWI! I'm sure everyone on the board is intelligent to figure out what the object of it is. And yes, I do feel dirty for acting like Bard and speaking of the sea-mammal-that-must-not-be-named in the same post. Frankly, I'm surprised he hasn't brought this up yet.)

IC: So guys, I was watching the History Channel the other day and a show was on talking about Operation Sealion. WI the Germans had invaded England and occupied it? Would resistance spring up in Skotland? Would the Germans win the war and go after the US next with a fleet of Bismarck-class battleships?
I also saw a show on National Geographic about how the Luftwaffe was this close to beating the RAF. I read on the back of a trading card too that the Luftwaffe had a 1000:0 kill ratio against the RAF. What say you?
(OOC: This is a new WI I just invited--a BardWI! I'm sure everyone on the board is intelligent to figure out what the object of it is. And yes, I do feel dirty for acting like Bard and speaking of the sea-mammal-that-must-not-be-named in the same post. Frankly, I'm surprised he hasn't brought this up yet.)

IC: So guys, I was watching the History Channel the other day and a show was on talking about Operation Sealion. WI the Germans had invaded England and occupied it? Would resistance spring up in Skotland? Would the Germans win the war and go after the US next with a fleet of Bismarck-class battleships?
I also saw a show on National Geographic about how the Luftwaffe was this close to beating the RAF. I read on the back of a trading card too that the Luftwaffe had a 1000:0 kill ratio against the RAF. What say you?

Operation Sealion
(named after a type of
aquatic mammal that eats
fish) would cause Britain to
surrender (even though Sir Winston
Leonard Spencer Churchill,
who was the prime Minister at the time,
ccording to a History channel program I saw 12 years ago,
vowed to "fight them in the streets" ect.). Butterflies
could lead to an gigantic invasion
of the United States.

Ironically, the Congress of the United States
(both the House of Representatives
and the Senate)
voted to abolish the military!

So how would General George
Patton fare against the Panzers of newly
dragooned Marshall Bernard Law Montgomery?
This would be an early
version of the war that
Hitler wanted to
launch against
the USA by 1980.

But with the invasion of the USA, would the Japanese, under Admiral
Yamamoto, launch their planned attack on Washington, D.C.?!
Hannibal you are an idiot and you will never be loved on this site.

(ooc: What? It's a typical response.)
OOC: This is the greatest neologism ever. But how should we respond? Should we also pretend to be bard, or just be our typical selves, insulting bard and his [lack of] knowledge?
Operation Sealion
(named after a type of
aquatic mammal that eats
fish) would cause Britain to
surrender (even though Sir Winston
Leonard Spencer Churchill,
who was the prime Minister at the time,
ccording to a History channel program I saw 12 years ago,
vowed to "fight them in the streets" ect.). Butterflies
could lead to an gigantic invasion
of the United States.

Ironically, the Congress of the United States
(both the House of Representatives
and the Senate)
voted to abolish the military!

So how would General George
Patton fare against the Panzers of newly
dragooned Marshall Bernard Law Montgomery?
This would be an early
version of the war that
Hitler wanted to
launch against
the USA by 1980.

But with the invasion of the USA, would the Japanese, under Admiral
Yamamoto, launch their planned attack on Washington, D.C.?!

Well. There goes my sense of self-esteem. A tour de force, as we've come to expect.

In future, David, can I just take your accomplishments as my own? It's just that I really, really want that to my credit. You don't get anything out of it, but I sure would.


OOC: I've been thinking of posting a thread which would be a very specific solution to bard32. Contributors would suggest good articles, books and whatnot about the WWII IJN & USN, the Pacific War in general, &c, &c. The hope is that he might read one. Hell, even if (when) it didn't work, it'd at least provide those interested in it with a handy reading list.
But the Germans didn't have a backup plan! There's no way that Germany even thought of invading England , i have done extensive research. They rnever had a backyup plan. I know that they didn't invade England.

(C'mon! Am I the only one who thinks it would be interesting to watch bard32 vs. Eleven11?)
I read what Churchill was saying privately in late 1945. He said that if Dunkirk was a complete failure, then there was very little that Britain had for defense, and that half a million soldiers could have overrun Britain in 1940.
He also said that if the defenders of Calais surrendered instead of holding out, that the Dunkirk evacuation could have been stopped.
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