TLIAD: The Scottish Invasion of Argentina, 1978


Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre, 20th June, 1986

There were times he relished his carefully crafted persona as the Dark Director, the being who could manipulate events within the Labour Party to his whim, and there were times like tonight, were he wondered whether it was all worth it at all, as he saw his leader walk off the stage in sadness.

The root of the referendum was, of course, the deliberate provocation of the Prime Minister by the First Secretary. Sillars had been itching for a showdown like this ever since the 1984 upset, and even must have known that his spending targets were out of control. However the Scottish public enjoyed Free Prescription fees and University and when Thatcher threatened to snatch them away once more they were happy to cheer on their Executive, and the First Secretary's demand that Scotland be allowed to freely utilise her own revenue, with or without the rest of the United Kingdom. The Scottish Assembly had had no legitimacy to call an Independence Referendum, and naturally the Government wouldn't grant them the power, when Sillars announced one regardless, how to react had been...challenging.

First there was the strategy to complain about the cost of running the referendum, ignoring the actual question itself, encouraging voters instead to abstain. Thankfully he had not been behind those ridiculous Baby and House Invasion posters, but when support for the referendum began to go through the roof it had became clear that the Labour party should try and contest it, even in the wake of the miners strike, with unemployment sky-rocketing, the case could still be made that Scotland was stronger inside the Union, or at least it could be pointed out that Sillars had explained very little of what he would actually do to build his new Socialist nirvana.

Of course, then the Tories had decided to involve themselves, and the Alliance, and the funding they offered had made it seem worthwhile, the polls had began to tighten, the campaign could have been salvaged. Until tonight. The event had started well enough the climatic 'One Nation' rally that would sweep the No campaign to victory on June the 24th. Donald could make an excellent case for anything, and Labours plans for a proper Scottish Parliament were far better thought out than Sillars' vague promises, something John had mocked incredibly well in his own speech, easily outdoing the tepid performances by Wallace and Steel. It might have been better if the crowd hadn't been so fired up, when she came on.

The Tories were largely paying for the event, and when their leader had demanded that she be allowed to take her argument to the Scottish people personally, there was little room for negotiation. They could have cancelled, they should have cancelled, but on she went, seeming to revel in the anger of many Labour activists as she spoke of the greatness of Britain and the disgrace that the Scottish Assembly was. It was during her line about the 'something for nothing society' that he'd seen the first fights break out, members of the same campaign, unable to contain their divisions any longer, began to first shout then punch and kick their viewpoints and their opponents in an attmept to convince that That Woman had either no right to be on the stage or that she should have been on it for longer. Neil's efforts to calm the situation had been admirable, but his repeated shouts of "Sit Down" were probably what would be remembered by the press, the deep shade of claret his face had went during them would be yet another thing he'd have to try and repair. The campaign itself now seemed hopeless, shattered by an unstoppable juggernaut that even he couldn't hold back.

For the first time since he had taken the job, Peter Mandelson asked himself why hadn't he just stayed in television?

Fantastic stuff. Even if I suspect the Thatcher poster may be based on more recent political events.........;):D

How did Jim Sillars become First Secretary in the timeline given though? He left Labour in '76 to found a breakaway SLP, and only joined the Nats in 1980. How would he gain the support and the base in such a short time to lead the Nats to the referendum?

Carry on that man!
So even in 1986 Mandelson is playing the role of Dark Lord, doing everything possible to get the preferred outcome for Labour. Only here, on the brink of triumph, he gets unintentionally sabotaged by Thatcher.

Given that Thatcher will likely fight tooth and nail not to allow Scotland to leave the Union even in the face of an Independence vote I'm interested in seeing how this will go. The Second Football War, perhaps?
And now we have a little look forward...

