World War III in May 1946

Posted updates twice that have disappeared!??!

Twice now I have posted updates. Seen them in the thread, left the thread. Come back later and the posts are gone.

Does this happen often here?

Let's try this again.
Like a Plague of Locusts

Come in Walter, come in. What can I do for you? Thank you for seeing me Carl. I know you're a busy man.

So what have you brought me?

Well take a look at this chocolate bar and tell me what you see.

Looks pretty ordinary to me. The wrapper is obviously poorly made Russian paper. Can I open it?

Of course.

The chocolate looks like it's been melted just enough to hide the lettering. Why... this is just Hershey's chocolate make to look like some Soviet product. Are they really that desperate?

That's right they are taking our supplies and making it look like they are made in the Soviet Union. They are doing the same with cigarettes and even Spam. They are actually opening the cans of Spam and re-canning it.

Why those sneaky sons of bitches.

This stuff is flooding the Soviet market places. They are stripping the territory they invaded of every consumer item they can find and repackaging it to make it look like it's made in the mother land. From the other reports we seen they're using our supplies to augment the Lend Lease equipment we have already given them.

What are they doing with the C-Rations?

They're giving them to the soldiers. They're not even hiding that. I guess it tastes so bad they don't care if the folks back home know where it came from. The spoils of war etc.

It's like a plague of locusts.
Sergo Briefs Stalin

June 6th, 1946
14:31 hours

Sergo come in and brief me. What have you done with all your scientists and intelligentsia I have given you over the months? Do we have the solutions you promised to counter the American B29?

Yes your excellency I believe we have. The only question is producing enough of the various weapons systems in time. I'm confident that the systems we have chosen will be able to make our losses bearable and will inflict heavy losses on the Americans and British. Again it is a matter of if we have enough time to produce them in the numbers required to cover enough of our strategic assets.

You let me worry about that. Our spys are feeding us with all the information we need. We will know when and where the large raids are going to be scheduled. This will give the army the time they need to re-base the planes and prepare the positions for the rockets you keep telling me about. To the Capitalist Pigs it will seem as though we have the entire motherland covered with an iron curtain. Everywhere they go the will run into fierce resistance.

I agree Comrade Stalin. If we can forecast where the first few targets of the raids will be we can set the trap. As far as the enemy knows it will be as if we have every possible area covered. If we have a week we can set up everything ahead of time and if our calculations are correct and the test are accurate we should be able to achieve 30% or more casualty rates. They will not be able to sustain that and will have to cancel their bombing campaign. The key is the NKVD and its agents.

I hope you are right Sergo. We have made a great gamble to secure the motherland for the following generations. If we can convince the Capitalist pigs that we have the means to defend ourselves in the short run from their terror weapons we can then make sure we have the means to defend our selves forever. They do not have the guts to meet us man to man on the battle field and will try to rely on their bombers to rain death and destruction down on us. They think they can do this with impunity. You, Sergo, have given us the chance to make even this threat too costly.

Thank you comrade Stalin. I am confident that our new weapons will work and will cause the enemy to have pause before they attack us from the skies.

One more thing Sergo. The British are planning a limited bombing raid in two weeks and we know the target. We will let this raid proceed without spoiling the surprise. We will let our conventional forces intercept the British bombers. We will save the big surprise for the arrogant Americans who think that their Super Fortress is unstoppable. From what I have been told you have used your time wisely and have made great use of the 3 B29 bombers that dropped into our laps.

Thank you comrade. We will not let the motherland be destroyed by the Capitalist terror weapons.
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Just One More Step

We have to keep moving Greta. You can always take one more step. You are thirteen today. This is not the day to meet the Red Army soldiers fact to face. You have to leave your toys behind and just keep moving.

But Papa I'm so tired. We have been walking for days. All I want to do is sleep. Please just a few moments rest.

We cannot stop! If we stop we will die. Your fear must over come your sleepiness. Keep moving. You can always take just one more step. Just one more step. Just one more. Another......
well, since the war as started , to kill the NKVD agents, detain all soviets diplomats in the US , and Great Britain, kill them all . invade the embassys and get all that is available.:)
Damn it General their getting slaughtered..

Damn it General their getting slaughtered...we have to do something!

Mr. President we have to stick with the plan. If we feed out troops in piecemeal straight off the ships it will be like putting branches in a chipper. They'll just get eaten alive one by one. We have to wait till we have the Louisville Slugger ready and hit em when they come over the plate.

This is the hardest decision we will every make. I know right now it looks like we are abandoning our troops and all the people of the Europe but we have to stick to the plan. To do anything else would be suicide. At this point we can only get 1 or 2 divisions a week over to Europe. We need 5 full Corps to even hold the line against the Reds.

Damn it Bob the press is handing us our hat and kicking us out the door. They're printing story after story about how we're turning tail and giving up without a fight. How were just giving up and letting the Ruskies take over the world. We've got the Abomb for god's sake.

Sir we have to stay committed to making the plan work. I would suggest that we cannot change horses in mid-stream.

I know the press and world opinion is against us for now and calling us cowards. For the plan to work we have to maintain strict secrecy and a need to know only policy.

We can't even tell the Brits. We have overwhelming evidence that their is a mole or moles in the British leadership. Someone is feeding the Reds every move we make. The same is true for our atomic secrets. They know more about our Abombs than I do. They know full well that we can't just bomb them back to the stone age with what we've got.

Sir in just a few more weeks and we should have enough units in place to stop them. In the mean time we have to draw them in and keep em thinking that we're running scared. The trap is almost set in France. The Navy is almost into position to give them a big welcome we just have to keep them getting closer to the coast and not thinking about anything else. That's the key. Distract them from what is really going on.

