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tāziyāne-ye bozorg

Also known as either the tāziyāne or bozorgs, the tāziyāne-ye bozorg are the fictional alien race which invades the planet Earth in april of 1987 in the timeline Godforsaken Future by Dan Reilly the Great.

Consisting of a hive minded intelligence which creates and controls a number of 'constructs' which serve various purposes, they seem intent on the complete eradication and assimilation of all life on the planet earth. While the actual alien species only consists of the hive minds themselves, the aforementioned designations have been used to refer to all of the different 'constructs' that serve them.


The primary motivation of the tāziyāne-ye bozorg is to grow and expand as much as possible. To this end they seek to assimilate and consume as much biological and inanimate matter as they can which is then converted to whatever needs that each hive mind may have. These needs range from the creation of the 'constructs' that are used for defensive and offensive purposes against any life forms that are encountered on a planet that is in the process of being assimilated. Additional uses also include the construction of the infrastructure used in the production of constructs as well as other needed infrastructure such as 'growth medium' which covers the ground surrounding the center of any infestation.

The overall process of planetary assimilation starts when a planet that bears life is detected by a nearby hive mind. Once this happens, a copy of a hive mind is created and a trans-dimensional portal is opened which teleports the newly created hive mind copy to the target planet.

Upon arrival, the hive mind proceeds to learn as much about its surrounding environment as possible as well as beginning the process of assimilating as much biological mass as it can for the purpose of creating the first series of constructs that will be employed in the assimilation process.

Eventually, additional constructs and infrastructure are created as the area that each hive mind controls is expanded. During this time, the defenses and capabilities of the indigenous population of the new planet are examined and analyzed. Meanwhile the genetic diversity of any already assimilated species is also analyzed. Using the information gleaned from both actions results in the creation of newer more effective constructs which are more well predisposed to combating and subduing the indigenous population of the planet.


An unknown length of time in the past ranging anywhere from several hundred thousand to millions of years or more, the first tāziyāne-ye bozorg hive mind came into being on a planet somewhere in the Canis Major Dwarf Galaxy. It proceeded to assimilate life forms in its immediately surrounding environment. Adding the genetic distinctiveness of these organisms to itself and utilizing the greatest strengths of each species, it was able to increase its own capabilities and intelligence.

After an indeterminate period of time this eventually led to the creation of the very first constructs that it used to assimilate even more biological mass. Eventually the entire planet had been completely consumed and that hive mind began to look for additional sources of biomass. Possessing an apparent psychic ability, it was able to detect the presence of other life forms, particularly intelligent ones at great distance.

At some point, it was also able to learn how to open portals to an alternate dimension; an ability that it used to send copies of itself off to other planets where life was detected. Over the course of an as yet undetermined amount of time, it managed to assimilate the biomass on all life bearing worlds located within its home galaxy. Desperate to consume and expand even more, it searched for life in its closest galactic neighbor: The Milky Way Galaxy.

After expending much effort, a portal was opened to a planet on the edge of the Milky Way somewhere in the Orion Arm. Again, after an undetermined amount of time, this planet too was consumed and the search for a new target began, and resulted in the detection of a nearby world: Earth.

The Hive Mind

At the heart of any bozorg infestation is the bozorg hive mind. It acts as the primary controlling intelligence of all constructs within its geographical region of control. Additionally, it possesses a wide variety of abilities which it uses to facilitate the process of assimilating a world as well as serving the overall growth and well being of the collective intelligences of all of the copies of itself on other worlds. It would appear that a hive mind is capable of experiencing some form of emotions. Emotions observed so far include panic, frustration, anger, and satisfaction. However, how analogous these are to human emotion remains to be seen.

Known Abilities

Trans Dimensional Access: Each hive mind possesses the ability to access an alternate dimension which it can use as a means of communicating with other hive minds across both interstellar and intergalactic distances. This allows it to increase its own cognitive abilities as well as request additional logistical support from more well established infestations.

The ability to maintain communication with the rest of the collective seems to also 'comfort' a hive mind. As it was revealed that when its contact was cut off from hive minds on other worlds when the United States run OBSIDIAN MIRROR program managed to 'jam' all forms of trans-dimensional communication and transportation onto and off of the planet Earth, the Earth hive minds panicked.

Additionally access to this other dimension can be used as a form of transportation which allows hive mind copies to be sent to begin the assimilation process of a newly discovered world, or to bring over reinforcements to assist in an already underway assimilation.