Offices of BlackSmith Publishing Ltd, Norwich, June 19th 2020

"That's it John, you laaad"

People could say what they liked about the new CropKing software for photo editing, Tom would always be a traditionalist, as he shifted the stationary John Major and Edwina Currie cadavers in the photo to an embracing position that would be far more suitable for the cover. Sitting back to admire his handiwork, he realised that time was running away from him, he loved his old photo editing software, but if we wasn't back home soon his tea would be ruined and he'd be in Chloe's bad books, something he certainly didn't want, she could get rather...masochistic when he was in the bad books.

As he once again began to dwell on whether or not he should have married a younger woman, he momentarily blanked the Quentin Blake illustration before escaping from his malaise, a warm grin appeared on his face.

"Blacksmith working late again I see?" The old friend as he always had, ever since Chloe had insisted on that damn hyphen...

"Well when I have authors who are so excellent at avoiding deadlines someone has to pick up the slack, if I wasn't such a filthy capitalist myself I'd accuse you of being a parasite on an honest man's labour"

"God, I haven't heard that line since Angel threw us all out" the author wiped his brow uncomfortably,

"...but suffer no further indentured proletariat, for I come bringing the instrument of your liberation!", with pride he threw the final chapter of the For the Sake of a Pulling-Off: The Downfall of John Major onto his friends desk.

"Well this is just excellent..." Tom remarked, as he sifted through the pages of the saucy manuscript, "...the only question is whose secret life do we exploit and exaggerate next?"

Both Tom and the author were very pleased indeed, the grey Historical fiction market was finally booming, but they couldn't allow themselves be forced into a lock-step with their competitors. Of course Major and Currie would sue, as might several estates and the British government, but the publicity of the scandals were more profitable than the trade paperbacks these days.

"Well I was thinking President 'Father of all Battles' and his supposedly carnal relations with the Soviet cultural exchange might make for some interesting reading", the Author only half-joked, he could see it now...

"Causing a diplomatic incident is rather a step-up from making fun of Tory pensioners don't you think?"

"Well at least we might wake them up at last, have you seen that webcam that broadcasts that twat in khakis whose only job it is to stare longingly at the Tweed all day?"

"Ah but you forget my old comrade, Alba's Autarky still has certain forbidden fruits..." Tom pulled a small bottle from under his desk,


"Yes, 25 years, took more than a few Krona mind you, and I believe Andy had to have a word or two with a few Estonian ex-Freedom Fighters as well, but you know how it goes..."

As Tom poured a dribble into two glasses, Jack could only imagine, he'd sooner have a Hind swooping down on him full guns blazing than face the publishers accountant after he'd found a fouled up Spreadsheet.

"To John!" Tom toasted, before downing his ill-gotten produce in one fell swoop, the author reciprocated before almost sending the contents of the glass back-up

"Jesus Christ that's strong!"

"Yes, that's why the Nordics love them so much these days, they use it pickle their herrings. Now about John's shower scene with Margaret..."

Fantastic stuff. Even if I suspect the Thatcher poster may be based on more recent political events.........;):D

It's an affectionate parody of the anti-Scotland campaign if that makes it any better? ;)

How did Jim Sillars become First Secretary in the timeline given though? He left Labour in '76 to found a breakaway SLP, and only joined the Nats in 1980. How would he gain the support and the base in such a short time to lead the Nats to the referendum?

My idea was basically that he merged the Scottish Labour Party with the SNP, avoiding his electoral embarrasment, and immediately raising him high in the party hierarchy, with Billy Wolfe bowing out in 1982 as leader of the SNP group in the Old Royal, he was able to power himself to victory on a wave of lefty-populism and the backing of a strengthened '79 Group.
Oh, Chloe. She's a bit of a handful, I gather.

Lovely TL so far, sorry I've not been keeping up. I chortled at Jack and mine's different paths - seems we're only interested in politics for the money and the sex - which, predictably, we have to make up!

