Peshwar Lancers Redux: India

For 60 years the British Empire had struggled to recover from The Fall. It had been three places that the British had evacuated to depending upon where they had been during the terrible event that was known as the Fall. India had been the crown Jewel of the Empire and it was there that the Monarchy, Military and a great deal of the population had fled. Yet not everyone had made it. some had arrived in South Africa and some had ended up in Australia.
Much had been lost in the Fall and it had taken decades to recover and rebuild what had been lost. It wasn't until the start of the 20th Century that the Empire had seen that the grip of endless winter was being broken and that in time it might be possible to recover.
The Empire had found allies in the struggle to survive. One of those allies had been a small Kingdom called Hawaii which had grown over the years to become the British strongest ally. Hawaii had helped to step in when the British Government just did not have the resources to spare. Britain worried about two threat one from the East and the other from the Northwest.
The Fall had seen the Japanese sweep into China and take its territory and the islands. The Fall made it imperative that Japan find lands to insure its people. Over the years the Empire of the Rising Sun had been perceived as a threat both by members of the Commonwealth ( Australia and New Zealand) and friend ( Netherlands East Indies, Hawaii, France and Spain). In fact the Royal Hawaiian Navy and the Empire of the Rising Sun had clashed twice and Spain had felt the heat of the threat in the Philippines. It had been the threat which had finally resulted in them moving to grant independence to its colony as the strain on resources prevented it from involving itself in a struggle so far from home.
By the 1920s Britain had begun to rebuild its position in the homeland that had been lost 50 years earlier. It had now begun to make changes to allow the native population of India to have more of a say in government. Indians were now accepted as officers in New Sandhurst and it would not be long before they held the Kings Commission and commanded Battalions and perhaps Brigades.
This is how I see things but I would welcome others thoughts as this is a world that SM Stirling created but many of us have added to in many post.
King/Emperor Edward VIII was ruling an Empire that was still recovering from not only The Fall but a change in society. Over the past 10 years changes had come quickly. No longer were the heads of corporations just the Anglo citizens of the Empire. There were Anglo-Indian and even Indians Industrialist that had made their fortune meeting the needs of the Empire.
In some cases there had been partnerships between British, Anglo Indian and Hawaiian Companies to meet the needs of the Empire. Anglo-Indian Air Corporation built the Hawaiian design airships for both the private airlines and for the Royal Air Force. Vickers of India was presently building new light tanks for the Indian Army.
Still the King /Emperor had agreed to show strength to the Empire of the Rising Sun by sending military forces to Hong Kong. It was clearly a signal that the Empire of the Rising Sun could not take what belong to Britain.
Britains Ambassador to Hawaii was thoughly briefed about wwhat had accourred on the North West Frontier. This was clearly a challenge from the resurgent Russian Empire.
The defense of India: Prior to the Fall the British had maintained British troops in India as well as the Indian Army. Despite the Fall that practice had continued. British units had drawn their recruits from European settlers and the families of thaose that had served in the regiments. Still it was clear that eventually the army would need to commission Indians into the regiments ( Indian Army) in order to meet the need. By the 1890's New Sandurst had been established and Indian officers were commissioned. By 1910 some of these officers had reached the rank of Major and there were also some Lt Colonels. By the 1920 a number of the Indian Army brigadiers were either Indian or Anglo-Indian.
The Indian Army Brigade that was sent to Hong Kong was commanded by an Anglo-Indian Offier and one of the Battalions also had an Indian officer.
India: The Fall came as a major shock to India. Its infrastructure had just started to make some progress after the Indian Mutiny. The flood of European refugees was something that no one had ever seen. The result was that for nearly 30 years (1870-1900) the Imperial Government was spending its time and energy insuring that there was housing, clean water, waste treatment, schools and hospitals. It was one of the reasons that the Empire was only able to deal with the defense of the frontier and of areas deemed critical to the empire.
Thus its colonies in the Americas were on there own.
India's Industrial base was a fraction of what had been lost in Britain as a result of The Fall.
Still Warships and commercial ships were built and technology slowly started to catch up. Still it wasn't until the 2nd decade of the 2oth Century that the Imperial government in India was able to begin the process of re-establishing a presence in the British Isles.
