DBWI: What happened to Europe's Jews?


Ah, here it is...the granddaddy of all conspiracy theories. After the Axis victory in World War II, what became of Europe's Jews?

To this day, the Reich remains very tight-lipped about the subject, and Hitler always dodged the question in interviews right up until his death in January 1958.

Berlin's official story is that they were relocated to Eastern Europe and "made to work for the glory of the Reich." This obviously contradicts their blatant anti-Semitism (even though they toned that down a bit in the 80s), but since much of Eastern Europe has been an informational black hole ever since the end of World War II, we can't really disprove the official story.

Some of the few Jews who managed to escape Europe testify that the Reich carried out systematic murders of Jews and other minorities and that they eventually eradicated all European Jews. While the former definitely seems plausible, the latter seems way too...evil, even for the Nazis.

What are your thoughts on this? German AH.com members, do you believe your government's official story?
I’m going with the vast majority changing their names and “hiding” in plain sight as German citizens, after this long some government officials probably have Jewish parents.

Personally I don’t think it matters too much, even if the Nazis did do anything like kicking all the Jews out it’s been nearly half a century. Besides Germany was instrumental in the defeat of the Soviet Union, so I think the Nazis have proven themselves to be worthy of praise and over all a good thing for Europe.

OOC: For me, I find settings with axis victory and “normalized” relations between the powers far more disturbing and realistic then Uber 1984 horrifying dystopia.
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For that matter, what happened to Europe's Poles, Czechs, Ukrainians and its Roma?

Even the Tartars, Belorussians and Russians suffered millions dead in their relocation to Novorepouso, Beriask, and Tashkent, although the former Kazakh Steppes seem to be at least tolerable with heavy US aid.

I for one question the Heydrich regime's claim that these losses were caused by the sheer strain of logistical stresses and starvation in the opening years of the Cold War. The Mysterious emergence of thirty million "Volksdeutsche" during his two decade reign suggests a possible better outcome.

Heydrich appears to have simply forced much of the peoples of Eastern Europe to become "German". Is there any reason that Hitler would not have simply preempted such a move by first attempting such an act against the Jewish people?

Nazi Germany's forced ethnocide of the Polish, Ukrainian and Czech cultural identities is one of the greatest crimes of the modern day. Millions enslaved, their children taken from them to be "educated like good germans". And frankly, you're suggesting that Hitler was so completely insane that he makes Heydrich look like a sugarcube?

The Jewish people, like much of the other peoples of Eastern Europe, were put on the chain, fled to the far side of the Urals, or in circumstances, joined the ranks of the Germans. The idea that Germany would kill millions of people in lieu of the profitability of enslaving them is extremely hard to buy. Perhaps Heydrich could have done such a thing, but however cruel and merciless Heydrich was, he wasn't dumb enough to literally waste millions of lives like that. Do you think Hitler would have accepted Heydrich as the leader of the SS if he disagreed with such a policy?
Hard to say for sure, but all the evidence seems to suggest that something very sinister did happen in Eastern Europe, and it wasn't just slave labour like most people think it was. I hate to sound like a conspiracy theorist, but I'm convinced by the testimony of survivors, as well as the photos and other evidence that something did happen. Yes, I know the GGR (Greater German Reich) claims that those were faked, but everyone else who has studied them claims they are real.

For another thing, if all the European Jews were located to Eastern Europe, how come nobody can seem to find any of them there now?
For another thing, if all the European Jews were located to Eastern Europe, how come nobody can seem to find any of them there now?

Would you advertise your Jewishness, even today, in the Reich? why would the Nazis waste resources on “exterminating” the Jews, Poles, Roma, etc. when they had such bigger concerns?
Hard to say for sure, but all the evidence seems to suggest that something very sinister did happen in Eastern Europe, and it wasn't just slave labour like most people think it was. I hate to sound like a conspiracy theorist, but I'm convinced by the testimony of survivors, as well as the photos and other evidence that something did happen. Yes, I know the GGR (Greater German Reich) claims that those were faked, but everyone else who has studied them claims they are real.

For another thing, if all the European Jews were located to Eastern Europe, how come nobody can seem to find any of them there now?

There was a man would would have known the answer. Heydrichs' predecessor--a little known man named Heinrich Himmler. Died in 1947, apparently due to friendly fire from a Wehrmacht AA gun. Obviously, he was standing in Heydrich's way to the top.

I suspect, however, this is just an ugly smear.

If you've watched the case against Heydrich's GGR, you'd understand. Things got worse than slave labor; mass kidnappings, deliberate destruction of art, history and culture--the Polish Language is spoken mostly in Chicago now.

I'd also recommend the Murder of Karol Vojtyla as as particularly vivid case of the Heydrich Era violence against those who attempted to retain a non-German identity.

How on earth could Hitler have been worse than Heydrich?
As a Swede who knows several jewish people, I have to say that there must be a degree of truth to the talk about systematic murder. Over the years several persecuted minorities from the reich have fled here, around 1 million of those being jews (not bad for a predominantly christian country with only 11 million inhabitants*) and I have heard that several of those have claimed that they barely escaped being sent to some sort of death camp.

Heck, even my best friends grandmother even says that she escaped from some place called Treblinka where according to her, several minorities were killed in places like gas chambers. Of course our media or politicians would never speak of such things because of fear of the response we'd see from the Reich, but it's still one of those things that everyone knows about but never discusses in public.