One wonders if after this little frisson about a Soviet cultural exchange, Black-Smith Publishing will launch a little investigative book about the greatest Yorkshire Prime Minister this country's ever had... thanks for the cameo, and I look forward to more!
How will this affect the Kirk?
(It might be interesting to see how it affects a minister in Ralston who presents a TV religion program and may have helped found a hospice with his wife. He's also got a son who is interested in acting, perhaps hoping some day to follow in the footsteps of Peter Davison and Sylvester McCoy...)
How will this affect the Kirk?
(It might be interesting to see how it affects a minister in Ralston who presents a TV religion program and may have helped found a hospice with his wife. He's also got a son who is interested in acting, perhaps hoping some day to follow in the footsteps of Peter Davison and Sylvester McCoy...)

If you thought the Sermon on the Mound was poorly perceived in OTL...

But said son of minister may be making an appearance yet. ;)

City of Westminster, June 13th, 1987


He had always hated how the word had been butchered.

For the right it was a way to establish of superiority of themselves over others, those who had dreams and those who had not, the thinkers who would run society for the benefit of the brainless. For the ultra-left it had been a dirty word, one that must be stamped out, the nail that must be hammered back in, for the dialectic had no place for the individual, what were dreams in the face of the very momentum of history?

But Neil Kinnock, being poor, had always had dreams. It was all he had ever had. It was what had motivated him, as the son of a Miner, sneered at by the upper classes, to go to University, to read Orwell, and Bevan, and Gaitskell, to become involved in Trade Unionism, in the Labour Party, and finally to lead. And though his material wealth had increased he had never forgot, that all he had were his dreams.

They had not been enough. Whether it was down south, were people believed that a momentary boom, a cheap high, would be able to free them from poverty. Whether it was the Scots who so foolishly clung to their blood in the soil rather than remember the blood of their fellow workers. Whether it was his own party, those without dreams who refused to see any road ahead other than turning the party into Thatcherism with a smiling face, or those whose dreams they had inherited from Lenin, and Marx. He had been unable to show them the path he had dreamed of, and now they all would tread over his dreams as they pulled themselves apart.

Even a few gains might have allowed him to stay on, but he had promised 1983 would never happen again, and he had only made things worse. of course it had been Thatcher really, she had created the conflict with the Miners, and with the Nationalists, should he have stood with the radicals who likely despised him as much as they did her? No, principle first, always. And gains had come in the North, but not enough to make-up for the Scottish Nationalists and their own gains, shamelessly combining their fixed plebiscite with the plight of the working class across Britain to spin a yarn of oppressive 'London Rule'.

It had been enough to ensure that his position was now untenable, and unlike for the man in the audience, characteristically puffing away at his beloved pipe, his dreams would soon go with it.


Dublin, a later hour

As the light turned out half light, and the half light embrace the night, in the dim and dark, the cloths were embroidered as Adam Busby found himself enwrought with those Boys of the Old Brigade, he prepared his spread.

For he, being poor, had dreams too, but to wear the clothes of Silver and Gold, he would first tread on those of Red, White, and Blue.​
So much of this is just going straight over my head. :(

Shit. :/

I'm really sorry, to be fair that last update was deliberately meant to be something of a riddle, but you're right, I've left gaps which were too large. :(

Is there anything specifically I can fill you in on?
Shit. :/

I'm really sorry, to be fair that last update was deliberately meant to be something of a riddle, but you're right, I've left gaps which were too large. :(

Is there anything specifically I can fill you in on?

I'm going to attempt to give you my thoughts on whats going on in every chapter/instalment so far and then you can tell me what I've grasped. I know the writings good and theres a lot of information in there somewhere its just not being a huge PolBrit (if thats the word) I'm really struggling to get most of it:

Chapter 1:
-Somehow Scotland wins the world cup in 1978.
-Not sure how realistic this is (thats not a criticism, I really don't know) but it should have exciting consequences come the 1979 devolution.
-Can't wait for more.

Chapter 2:
-Labour and the SNP are getting on well in Westminster. The Tories are grumpy about this.
-Jim Callaghans talking to William Wolfe about attempting to utilise the West Lothian question in some way in order to keep the Tories out of power?

