Table of Contents

Quaerere Caelis

An alternate spaceflight timeline by sts-200. You can read the timeline here.

It serves as an extended prologue or prequel to the longer timeline The Selene Project.

Another timeline in the same continuty, To Grasp the Heavens, is a sequel to The Selene Project.

Premise and POD

The alternate history of a pre-ESA European space programme, centered on French and UK efforts.


1: Something must be done​

2: Quaerere Caelis

3: Learn to Love the Bomb

4: Missiles are the future

5: To the Edge of Space

6: The Clock has Started

7: Black Anvil

8: Proposals and Possibilities

9: Distant Friends and Distrusted Allies

10: The Idiot’s Lantern

11: Making Plans

12: The Summer of '62

13: Higher and Faster

14: Finger on The Button

15: America Knows Best

16: The Third Space Power

17: Fallout

18: A Strategic Interlude - 1962

19: Possibilities in the New Year

20: “We aimed for the Pacific … and missed”

21: High Noon at Nassau

22: Necessity is the Mother of Invention (Part 1)

23: Necessity is the Mother of Invention (Part 2)

24: The Story So Far

25: The Bubble

Spaceflight Timelines

Late 20th Century Timelines

Alternate History Timelines and Scenarios Main Directory