Damn it I know the plan! It's just hell watching our boys getting the shit kicked out of them.

Don't worry sir our time will come to start kickin back
:):)good , cant ardly wait to see the counter attack by US , and drive the soviets back to 1939 borders


I suspect it will be some time before there's a major allied counter-attack driving the enemy back any great distance. Sounds more like a local counter-attack to bled the Red Army heavily, possibly aided by heavy naval fire-support from the need to be near the coast.

Once things get rolling however, although it will probably be a year or more before that occurs, I can't see the 39 borders making any great difference. Once the wheels come off the SU it could go fairly quickly and suspect the US especially will not be happy with a limited victory.

Occupational Therapy

So what do you think of the plan for controlling our "comrades" in arms Nikandr? Checks and balances, divide and conquer, keep your friends close but your enemies closer, no?.

It looks good Nikolai. You have the Poles watching the East Germans and the East Germans watching the Czechs and the Czechs watching the etc. The Ukrainians watching everyone and the us occupying the Ukraine. It should work. They distrust each other enough to make it so they will have no compunction about following regulations and stopping sabotage yet they will not be so ruthless knowing that their families are under similar occupation from an equally ruthless enemy. I think it is brilliant. Use their distrust of each other to keep each other from bothering their comrades who are at the front. Divide and conquer. Very well played Nikolai.

There will be virtually no men who are not at the front or working on the communal farms or watching for saboteurs and none of them will be home for very long. Any male caught outside of his duty station will be thrown in prison and on his way to the gulag. It will be possible to keep track of everyone for the next year anyway. Things will start to breakdown after that but in the mean time is will work.

Your "no mans land" along supply routes will help also. Anyone caught in the zone will be shot and the closest community will suffer and all routes policed by ethnic enemies who will not hesitate to shoot. It's all quite fantastically sinister and it should work. Not much chance of bribery since no-ones speaks the same language or trust each other. Where you do have problems you make examples of the occupying troops by punishing them and their loved ones back home along with the surrounding communities.

Well it's working so far. We will have to constantly rotate commands so that they do not form attachments. It is a good place to use the commissars as well. Keep them off our backs. They can command the occupation forces and teach the proletariat at the same time. One of the keys it to keep the troops rotating on an erratic time schedule. Different commanders and non-coms do thing differently despite regulations so there is little chance that patterns can be formed and used against you.

Part of their duties is to work on the communal farms and how well they produce determines how well their families eat back home.

Sounds like Capitalism Nikolai. You better be careful.

It works well that you actually let the troops go on leave back to their homes every 6 months. It gives them something to look forward to and reminds them of all they have to lose if they fail in their duties. It's good to have them look into the eyes of their loved ones less they forget how they will suffer should they aide saboteurs and rebels. Not only they will die but all of their loved ones back home will too. Rotating only 25% at a time works well too. If one deserts they all pay so they keep track of each other. Plus they guard the trains and trucks both ways.

It's brilliant that you are using married men with children as well as the occupiers. They have more to lose than bachelors with old mothers and sisters.

We use the best troops at the front and leave the cowards to occupy their neighbors and all with Czechs and balances or Bulgarians if you prefer.

Ha good one Nikolai.



I suspect it will be some time before there's a major allied counter-attack driving the enemy back any great distance. Sounds more like a local counter-attack to bled the Red Army heavily, possibly aided by heavy naval fire-support from the need to be near the coast.

Once things get rolling however, although it will probably be a year or more before that occurs, I can't see the 39 borders making any great difference. Once the wheels come off the SU it could go fairly quickly and suspect the US especially will not be happy with a limited victory.


I suspect this post contains many unfounded assumptions...
So how goes the soviet union nuclear research? They must of kicked it into high gear by the time they decided on war because they sure as hell can't stop every B29.
Oh wow its been like forever since I last looked at this thread and my, how "tall" it's grown! :p

I think that it would be smart for Stalin to sue for peace after taking France. He's not going to get the A-Bomb without getting nuked himself at some point. Also, I'd like to hear about what's going on in the Chinese Civil War.
It's Revile Again for Some

Draft To Begin Again
June 8th, 1946
By Robert Nelson

In a not so surprising announcement before Congress, President Truman announce the renewal of the draft. As one senator put it "We knew it had to be done".

The President called on all service men to re-enlist and promised increases in rank for those who did so voluntarily. Every returning veteran would get one advancement in rank if they volunteered for 2 more years of service.

The first round of draftees would be all eligible males who did not serve during WWII and are between the ages of 18 and 21.
Then the luck of the draw would fall next on those with least number of points as follows...

1. Service credit -- One point for each month of Army Service since 16 Sep 40. More than 15 days will be counted as a full month.

2. Overseas credit -- One point for each month served overseas since 16 Sep 40.

3. Parenthood credit -- Twelve points for each child under 18 up to a limit of three children.

4. Combat credit -- Five points for each award of combat decorations since 16 Sep 40.

Combat credits, the War Department said, will be based on awards of the Distinguished Service Cross, the Legion of Merit, the Silver Star, the Soldier's Medal, the Bronze Star, the Air Medal, Purple Heart and bronze service stars for participation in battle."

Former enlisted men up to the equivalent rank of Sergeant will receive double pay for the fist 6 months of active duty if they re-enlist within 30 days.

Veterans with amphibious warfare training will receive and extra $300 signing bonus. Aviators will receive a $1000 signing bonus.


@ Eternity

That is the day that the Selective Service legislation was signed by FDR which started the draft in the US.