Chapter 3:
-Maggie still got in as OTL but perhaps with a reduced majority?
-Maggie being evil as usual.
-The Tories have been wiped out as a political force in Scotland rather earlier than OTL.

Chapter 4:
-Arthur Scargill using class conflict to tear down the union.
-Sorry Alex Sammond using Arthur Scargill to tear down the union.

Chapter 5:
-Looks like the Nats are pushing for a 2014 style referendum a bit earlier than OTL, doesn't mean they'll get it though.
-The no campaign implodes due to a conflicted Labour party and a idiotic Thatcher.

Chapter 6:
-Scotland has become independent by this stage?
-Russia is involved in a large military conflict (the references to Hinds etc)?
-Scottish troops are using Russian equipment in a foreign war?
-I have no idea who any of the people mentioned in the conversation are, whos Chloe, is she important?

Chapter 7:
-Kinnock's on his way out.
-The Labour party never reforms and modernises in this TL.
-Could we see a violent Scottish separatist movement?
I'm going to attempt to give you my thoughts on whats going on in every chapter/instalment so far and then you can tell me what I've grasped. I know the writings good and theres a lot of information in there somewhere its just not being a huge PolBrit (if thats the word) I'm really struggling to get most of it:

Chapter 1:
-Somehow Scotland wins the world cup in 1978.
-Not sure how realistic this is (thats not a criticism, I really don't know) but it should have exciting consequences come the 1979 devolution.
-Can't wait for more.

Chapter 2:
-Labour and the SNP are getting on well in Westminster. The Tories are grumpy about this.
-Jim Callaghans talking to William Wolfe about attempting to utilise the West Lothian question in some way in order to keep the Tories out of power?

Chapter 3:
-Maggie still got in as OTL but perhaps with a reduced majority?
-Maggie being evil as usual.
-The Tories have been wiped out as a political force in Scotland rather earlier than OTL.

Chapter 4:
-Arthur Scargill using class conflict to tear down the union.
-Sorry Alex Sammond using Arthur Scargill to tear down the union.

Chapter 5:
-Looks like the Nats are pushing for a 2014 style referendum a bit earlier than OTL, doesn't mean they'll get it though.
-The no campaign implodes due to a conflicted Labour party and a idiotic Thatcher.

Chapter 6:
-Scotland has become independent by this stage?
-Russia is involved in a large military conflict (the references to Hinds etc)?
-Scottish troops are using Russian equipment in a foreign war?
-I have no idea who any of the people mentioned in the conversation are, whos Chloe, is she important?

Chapter 7:
-Kinnock's on his way out.
-The Labour party never reforms and modernises in this TL.
-Could we see a violent Scottish separatist movement?

You're pretty much spot on about everything. Scotland winning the World Cup is rather freakish, but of course flukes can happen in Football, in OTL the Scots defeated the Dutch who would go on to the final, with the right set of results, and saving a few players they lost in OTL to various embarrassments, it's hopefully not too ASB. :p

Callaghan was more just using the opportunity to make sure that he had the SNP on side if a future confidence vote should arise, after realising that such a boom in Scottish patriotism would all but ensure a victory for 'Yes' in the Assembly referendum. In OTL no such deal was made, 'Yes' won a majority of the vote but controversially not by enough to pass the bill due to low turnout, and the SNP brought down the government in response. The Tories being hammered in 1980 was just the effect of mid-term unpopularity, especially with sky-rocketing unemployment, although by 1987 they've certainly lost most of their support north of the border.

Yes, by 2020 is Scotland is independent, doesn't get on at all well with the rest of the UK, vaguely close to a surviving USSR (who've finally given up trying to occupy the Balkan States) but much closer to the Nordic states. The characters were cameos of members of, 'Chloe' was in regards to Chloe Smith who's rather popular amongst the Politibrits for reasons that I'll never understand. :p


I will build my love a tower
By yon clear and crystal fountain,
And around it I will place,
All the flowers of the mountain.