Psychic Abilities: Additionally, a hive mind possesses considerable psychic powers which include the sensing of both intelligent and non-intelligent life forms, the ability to communicate with and control constructs over great distances, and 'networking' with other hive minds both on the same planet as well as other planets.

Fabrication: Pursuant to the objective of assimilating all biological mass within its surrounding environment, each hive mind is capable of creating various different things that it can use to facilitate such an objective. This includes the 'constructs' which seem to primarily act in both an offensive and defensive fashion against any indigenous life forms that it may encounter. For the creation of more complex constructs as well as more efficient and higher volume production capacities, 'infrastructure' can also be created which take the form of static structures located within an infested area.

On top of the fabrication of constructs, additional infrastructure can also be created for other purposes, some of these include defensive purposes which were observed when the Soviet 40th army approached the edge of bozorg infested territory in southern Afghanistan. Seemingly hidden under the ground itself, a variety of different defenses were employed to devastating effect on the 40th army, wiping out the vast majority of its strength.

Additionally there appears to be at least one other observed purpose that bozorg infrastructure fills which seems to be some kind of large enclosed structure within which an unknown number of people are held and their nervous system is 'tapped into'. The actual purpose of the structure itself is unknown but the process has an apparent severe detrimental effect on the people that are connected to the structure.

Nuclear Defense: As a direct defensive mechanism exhibited by the bozorg hive mind, when either a fission or fusion based weapon is used against them, they have the ability to redirect the energy from the explosion and use it in the formation of a teleportation portal which instantly transports the explosion itself to a distant location. This so far has only been observed once when the Soviet Union attempted to launch a nuclear attack against the Afghanistan infestation, this resulted in the destruction of Madrid in June of 1986.

The exact limits of this ability are not fully known as of yet, however there does appear to at least be a limit to just how far away from a hive mind it can be employed as was observed during operation HARVEST DRIZZLE when numerous significant breaches occurred in Red Army lines and the Soviet Commander on site ordered emergency measures be put into effect, detonating eighty one nuclear warheads at ground level.


In order to assist the process of assimilation, each hive mind will create vast numbers of 'constructs' with each serving a different purpose. For the most part all observed varieties seem to fill a different variation of some kind of defensive or offensive purpose. Typically featuring both an endo and exoskeleton, almost all varieties are quite durable. These varieties include:

Warrior: The bozog warrior is the standard 'infantry' construct that the bozorgs employ. Standing approximately two meters in height on three legs, it possesses two upper limbs which each have a long scythe shaped claw at the end. Additionally its 'head' possesses a set of mandibles which are lined with massive rows of long and razor sharp teeth. Although susceptible to small arms fire, it will often take at least several impacts from high caliber rifle rounds to bring one down.

Mantis: Also referred to as a centaur, this variety seems to fill the role of light cavalry. Coming to a height of just under three meters, it stands atop four legs. Also possessing four additional 'arms,' two of which end in scythes similar to those featured on warriors, the other two feature pencil-sized barbs which it launches at enemies using a flicking motion. Notable for the presence of an almost black colored carapace with yellow spots.

Super Mantis: Also known as a super-centaur. It bears considerable resemblance to it's smaller brethren. Coming to a height of nearly four meters, these are far more difficult to kill than a standard mantis, being virtually immune to small arms fire, although occasional lucky shots have been known to severely harm and even kill them. Notable differences from regular mantis' are the lack of yellow spots on the armored carapace as well as a the presence of a thick 'mane' of tentacles which possess the ability to slice through unprotected flesh with ease.

Acid Bug: One of the most primitive forms of airborne bozorg constructs, employed in attacks on both ground and air targets. Relatively easy to bring down, these particular constructs are typically employed in large numbers. Described as 'demonic bats' by some, they have a wingspan of approximately one meter. Their only known armament is an internally carried reservoir of highly corrosive liquid which has displayed the ability to dissolve solid steel. The only known defense against them is to kill them before they reach their target.

Dragonfly: The standard airborne construct employed by the bozorgs, these particular creatures possess armor plated wings and an overall appearance which bears a resemblance to the earth insect species of the same name. Utilizing a form of 'organic' jet engine, they appear to possess a top speed of mach one and are highly maneuverable. The known forms of attack include the ability to launch volleys of barbs which appear to be larger versions of those used by mantis' and super-mantis' as well as by latching onto enemy aircraft as well as kamikazi style ramming attacks. The considerable range and speed disadvantage they have versus human made aircraft is more or less made up for by their massive numbers as well as the fact that they seem to be employed in a primarily defensive fashion.

