Witch0Winter's Artwork

Yeah, I think I'm third on the requests queue, so maybe I'll see it by year's end (I guess)
Well, I'm probably only going to do maybe 1 more request before the year is up, but mostly I'll be focusing on some of my own ideas that I really want to get out between now and the end of the year. :eek:


Well, I'm probably only going to do maybe 1 more request before the year is up, but mostly I'll be focusing on some of my own ideas that I really want to get out between now and the end of the year. :eek:

So maybe January, perhaps?
I apologize for the lack of commentary on your recent France map, I'm honestly kinda speechless/out of my depth on it to offer any meaningful kudos :eek:.
Hey, everyone! Like my art? Want to see more of it in a higher quality with add-ons like commissioned flags, banners, and coat of arms? Want to also make sure that all map requests are always free of charge? Then head on over to my Patreon page and see if any of the reward tiers strike your fancy! I've put some pretty generous stuff on there, so hopefully I'll find one or two people who like it.

Also, hope Ian doesn't mind one small bit of self-advertising. And I'll be getting two rather detailed maps up this month (or, at least, one VERY detailed map), so no worries as to new content. :p

Until later, have a good one!
The new username threw me off.

Any update on my commisions?
Not at the moment, but I'll probably get started on it before the New Year. Got sidetracked by a few projects as well as finals and personal stuff. But I've got a map to use, which is sweet. Though, if you wouldn't mind, could you make a more updated map for me to base it on?

Also, if this Patreon thing works out I might do your map for no charge. :D
Merry (late) Christmas, everyone! :D

Queen of the Baltic​

I decided that, as a little Christmas celebration for myself, I would try out Kuusinen's awesome GIMP mapmaking tutorial to create a map different from some of the styles I usually go for. I hope you all enjoy.

This map's background isn't as fleshed out since I mostly was just trying to see about making a map this way, but the best way to summarize is that our world's traditional powers got screwed over hard in this world.

Most prominently, Russia, Denmark, and Prussia suffered heavy defeats by Sweden and her allies following the Thirty Years War, who expanded her empire to dominate trade on the Baltic Sea, expanding to its present large size after a series of wars that finally ended when Sweden beat Russia and Denmark enough to cause the powers to look elsewhere for expansion. Sweden, meanwhile, quickly set about consolidating their territory, expanding Swedish culture and ideas to the new territories.

It was helped by the fact that a much better leader than Augustus the Strong came to power in Poland and Saxony, leading to the two nations dominating eastern Europe for years. While Poland and Lithuania eventually split up (though remain relatively friendly) in a revolutionary war for the Lithuanian Republic, Saxony dominated Germany in the absence of Prussia. After expanding and marrying across the Holy Roman Empire, Greater Saxony fought the Habsburgs for dominance of Germany. The result was, the German Empire was founded under Saxony with Dresden as the capital while the Habsburgs were reduced to the Archduchy of Austria.

The newly-orphaned Hungary, interestingly, rose to prominence after years of strife, founding the Hungarian Empire and expanding into the Balkans where they compete with Russia and the Turkish Sultanate for dominance. Hungary also remains a major king-maker neutral, with enough industrial, economic, and population strength to possibly win a war by siding with one alliance over the other.

In western Europe, the nations, on paper, are not much changed from our world, but outside Europe things have gone differently. British colonies in the New World formed a dominion-like state that has helped the British win major victories in the Americas, but the French have given the Brits a run for their money in both India and China, the latter of which fractured into Civil War in 1893.

Sweden, the Queen of the Baltic, is renowned for its high-class culture, peculiar festivities, and a strange affinity for the cold. Winter celebrations in Stockholm, a prominent European metropolis by 1900, are a major tourist attraction, while Swedish scientists and engineers have led the way in technology as of late, creating faster and faster airships, advanced trains, and the new favorite technology: the radio. Sweden enjoys a living standard that is one of the highest in Europe, particularly due to its close relationship to Germany, Poland, and Lithuania, who are their major trading partners.

Europe, for now, is peaceful. Russia, France, and Britain are busy in Europe while the minor-yet-growing powers of Italy and Hungary have not yet chosen sides. For now, all is well in the deep winter of 1900, and one can only hope it will stay that way in the near future.

Premier Empire

Here is a scenario I've had rumbling around in my head for quite some time, about my own take on a universe with a successful First French Empire, one of the more popular scenarios in alternate history.

In this world, the divergence occurred with a more intelligent Napoleon who did not exploit his allies, particularly Spain, so much and managed to end the war in Europe after years of heavy fighting via treaty with Great Britain and Russia in 1814, and so quiet settled over Europe. However, while the Continental System worked while Napoleon was alive, it did not hold together too long after him. After the passing of Napoleon Bonaparte, control of the Continental System and of the First French Empire passed to Napoleon II, who quickly made a mess of things.

By trying to rule with an iron fist but lacking his father's charisma, daring, or intelligence, by the mid-1840s the Continental System began to come apart. Revolutions tore through much of Europe, creating new states overnight and forcing Russia, Britain, and Portugal to hold off striking France while it was down to deal with their own domestic problems. For a time, it seemed as if France would fall on its own, were it not for the intervention of Maximilian Joseph Eugene Auguste Napoleon de Beauharnais, nephew to Napoleon II via Napoleon I's first marriage and husband of Grand Duchess Maria of Russia.

