US Peacekeeping Command

When I conducted my research for my thesis a few yrs back, I read some material which analysed the US armed forces not having a dedicated peacekeeping command, similar to how SOCOM covers special ops, and hypothesised that US peacekeeping doctrine, taking in the lessons of Lebanon, Somalia, Haiti and the Balkans, could've been assisted immensely by having a specialised interservice peacekeeping command along the lines of SOCOM and similar commands. So, how would hist be affected with a USPEACOM being developed in the aftermath of say Beirut 1983/84 or Somalia 1992/93 ? How much would later US peacekeeping and peacebuilding efforts have been assisted by such a joint command ?
I'd guess that clinton would implement it, the military would resent it, it would putter through the balkans, and Bush would probably phase it out or just outright disband it (or never use it and let it drift budgetless) upon his election?

then again, it could just be the cynic in me talking. :D