Q-Bam Historical Map Thread

Go for current historical atlases, some nowadays are quite good (especially Autrement's atlases). When not avaible, go for wikipedia : it's not exactly perfect but you have a quite living sub-community of carthographers that try to be as precise as possible.

That say, try to cross-check maps when you can from different sources including some history books or wikipedia articles if you don't have these for the given region or period.
Centennia is the spawn of the devil, and is only outdone in wickedness and blasphemy by worldhistorymaps website.


well good thing you guys are around here to help me with that
any other sources i could try?

Euratlas/Hisatlas will do at a push (though you could do with checking with other sources)

There's also the David Rumsey map Collection if you fancy trying to go to historic source maps, but it's not of that much use before the 19th Century.

How's this for a start?
If I may : don't rush it. Quality often comes from slow paced work. I'm working on french borders alone since nearly 45 minutes at this point and just finished the outer borders (now, for the nobiliar estates) ;)
sorry it was not my intention to race
i was just gonna take a pause to work on my youtube channel so dont worry
anyway good your working on france any luck so far?
Don't be sorry : most of historical map-making can be tedious, so it's only natural to want to warp up as soon as possible. It's why I usually have some music, series, film or podcast running while I map.

As for France, I finished the realm's borders, Bourbon's holdings, and the County of Nevers. I still have to do junior Bourbons and ALbret's holdings.
Don't be sorry : most of historical map-making can be tedious, so it's only natural to want to warp up as soon as possible. It's why I usually have some music, series, film or podcast running while I map.

Even if you ignore all the time I wasn't working on the map, the 1885 map was still several months of work.
Even if you ignore all the time I wasn't working on the map, the 1885 map was still several months of work.
Do you really want me to bring the 814 map on this?

Anyway, France for 1520.

It took 3 hours, roughly, including research. Which is a relatively expectable ammount of work, IMO.
Not everything is represented : only the most relevant nobiliar lands. I'd go for the smaller ones another time.
Finished Italy...
I'm not sure Italy should look like this, would it be only because French presence. Among other exemples : France should control Milan, Siena should be put as under French influence,while Genoa should be labelled both as under influence and under occupation (or, at this point, maybe labelled as vassal in facts).
Do you really want me to bring the 814 map on this?

Anyway, France for 1520.

It took 3 hours, roughly, including research. Which is a relatively expectable ammount of work, IMO.
Not everything is represented : only the most relevant nobiliar lands. I'd go for the smaller ones another time.
well yes thats what this thread is for
and thas some awesome work there pal