The NEW Our TimeLine Maps Thread!

A larger map to the one I did on the previous page showing what the US military and US government separately wanted out of Cuba (the military wished to perpetually lease four naval bases centred around double harbours such as Nipe Bay, Cienfuegos and Guantanamo Bay; the government had claims on the Isle of Pines possibly arising out of confusion as to whether the Isle was ceded as part of Cuba (which was due to be independent in time) or as one of the "other islands in the Antilles" such as Puerto Rico, Cuelebra, Mona and Vieques). In the case of double harbours, I've followed the precedent of Guantanamo and Bahia Honda wherein the US bases established control over the outer promontories:

Cuba US aims with bases bigger map II.png
I have a request for some of the map-makers here. Not being skilled enough to create my own large map of Europe, I would be very appreciative if someone made said map in 1470, including the states of teh HRE and as many details as one can fit in to it. (one like this would be perfect, or even a BAM or simply a large map of Europe around the time). Thank you in advance.


I have a request for some of the map-makers here. Not being skilled enough to create my own large map of Europe, I would be very appreciative if someone made said map in 1470, including the states of teh HRE and as many details as one can fit in to it. (one like this would be perfect, or even a BAM or simply a large map of Europe around the time). Thank you in advance.

I've got this one of 1500 AD...

Euio's Uberamazing HRE Europe 1500.png

Valdemar II

Danish lens (fiefs/counties) in 1522

Dark red indicated a royal len under a Borgerlig (free non-noble) adminstrator
Light red indicated a royal len under a noble adminstrator
Dark green indicate a royal len pawned to nobles
Orange indicate a royal len pawned to the church
Light green indicate a noble service (against military service) or account (against a annual fee) lens
Dark brown indicate Church property.
Yellow indicate that it owned by Archbishop Johan Weze of Lund (in Scania), Henrik Gøye (in Zealand) or either Ejler Bryske or Mogens Gøye (in Jutland).

Light blue indicate a royal enclave in Schleswig.
Blue indicate the Fyrstelen (princely fief) of Sønderjylland* (Schleswig/Slesvig)
Dark Blue indicate the German Duchy of Holstein (in personal union with Denmark and Schleswig).

*The original name when it became a Princely fief

The map seem to have diappeared here's a new one

I'm posting this here and in the "All the OTL Maps" thread: I dunno if we already have something like this, but I thought people doing something with recent Iranian history might find it of interest.


Sense there hasn't been alot of 1848/1849 map I decided to give it a shot...
Alot of the revolts here are probably exaggerated in size..

The Following Revolutions are shown...
-The Hungarian Revolution
-Slovak Uprising
-Sicilian Revolution of independence
-Greater Poland Uprising
-Wallachian Revolution
-Communist ruffians in Belgium

and the outline of the German Empire of 1849


Anyones free to improve upon this.
Posen and Baltic Prussia were outside the German Confederation.

Southern Bessarabia and the Danube Delta were under Russian rule.

The Mosquito Coast didn't reach that far north.

Don't know if you showed it, but there was a Dutch and a Danish Gold Coast.

Part of the Yucatan was controlled by the Maya.

The Romanian Principalities should be a sort of Russo-Turkish condominium.

There should be outlines around Norway, Tibet, Egypt, Tunisia, Congress Poland, Finland, Abkhazia, Mingrelia, Svanetia, and possibly Lithuania.

The Saudi state, Yemen, Asir, and Jebel Shammar should be shown.

I think Sakhalin should be entirely without a sovereign.

And though I've never heard of the "Slovak Uprising," I'm sure it didn't spread all the way to Cracow.
Is there any maps of 13th century Scotland around the time of Alexander III preferably with Comyns, Bruces and the Lords of the Isles lands arked on it? I'd really like to see who controls what if civil war had broken out you see. :)

Note: Is this the right thread for asking this sort of thing?
I've got this one of 1500 AD...

Brittany was not an integrated part of France at the time, but a personal union (since 1491, when 12 years old Duchess Anne was forced to marry king Francis I of France).
It was formally annexed only in 1532 with the Edict of Union: but retained an independent parliament until the French revolution, and its abolition was widely protested until 1805. So There should be a line between France Proper and Brittany, like the one between Castile and Aragon or Lithuania and Poland.
One I made more for fun than utility. Central Europe in 1648, colored by dynasty. Different branches of one family are disregarded. The internal lines within Savoy, Oldenburg, and Habsburg regions show the Empire's border. The three episcopal electorates have also been colored.

Grey indicates minor secular territories.
Purple-grey indicates Church territories.
Pink-grey indicates imperial free cities.

HRR 1648 Dynasties.png
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