Japan loses in 1895

Don't have much background on this, but it would seem to me that Russia would have at least a chance of winning. What would the 20th Century have been like if they had?
I think their war with china was in 1895 to 1898-ish area, right? The russo-japanese war was 1904-05...unless you're talking about some sort of border incident/mini-war that I have never heard of before
Yeah, my bad. Tell you what, since I goofed this up, let's make this a grab bag and let you do either one. That will hold down today's spam fest (I warned you on my last grab bag :) )

Grey Wolf

1894 Sino-Japanese War

China had a slim possibility of winning; in the end it came down to control of the seas and on paper China had something of a formidable fleet. Unfortunately in reality it was not as useful as it should have been - for example not all shells were filled with explosive, some were filled with sawdust or paint to save money, or more likely because the money wasn't there at all as the Empress had taken it to build a giant marble boat with ! Even so, the first battle at the Yalu could have been won, but the Chinese deployment on line ABEAM and the fact that the first Chinese shot in the battle blew their own admiral up was not a good position to begin in !

Grey Wolf


see 'the short victorious war' on my site for a possible russian win. The longer the war, basically, the greater the russian advantage.

How would a Chinese victory in the Sino-Japanese war have changed Korean history? Would the peninsula be such a tinderbox if that guy had not built his giant marble boat?


Assuming a chinese victory:

-Japan gets kicked out of Keora. Japan's postion is weakened and she has no basis for being considered equal.

-China gets burst of nationalism. This may avert part of the boxer rebellion, or it may strenthen it. Expect the chinese to become tougher sooner.

-If there is a Boxer Rebellion, I'd expect Japan to attemt to become involved sooner and esscentally grab back Keroa. The other powers might not allow that to happen, though.

-Western powers might be concerned at the new signs that china has showed of strenth and will press their own demands. China may have to fight at some point, which will be a harder war than the Boxer one as the chinese will know that they CAN win.

If the Russians were to win the Russo-Japanese war, then perhaps the Russians wouldn't allow the Japanese to invade Manchuria in the 30s.

If my memory serves me right, I think it was the Japanese that ask the US to help mediate and end the war, since they were running low on resources to continue a large scale war with Russia. So yeah, I think the Russians could of probably beat them if the war was to keep going.