Originally sent by the Russians to try to calm France and perhaps let Napoleon II fall and France with him, Maximilian instead took the support given to him by the French nobility and ruling classes, who in their distaste for Napoleon II would side with anyone, and gathered enough support to enact the so-called "Quiet Coup" upon Napoleon II in 1848. Spiriting Napoleon II out to Corsica, where he would live out his days in his family's mansion, proved to be the easiest part of the coup, as Maximilian, now taking on the title of Emperor of France, was forced to wage war to settle down the extremist revolutionaries in France while settling with the revolutionaries in the countries outside of France.

In the end, the Continental System fell, to be replaced by the Continental Alliance with the new nations of Germany, Italy, Holland, and the Danubian Federation that had sprung up in place of the previous states under France's protection. Under the Continental Alliance, nations dependent on or allied to France would have equal partnership in all affairs foreign and domestic, and would be allowed sovereignty separate to France's own. In addition, Maximilian gave the Papal Lands to Italy in exchange for a permanent presence in the Vatican as well as the Pope staying for 6 months of every year in Avignon, and set free the more rebellious lands in Germany to better consolidate France's gains. In the end, the new alliance proved to work with the new governments in place, and became the largest and most powerful alliance in Europe.

For his treachery, Russia never forgave Maximilian for stealing away the Grand Duchess and betraying them, and formed the Holy Alliance with Prussia in 1852 (joined by the Ottoman Empire in 1901) to fend off the French in Europe. The Holy Alliance and Continental Alliance have fought many border clashes since then, and even two wars, the latter of which, lasting from 1912-1914, resulted in the freeing of Serbia and Bosnia from Ottoman rule as well as the expansion of Greek territory beyond the pittance they had originally been given. Even years later, in 1930, the Russians and Prussians hold a strong distaste for France, even while pushing their affairs toward the East and the quagmire that is China, seeking to gain a greater foothold than Britain or her ally China.

Britain, ever the enemy of France, was eventually forced to move its affairs beyond Europe with a disastrous war in Egypt against France and an even worse war for the Turkish Straits that ended British dominion over Europe. Instead, the British grew their alliance with the United States into full partnership and expanded their influence over much of the Americas, save for the French ally that is the Empire of Brazil. The British Empire is still the largest in the world and, despite its lack of a presence in Europe, is still one of the strongest nations on Earth. Though, in recent years, the strength of the British has begun to be supplanted by their American allies, who are rapidly growing into a superpower themselves.

It is, in fact, the growth of Russia and the United States toward superpower-dom (the latter more than the former) that has prompted France's push for a more unified Continental Alliance via the Continental Free Economic Zone (CFEZ). Under the CFEZ, the nations allied to or dependent upon France would share a policy of open borders and a shared market for their goods to travel between nations, as well as strengthening the military ties between all members. In Paris, Maximilian II dreams of someday uniting the Continental Alliance into a single nation, a "Europa Universalis" that would be a superpower unto itself. While France is, without a doubt, the strongest power on the ground in Europe, and its colonial empire still great, a push toward uniting with much of Europe would keep the British and Russians from ever standing against them.

His ambitions are well-supported within the Continental Alliance. The peoples of the allied nations have enjoyed reaping the benefits of their alliance, particularly after the last war. Fair wages, good working hours, pensions, the beginnings of nationalized healthcare, and more have spread through the CA. Even without the CFEZ, art and entertainment is distributed freely around the CA. The prestigious universities of Denmark, for instance, already open their doors to all students from the CA, and have thus gained a reputation of academic excellence in Europe. Budapest, the shining capital of the Danubian Federation, reigns as the second-greatest city in the alliance besides Paris, and is a major hub of Eastern European art, literature, music, and cinema. Germans, Spaniards, Italians, Greeks, Serbs, Dutch, Danes, and French have come together to make the Continental Alliance one of the greatest alliances in the entire world. Now, it is up to Emperor Maximilian II to keep it that way against the Russian and American giants.
Interesting map, ToixStory!:)
The Ottoman's possessions may not last long.
How's the internal governance of Bosnia?
Interesting map, ToixStory!:)
The Ottoman's possessions may not last long.
How's the internal governance of Bosnia?
Yes, the Ottomans are fighting to keep what they have left, and are losing it pretty rapidly. The governance in Bosnia is somewhat split like OTL, but the Bosniaks have been getting increasingly hostile to the nation's minorities, and the Continental Alliance is afraid they'll have to intervene pretty soon.


Nice map. So how's Catalonia doing?

Also, would you have enough time to finish some map requests by say, April 20th (which happens to be my birthday)?
Nice map. So how's Catalonia doing?

Also, would you have enough time to finish some map requests by say, April 20th (which happens to be my birthday)?
Catalonia is doing fine, and relatively glad to be back with Spain instead of France, though currently doing its whole "We're better than you" thing toward the Spaniards. Not a bad place to live, though. Barcelona is quite nice.

And really, I'm not sure. At the moment, I am still deciding on whether I want to go ahead with some of the requests or not. Mostly because I'm trying to do my own thing and get ahead with my Patreon and map projects, so it's hard to find time for requests, especially ones like yours that require 2-3 weeks of time to make.


Well, I'm just saying that SLNA map would probably make a great birthday gift for me.