Your favorite ah books and authors

I've just finished reading the domination my wife was kind enough to get me the omnibus containing all of the stories,ni was curious was there another book in the series? Also I'm currently reading "guns of the south" as well as Philip k dick's " divine intervention". What are some of your favorite stories?
Timeline-191. I consider it a parable with AH wrapped around it. The meaning is "Evil could have rosen anywhere, not just in Germany." The plausibility takes a backstep to this really.

The Man in the High Castle. Its very philosophical, and thus one of my favourites.
I also like TL-191, for the same reasons.

My other favorite Turtledove book is "Ruled Britannia." You really grow connected to Shakespeare and his buddies in the acting troupe, the climax is heart-racingly cool, and Turtledove comes up with some hilarious Shakespearean English puns that made me laugh out loud.

Right now, I'm reading The Peshawar Lancers for the first time. The history is not so good (Satanic EEEEEEEEEEEEEvil Russia? The U.S. and Germany just fall off the face of the earth so easily? The Japanese wearing kimonos and samurai outfits again when they had already adopted Western dress by 1878?), but the story itself is pure fun. A good band of characters, lots of swashbuckling action, and neat steampunk.

Even though I can't stand his political leanings (My mom and I are fans of Bill Clinton) Newt Gingrich's (1) Gettysburg AH series was better than I thought it would be.

His Pearl Harbor ones are also interesting in their own right, and less ASBish than Japan invading Hawaii (which Turtledove has them doing).

I also liked TL-191 some, though he did have a tendency to repeat the obvious...again and again.

Jeff Greenfield's book was also interesting.

Resurrection Day was also good, if implausible (read the Cuban Missile War on this site for a more believeable Cuban War).

(1) My uncle calls him a bottom feeder, because that's what newts are in the animal world.

I've just finished reading the domination my wife was kind enough to get me the omnibus containing all of the stories,ni was curious was there another book in the series?

There was Drakon, which if I am now mistaken is not in the omnibus, and there was also a book of short stories by various authors. The short story collection is interesting because he had a website which took submissions and one or two made it into that book if I'm not mistaken.
TL-191 is one of my favorites too. Others are 1901 (which everyone else here seems to hate), the Temeraire novels, "A Different Flesh", and the Belisarius novels.
Turtledove's Days of Infamy series is one and the other for me is Norman Spinrad's Russian Spring. Although I did read Back in the USSA and I kinda find it a bit weird.
As for my favorite AH works; well, Man in the High Castle and Fatherland are two of my favorites. I also enjoyed the Gurp's Alternate Earths sourcebook. I also enjoyed World War, I guess you can call that a guilty pleasure. :p And of course; the legendary Chaos Timeline. :eek: Man, theres even a homebrew GURPS scenario for it!

I liked the Peshawar Lancers; it introduced me to AH, likeable characters, a throwback, the Steampunk was pretty damn cool and the Action scenes where great. Not to mention all the fun cliches. but the fact that Europe became a wasteland ruled by canninbals for two hundred years at a paleolithic level bothers me; and they clearly need the Raj or France to 'civilize' instead of doing it on their own.:rolleyes: