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Representing cynicism at it's best, a rather recent member that joined in in the late summer of 2008; that might possibly be of the female gender (despite rule #1 of the internet:There are No Girls on the internet. Also, if a female, she can really work a 1920s flapper dress, according to Wanderlust.) He/She also ponders on his/her state of n00bness, especially if he/she is still a n00b(?). The choice of name, othyrsyde itself, and it's odd spelling have a number of theories: 1)He/She has stated that an affection for the Red Hot Chilly Peppers song “Otherside” could possibly have to do with it or 2) Maybe has something to do with the “otherside of history, or such nonsense…no one knows…as for why he/she spelled it with Ys instead Is and Es, is also a mystery (the most popular rumor has to do with he/she assumed “otherside” spelled with proper vowels was already taken; the other rumor is he/she just doesn't speak English that well. Then there's the defaming malicious rumor, that othyrsyde just did it for attention whoring.). He/She is also a fan of the reviled “Hip Hop”, but this can be somewhat forgiven, since he/she demonstrated an utmost hatred for mainstream garbage; this was rescently enforced by a declaration in Non-Political chat for a love of the underground artist, Immortal Technique.


He/She has started a few TLs, that are unfinsihed, and with no idea if they will be continued; with the exception of his/her main TL, The Time of Crows, about a nasty plague striking in the 1770s (representing othyrsyde's cynical view and low opinion of the human species). As well popping up in discussions, particularly in “Before 1900” and “Future History” forums. othyrsyde is also working on doing drawings and other artwork for Jared's TL “Land of Red and Gold”.


othyrsyde is probably a lefty of some variety; but has yet to truly reveal much beyond that. He/She has so far announced his/her association with FFF, but has made it clear he/she has not joined their ranks; and has also shown an interest in supporting the efforts of DISPPR. othyrsyde is also firmly against nobility, being his/her ancestors suffered under the boots of such highborn tyrants.

offtopic/othyrsyde.1254930078.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/03/29 15:14 (external edit)

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