2000: Gore wins, loses to Bush in a rematch in 2004

As it says. What happens with
  • Iraq
  • Iran
  • 9/11
  • Afghanistan
  • The 2008 Recession
  • North Korea
  • The Arab Spring
  • The drug war in Mexico
  • the EU debt crisis
  • the oil industry
  • the 2002 midterms
  • the 2006 midterms
  • the 2008 Presidential Election
  • Hurricane Katrina
As an afterthought, let's also say the as buttrerflies, Paul Wellstone doesn't die and Osama's kidney problems are more serious. Could the worst part of the Iraq war be followed by the 2008 Recession?
I don't think that Bush would get the Republican nomination in 2004. I say it would be a toss up between McCain, Romney and Huckabee assuming that they all run.

I would like to know what Gore would have done about 9/11.
I agree with Tank. bush would have a tough time winning renomination in 2004. I also see Gore as a stronger candidate for reelection than Bush wasOTL because he would not have started a war in Iraq.
[Rearranged to be generally chronological. Obviously, butterflies could change all of these significantly, so I'm assuming everything would happen as OTL if it weren't for major changes; as that seems to me the best way to do this.]

9/11: Happens as OTL. Prompts the US-led coalition invasion of Afghanistan
Afghanistan: Invaded in response to the Taliban's harboring of Al-Qaeda, as OTL.
2002 midterms: Democrats gain seats as American's rally to their banner in the aftermath of 9/11.
Hurricane Katrina: Same storm that causes the same damage. Same FEMA that responds, so I imagine the Gore administration is not looked upon favorably. Whether he has a moment similar to Bush's with story time is obviously unknowable.
2004: Gore wins reelection on a thriving economy and progress made in Afgganistan by a decent margin, defeating Republican "heir apparent" John McCain, who (to his credit) put up a good fight.
2006 midterms: Democrats loose seats, as tends to happen in the midterms after the incumbent party wins reelection to the presidency.
2008 Recession: Al Gore's presidency does not shift the foundation of the financial or housing markets, so happens as OTL.
2008 Presidential Election: After 16 Democratic years and an economy that just bottomed out, Republicans win in a land slide against the Democratic sacrificial lamb (especially if said lamb is John Edwards). Jeb Bush seems like as good a guess as any as to who that Republican might be.

Iraq: Not invaded in 2003 as claims of weapons of mass destruction are eventually dismissed. Becomes involved in a mini-cold war arms race with Iran
Iran: Becomes involved with a mini-cold war arms race with Iraq. Each nation is trying to develop an atomic bomb before the other. I couldn't tell you which nation gets the bomb first, but ITTL, we would likely all be expecting an Iran-Iraq war to go hot, this time with nukes to the background of the Arab/Berber Spring (if it hadn't happened already)
The Arab Spring: It was going to happen eventually. The spark might have come earlier or later, who knows? I imagine this would be tied into
North Korea: Same as OTL
the EU debt crisis: Same as OTL

The drug war in Mexico: Same as OTL, unless Gore changes the War on Drugs policy.
Energy: Greater push towards renewables.

EDIT: Didn't notice the "loses Bush in reelection" bit. Frankly, I don't think that could happen. Consider my list one in which Gore wins reelection.
Hurricane Katrina: Same storm that causes the same damage. Same FEMA that responds, so I imagine the Gore administration is not looked upon favorably. Whether he has a moment similar to Bush's with story time is obviously unknowable.

Actually, no it wouldn't be--you won't see Brown in charge for a start, and it likely won't have been folded into the DHS. This will likely be a continuation of the Clinton-era FEMA, which was a pretty damn impressive organization.


Actually, no it wouldn't be--you won't see Brown in charge for a start, and it likely won't have been folded into the DHS. This will likely be a continuation of the Clinton-era FEMA, which was a pretty damn impressive organization.
Yes, i wanted to say the same thing, FEMA was thoroughly destroyed during Bush administration as effective organization.
With FEMA relying on New Orleans and Louisiana as the first responders it's still going to be a disaster of the first order. Maybe not so many displaced permanently and maybe not so many deaths and maybe not so many verbal gaffes but FEMA is still going to be blindsided by the levees failing and the ultra epic fail of the local authorities... Heck there may be more if Gore, as a Dem president and FEMA as an organization run by Dems relies on the Dem locals saying "We got this" when they very clearly don't 'have it'...

Katrina was nature showing what X years of corruption had built, showing that it was poor, shoddy, sloppy crap that failed in one of the worst manners possible. The hurricane is still going to bust those levees wide open, people are still going to be stuck on the bridges and in the 'shelters' for days with no food or water. The NOPD is still going to go AWOL and show law enforcement at its worst. NO is still going to be compared to as the opposite of NYC on 9/11...
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if 9/11 happens as per OTL we likely see a strong neo-con Republicans run in 2004, maybe Rudy, McCain, or even Dick Cheney, advocating what in OTL would be the "Bush doctrine" use of water boarding, calling for military courts and the like, my guess is they lose, but thats a matter of how Afghanistan goes, if Gore is seen as slow on the attack, or reaches out to Iran (that in OTL reached to us) lack of a second war in the lead up to the '04 election
Actually, no it wouldn't be--you won't see Brown in charge for a start, and it likely won't have been folded into the DHS. This will likely be a continuation of the Clinton-era FEMA, which was a pretty damn impressive organization.

Heck without the DHS there might actually be proper intelligence intelligence reform instead of the weird nonsense that occurred OTL.