====Thomas Dewey==== {{ http://library.albany.edu/dewey/images/dewey_photo.jpg }} **Thomas E. Dewey** (1902-1973) was the Republican President of the United States from 1949-57, and the first US President born in the twentieth cenutry. During his Presidency, the nation experienced devestating violence in the south over the Civil Rights movement. Influenced by leading Republican senators Robert Taft, and Arthur Vandenberg, Dewey led the United States back into its pre-war isolationist stance. Dewey is remembered for his doubling Federal Aid to education, cutting taxes, and increased the salaries of Federal Employees. In 1950, Dewey desegregated the US Military, Dewey attempted to place Civil Rights into the Republican Party platform, dividing the GOP over the issue. In his bid for re-election, Dewey faced a serious challenge from the young California Senator Richard Nixon. Dropping his push for adding Civil Rights to the Party Platform, Dewey barely won the renomination going on to defeating Richard Russell, Jr of Georgia, who had the solid support of the Southeastern states behind him. Upon leaving office in 1957, Dewey retired to Manhatten, where he remained active in politics, and became a supporter of Civil Rights for African-Americans. Dewey suffered a stroke in 1969, and died in 1973, never fully recovering. Dewey was honored by the US Navy by having a ship named after him in 1979, he is buried at his presidential library in Manhatten.