*The Swedish population is bigger than in OTL due to increased immigration from German occupied Europe.
The Jews are still in hiding plotting against the free peoples of Europe. Be afraid, be very afraid, and prepare for their evil. They have already corrupted several leading politicians in the Reich. It's safe to say they have ursuped the National Socialist Party and is using it as a tool against all free peoples. We must resist them to survive their plot to kill us all!


Why the fuck are we all refusing to face the damn facts!

Hitler didn't assimilate the Jews or expelled them, he did what many past European Rulers had longed tried and failed to do. He exterminated them.

What little evidence we got from smuggled photos and videos showed the Germans lining up tens of thousands and shooting them.

Herding millions of them into camps like Stalin and then working them to death we also know from the few escapees and similiar gulags discovered in Siberia in the Aftermath of the Soviet Collapse.

It is relatively easy for the Germans in the total lockdown they enforced to herd Jews into enclosed spaces and gas them en masse.Then they simply just burn the bodies out of sight.

The sheer shock of it happening would desensitize the surrounding communities to the act and cow them into just denying it exists just as so many wives of Klu Klux Klanners denied that their husbands were doing wrong and were present in photos of the act in question or any number of similar permutations of that line.
The Jews are still in hiding plotting against the free peoples of Europe. Be afraid, be very afraid, and prepare for their evil. They have already corrupted several leading politicians in the Reich. It's safe to say they have ursuped the National Socialist Party and is using it as a tool against all free peoples. We must resist them to survive their plot to kill us all!

People like you aren’t helping the situation, honestly between the German Uber patriots and conspiracy wakadoos I don’t know why I bother coming to this site.:rolleyes:
What happened to Europe's Jews? Why not ask the Fuhrer, he is one after all! The Jews have abandoned the Soviet Government to the Anarchy of similar to pre-1949 Europe to find their best chance of world domination, not the temple of Negroid-Bolshevism of the United States of the Americas and Oceania, the liberal traitors in Vancouver or even the Voodka soaked mafia bosses which pretend that thri 'Peoples Republic' still exists in Omsk, no it is at the heart of corruption and infidelity that pretends to be Aryan in Berlin that they orchestarte their plans for the end of White Christian Civilisation and the dominance of Bolshevik-Judeo-Negroid-Pagan-Masonry over the earth once more. Onyl the great British Empire can oppose this.



I hate Crimers!

Every couple of years this shows up! I'm tired of telling people that there weren't many Jews in Europe to begin with. You crimers* exaggerate Jewish population, from the most accurate estimates of around 300.000 Jews in Europe to about 11 millions before the war! The demographic and eugenic data just doesn't add up to give such a inflated number.

And we all know how the Jewish race was prone to malgenic diseases because of inbreeding and small genic pool. During the wars (That we all suffered, lest we forget) they were struck harder than the other groups.

There. I'd that so difficult to understand? Do we really need to blame the government for the Jewish natural population decline?

OOC: I took some of this points from a holocaust denier idiot. Now I feel dirty.
Also, think that Crimer = Truther or Birther.
While I do not doubt there were some executions, consider: International Jewry carried the plague of Bolshevism, their weapon against the White Race. Those who had to be executed probably all were bolshevist agitators. As for the rest, I guess they ended like the negro, who, for some time, threatened to overrun and defile the Anglosaxon Race in our southern states. Slowly dieing out after mandatory sterilisation. Got to thank President Bilbo, doing the Lord's work with that.
And why could anyone think the Klan did wrong? Those men defended their homes and loved ones against the darkie horde! Without these men, great men like Presidents Wilson, Harding, Bilbo and Thurmond, to name only a few, America would not be the great nation that stands for Freedom and Liberty all over the world today!
Every couple of years this shows up! I'm tired of telling people that there weren't many Jews in Europe to begin with. You crimers* exaggerate Jewish population, from the most accurate estimates of around 300.000 Jews in Europe to about 11 millions before the war! The demographic and eugenic data just doesn't add up to give such a inflated number.

And we all know how the Jewish race was prone to malgenic diseases because of inbreeding and small genic pool. During the wars (That we all suffered, lest we forget) they were struck harder than the other groups.

There. I'd that so difficult to understand? Do we really need to blame the government for the Jewish natural population decline?

OOC: I took some of this points from a holocaust denier idiot. Now I feel dirty.
Also, think that Crimer = Truther or Birther.

Still the issue how every self respecting museum in the Reich has severed heads from a wide varied of Jews to show what forms they and the "Mongoloid"/N...oids came in. All freshly harvested of course, from only the healthiest specimens.
Let's remember that the Geneva/Hague Conventions were NOT followed between the Reich and the Soviets! Both sides were willing to brutally slaughter each other by the millions in military battles in World War II, and now that we know the truth of Stalin's crimes - one bullet a prisoner after they couldn't work anymore in his Gulags - are you seriously telling me Hitler was much different? If he was willing to ignore the Laws of War against the "Jewish-Bolshevist" state, do you think he cared about extra "civilian casualties"?

I'm willing to concede that some Jews might have been able to "pass" as Aryan and make up a few more Volksdeutsche that way, but I think at the very least most of them got worked to death. Like I said, Stalin did it to his own political opponents in the Soviet Union. The precedent's there!