The call from Hong Kong came at just the right moment. The Prime Minister Stanly Baldwin agreed to the sending of troops to the crown colony hoping that it would show the empires resolve and deter the Empire of the Rising Sun from acts of aggression.
It also was this resolve that allowed the moderates in Britain's potential enemy to gain the upper hand and attempt to prevent a clash between empires.
With the development of new fuels the British Company had joined with the Hawaiian and Dutch companies to develop oil field in the Netherlands East Indies and Burma. The British had also tied to develop fields in the Middle East but were running into problems with the New Ottoman Empire and the Austro-German Empire.
Hawaii's two Energy Companies had been developing fields in the American region.
India had seen a series upgrading and improvement of its railroad system as a result of the Fall, By 1930 there was a rail connection all the way to the Burmese border with Siam. The road system slowly began to improve with the advent of motor vehicles.
Still research into airplanes lagged behind . The result had been larger air ships or greater size and capacity.
Two Airship companies came into being in the empire British Airways and Air India. They were finding it difficult to catch up with the Pan Hawaiian Airways.
The Prime Minister and the foreign Minister were going over a list of candidate to take the post of Ambassador to the Kingdom of Hawaii.
The current Ambassador had informed the Foreign Minister that he was simply worn out from nearly 50 years of service and needed to be replaced. His children were expected to return to Hawaii for their father's retirement.
The British Foreign Minister suggested Sir Robert M Hodgson as the next British Ambassador to the Kingdom of Hawaii. Sir Robert had served in the Army and had served as the crown's Representative to the Central American Republic. He had been recalled to India because the Foreign Minister had known that their Ambassador to Hawaii would be retiring and Captain Holland had proved not to be a good choice as a replacement.
Prime Minister Baldwin met with Sir Robert and discussed his taking the post. Sir Robert said that he had worked with the Hawaiian Ambassador to the Central American Republic and thought that he would be more than capable of doing the job. The Prime Minister then told him that he should prepare to leave for Hawaii in three days. He would be the new Ambassador.
Prime Minister Baldwin had decided that the government needed to re-establish relation with the Government of the Austro-German Empire.
From Intelligence that had been gathered it appeared that the Hohenzollern were running the Empire. Archduke Karl von Hapsburg could very well regain the throne for the Hapsburg's although he had suffered from a serious illness which would leave his son Otto as the next candidate. Kaiser Wilhelm was reportedly also ill but he was concern at the resurgent Russian Empire. His son Crown Prince Wilhelm had been killed while visiting the Empire's eastern frontier.
Otto von Hapsburg arrived in British India with an official message from the Imperial Austro-German Empire setting the wheels in motion to restore diplomatic relations between the two Nations. A diplomatic Mission would visit India and discuss the setting up of an Embassy by both countries in the capital.
The Austro-German Empire had its capital in Vienna as that has been where the government had returned when the grip of the Fall had been losen.. Kaiser Wilhelm II had had work ongoing on restoring Berlin but there was opposition within the Empire to having the capital so far in the north.
It's been awhile since I've read the book, didn't Mormon city states develop in what was the American west?
It appeared that the Government of British India was about to restore diplomatic relation to the Austro-German Empire. While it had had relations with Prussia and Austria before The Fall this would Mark the opening of relations with both of those countries successors.
The hope was that it would also shore up support for dealing with the Russian threat.
Prime Minister Baldwin met with the Austro-German Delegation. Besides establishing diplomatic relations between the two nations the Prime Minister was hoping to convince them to make common cause with them against the Aggressive Imperial Russian Empire. The Russians had currently caused the death of the son of the current holder of the Imperial crown.
Many wondered if the Hapsburgs would regain the throne and what might that do to relations between the two empires.
With a successful conclusion of talks between the two parties it was decided that the British Embassy in Vienna would be renovated and reopen and a new Austro-German Embassy would be open in the capital in India. Should the British-Indian Imperial Government decide that the old Embassy was un satisfactory the host government would assist in finding a new location or would provide housing until a new facility was constructed.
In India further reforms would see the Indian Congress Party win 60 of the 600 seats in the lower house of Parliament. The other three Parties were the Conservative Party, Liberal Party and the emerging Labor Party. Currently labor had 40 seats, Conservatives 310 and Liberals 190.