======Prof.Pedant's TRNT-verse====== An ASB future history timeline that takes the events in Harry Turtledove's short stories //The Road Not Taken// and //Herbig-Haro// as a somewhat creatively interpreted jumping-off point. Humanity now has contragravity and hyperdrive in a universe full of aliens with Renaissance-era technology. Where do we go from here? [[https://www.alternatehistory.com/forum/members/1432/|Prof.Pedant]]'s TL tries to answer that question. You can read it [[http://www.alternatehistory.com/discussion/showthread.php?t=226062|here]] [[Prof.Pedants TRNT-verse Timeline]] links to a list of timeline posts. [[Prof.Pedants TRNT-verse Worlds]] links to a list of world description posts. [[Prof.Pedants TRNT-verse Nations]] links to a list of //"The Nations of Earth"// posts. [[Prof.Pedants TRNT-verse Background]] links to other tidbits of background information on this TL that appeared particularly interesting. [[Prof.Pedants TRNT-verse Treasure_Hunting]] links to a list of story posts from //"Treasure Hunting"// an adaptation of Robert Louis Stevenson's //"Treasure Island"// to this TL. [[http://www.alternatehistory.com/discussion/showthread.php?t=83111|Iniquitous Roots, Flowering Dreams]], a TRNTverse interpretation of Joseph Conrad's "[[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heart_of_Darkness|Heart of Darkness]]". [[http://www.alternatehistory.com/discussion/showthread.php?t=143090|Frustration and Empires]], an apparently original TRNT-verse story set around the same time as [[http://turtledove.wikia.com/wiki/Herbig-Haro|Herbig-Haro]]. Upcoming features include a series of stories under the title "Five Year Mission" (inspired/requested by su_liam), "The Rise of the Zanat" (with [[https://www.alternatehistory.com/forum/members/35471/|SAVORYapple]] co-writing), the further adventures of Inspector Jacqueline Clouseau, and perhaps a return to Ny Grønland. Very much thanks to [[https://www.alternatehistory.com/forum/members/26802|su_liam/]] for creating this wiki. ---- ==== Navigation ==== **[[ASB Timelines]]** **[[timelines:timelines_and_scenarios|Alternate History Timelines and Scenarios Main Directory]]**