Fire Beetle: Used in the capacity of a heavy armored unit, these are amongst the most durable of the known bozorg construct varieties. Coming to a height of over five meters and a length of nearly eight, they are also one of the largest bozorg constructs currently in existence. Their primary offensive capabilities include the usage of a highly flammable material which burns hotter than thermite and is capable of melting through tank armor with ease, this material can be launched in either a short range spraying fashion or a longer range ballistically launched globular form. Their name is the result of their strong resemblance to beetles and their primary form of attack. Capable of surviving multiple hits from high caliber cannons, these particular constructs are renowned for their extreme durability.

Sapper: Bearing a resemblance to an over sized fire beetle, the sapper features only one kind of offensive ability which involves detonating a large payload of explosives of indeterminate composition. Even more difficult to kill than a fire beetle, the sapper can often take twice and even three times as much punishment as a fire beetle before being brought down. It's primary mode of attack is to travel amongst packs of fire beetles and close the distance to an enemy position where it then detonates itself.

Behemoth: The largest and most powerful bozorg variety, these stand at a height of more than thirty meters. Possessing an incredible constitution, and combined with an unparalleled healing ability, these can survive repeated attacks from massed artillery and air strikes. So far they have been known to have required massive amounts of concentrated firepower to take down. Responsible for the breaching of Soviet defenses in northern Afghanistan as well as the destruction of the city of Manua in Brazil, these particular constructs are incredibly dangerous. The first one to be killed was destroyed in northern Afghanistan when a fully loaded Tu-160 collided with it at over Mach 1 which was followed in quick succession by four additional planes dropping all of their ordinance on it. Upon death, the energy source located within the body of a Behemoth appears to destabilize and release an extraordinary amount of energy roughly equal to that of a one megaton explosion. Aside from the ability to crush enemies underfoot, the primary attack that the behemoth employs relies on some form of high velocity kinetic energy based projectile weapon.

Death Walker: First observed in the Great Lakes area of North America, the Death Walker is actually two organisms in one. First is the recently dead remains of a human, the second is a four inch long insectoid parasite which burrows into the neck of the victim and controls its nervous system. Once infested, the Death Walker seems to possess basic motor control and the ability to walk and carry basic implements which are usually used as weapons. Seemingly used as a stopgap measure where the ability to construct new constructs is absent or limited, the Death Walker can absorb considerable punishment before being incapacitated, and it would seem that the only methods by which such can be achieved is to either severely damage the limbs or kill the parasite.

Udesignated Stealth Variety: Thus far no designation has been given regarding this particular construct. It possesses the ability to be 'unnoticed' by people surrounding it, seems to be primarily geared toward covert operations and assassinations. It's 'invisibility' appears to be able to only conceal itself from a limited number of people, going beyond this capacity seems to result in the concealment being compromised. It's appearance is similar to that of a warrior except for being 'sturdier' with longer scythes as well as being adorned with bright green stripes.

Undesignated Artillery Variety: Filling the role of artillery support, this particular form of construct appears to be able to lob explosive projectiles over a distance of at least thirty kilometers and quite possibly further. The destructive ability of the artillery pieces appears to be comparable to that of current levels of human artillery weapons. So far none have been observed directly.

Expansion Medium

One of the greatest signs of bozorg dominance over an area is presence of a brownish red growth which appears at the heart of any bozorg infestation. Featuring a slightly metallic coloration with pustules and what look like veins all over its surface, this growth seems to cover the ground and all other structures within a certain radius of a hive mind. The full extent of uses that the bozorgs seem to have for it have yet to be determined, however they at the very least appear to have a strong connection to the production of constructs and also seem to be able to extend and possibly augment the psychic abilities of a hive mind.

The speed at which it grows appears to only be limited by the needs of the bozorg hive mind itself and it appears to be able to grow on just about any surface that it touches, including living organisms. The durability and any weaknesses that it possesses are largely unknown as no samples have been obtained as yet, and contact with it by humans has been extremely limited.

See Also

Grex - Another alien species created for an timeline, BlackWave's Swarm on the Somme.

Godforsaken Future