Assembly Hall, The Mound, 21st May 1988

"... the politicians and other secular powers should strive by their measures to bring out the good in people whilst taking the fight to the bad: but they can't create the one or abolish the other. God granted the individual their will, and the responsibility of that right must ultimately fall upon the individuals themselves..."

Sandy McDonald, like many of his fellow Minister's, had to resist to urge to heckle the Prime Minister as she continued to go on with her reconstruction of the Christian faith to justify her own personal philosophy. She had ignored the Miner's and their families when they had cried out for jobs, she had ignored the Scottish people when they'd voted to free themselves from her, that was all part of man's political game he supposed, but how proud must an individual be not only to ignore God, but to challenge the very philosophy of his word, and to still call herself a Christian? The irony seemed lost on her, as it apparently had when she continued to talk of 'We in Scotland', or perhaps the ignorance was deliberate, a patronising nod and and wink, almost to taunt about how little she cared of a land where general elections were no longer won or lost for the Conservative Party.

Either way, like Saul before her, an awakening was required.


New River Pumping Station, Islington, around the same time

The New River had been an artificial waterway, built to sustain the ever growing and ever thirsty population of London, in almost 400 years of existence the waterway had continued to feed the city is it had grown ever larger, as it was made obsolete by larger, fresher torrents of water, but it had been built upon, improved, now with a site constructed to ease the transit of the cities water in service of the public, all across the thirsty city.

As the people drank, and bathed, and swam in its life giving substance, a silent death swam alongside them. The London waterworks were truly a triumph of the modern era, the Lead Sulphate that now coursed through the cities veins had been implanted by men of the old. Men of Rough Wooing, and Darien, and Culloden, of a narrative fed to them by childhood and now warped by hatred and ignorance.

Warped into their best laid plans.


Around London

The organisation was tiny, whilst the fellow Gaels that had advised them worked in Cells of four or six they were often only two, or in this case, one, but as they had been reminded, England has long suffered defeats at the hands of a wee nation, and even with a wee group, and wee bit of ingenuity, such defeats would no longer be in the past. The contents of the fish and chip wrappers, stashed away on the iconic London buses as they busied themselves around the city centre. were of English origin. The death that awaiting the oblivious passengers going to and fro about their day had in fact been prepared for a far more dangerous and resourceful enemy than those who now wielded it against them. It had been a sign of Albions perfidity that they had chose Scottish land to test such a device, but from it had come a blessing in the soil.


Outside The Mound

The opportunity to remove both Thatcher and her bigoted, Orange, cabal, had been sorely tempting for the PIRA, however they had public relations to think about these days, and an attack which would ensure so many civilian deaths, with a sectarian narrative behind it, would garner much sympathy for their political aims. It was a stroke of luck that there were those willing to accept the bad press. Thus the Active Service Unit which had received the van, the incendiaries, and the odd packages of soil the fortnight beforehand were not on officially on the PIRA's time as they had worked, they were merely there to set-up the props. As the Van neared The Mound, it was almost Showtime.



There were many benefits to nationalists willing to die for their cause, and many perks to single man cells, neither of these advantages necessarily also entailed a skill set in bomb making however. Thus it would only be the one bus, where a tragically curious passenger had inquired as to why the nice Scottish man in front of her had left a full bag of chips under his seat as he had disembarked, that the sins of Gruinard would finally be brought home. Nonetheless the blasts were successful enough in three more buses as to hold-up traffic and cause general panic and the orange and brown dust filled the vehicles and spewed out onto the roads and streets. It would usually be a time for an Emergency Cabinet Meeting, but the Cabinets leader was not in the city.


Assembly Hall

At least there were the poverty reports she'd be presented with, that would be divine, McCloud had thought finally, as he heard the sound of a car violently backfire four times in quick succession.

And the Heavens opened.​