
If I recall that history of Scotland documentary correctly, the Picts endured as a culture to about the 800-900s AD, when their last king (Caustantin mac Aeda, I think), raised by Gaelic relatives, helped to Gaelicize the Picts to the point where they couldn't be called 'Picts' anymore. Maybe having him be raised by Pictish relatives, or somehow killed off to make for a more Pictish heir, would work.
If I recall that history of Scotland documentary correctly, the Picts endured as a culture to about the 800-900s AD, when their last king (Caustantin mac Aeda, I think), raised by Gaelic relatives, helped to Gaelicize the Picts to the point where they couldn't be called 'Picts' anymore. Maybe having him be raised by Pictish relatives, or somehow killed off to make for a more Pictish heir, would work.

So, what would the Pictish nation look like? I think it would be a rival of Dalriada, the second nation of Caledonia. Pictish raiders could harass northern England, I think the Northumbrians and Picts fought IOTL.