DBWI: Sealion!, the musical

Next spring will feature the Broadway premiere of the musical Sealion!, by the team of Bialystock, Bloom, and Liebkind. It is being billed as a fantasy sequel to their smash hit, Springtime for Hitler. There is already buzz about who will play the roles of Winston Churchill and Adolf Hitler. Variety reports that Roger De Bris will reprise his career-turning role of Hitler, while W.C. Fields will play Churchill. Meanwhile the New York Post has it on "good authority" that Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy will play the two icons.

Sealion! will also feature a first for Bialystock, Bloom, and Liebkind, an ancient Greek-style chorus. There will be dueling choruses, representing the Royal and Honorable Society of Military Historians and Hemmeroids.
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Winston Churchill: "We shall we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender, my little chickadee."
Was i the only person who thought springtime for hitler sucked? Its like the makers of the play made it so bad that it would fail...