(Not Actually) Official "Where Have You Been?" Thread

How on earth do people know what specific counties they have been to?

It depends for the country. For the US it is either odd or mighty difficult because there's the common obsession with driving extremely long distances to one destination or one area. However, if you've been rather thorough or regional in your travels you can easily go through your memory and just ask yourself if you've been to a place and then compare it to a list of counties.

Here's mine revamped with places I've lived, been to and only travelled through. There's somewhere in Eastern Québec that I've camped at a few times but I don't remember where. I've never been on more than a 3 seater plane and never been out of the country. I just asked myself of the places I have experiences being, then checked roads for a few trips.

where I've beens.png
Light blue is where I've been. Claim lines are where I've only had stopovers. I was almost finished when I remembered that I've been to Hawaii so that's not on there.

Where I been.png
Darkest Red: Born and raised and home again
Normal Red: Where I lived or commute(d) to for study purposes.
Dark Orange: Where I went to on purpose.
Light Orange: Where I rode through.
Lighest Orange: Where I may have gone through but don't remember.

Blue = My home - The almighty County of Tecklenburg :cool:
Dark green = was there and LOVED it
green = was there and liked it
yellow = was there and found it neutral
orange = was there and disliked it
purple = wasn`t there yet, but want to

20141125 been to.png
Blue = My home - The almighty County of Tecklenburg :cool:
Dark green = was there and LOVED it
green = was there and liked it
yellow = was there and found it neutral
orange = was there and disliked it
purple = wasn`t there yet, but want to

What are the dots in England (outside London), Newcastle and Reading possibly?
Darkest Red: Born and raised and home again
Normal Red: Where I lived or commute(d) to for study purposes.
Dark Orange: Where I went to on purpose.
Light Orange: Where I rode through.
Lighest Orange: Where I may have gone through but don't remember.
The HRE reborn!
The nation of me sort of deal I promised. Same as last time, but now the lighter green are places I'm unsure of. IF you are wondering about the weird national borders, its because I plan on turning this into an ASB TL.

I present to you, the Integrated American Nations!

The nation of me sort of deal I promised. Same as last time, but now the lighter green are places I'm unsure of. IF you are wondering about the weird national borders, its because I plan on turning this into an ASB TL.

I present to you, the Integrated American Nations!

Trust me, I'm 99% sure that if you went through the Sudbury District you went through Greater Sudbury. The only other options require a visit to Timmins, canoeing, or driving through dense forest without roads.


Darkest Blue is where I was born, always lived, and now live.
Lighter Blue is where I've been. (NI, too young to remember though, England, France, Spain, Greece, Sweden, Finland)
Lightest Blue are places I want to go to, so naturally most of them are frivolous. :D

Yes, I do want to go to Canada. :p

Been or Want to.png
Sort of. Ottawa is my more usual base these days with University. Hamilton and the Niagara region are both also marked so I'm not sure why you guess Thunder Bay as the current.

Because I didn't notice the others until now, plus it's a really big mark where Ottawa and Niagara are tiny.

UOttawa or Carleton? (If you don't mind me asking)
Because I didn't notice the others until now, plus it's a really big mark where Ottawa and Niagara are tiny.

UOttawa or Carleton? (If you don't mind me asking)

Yeah, Ottawa, Hamilton, and Niagara are tiny by comparison.

As for the latter, that's a little too specific for me. I'm a private person in reality. Have to keep my energetic and outgoing online persona from mixing with my timid and understated real world behaviour.:p
Since I already posted a map with places where I have been so far, here`s a map with countries (and provinces) where I`d like to visit (again) and dislike to visit....

Green = I definitly want to visit this place (again)
Yellow = Maybe I will visit this place (again) / I want to visit only very specific parts of this place
Orange = I don`t want to visit this place (again) - at least the most parts of it
Red = I definitly do not want to visit this place (again)
Gray = I absolutely do not know/ neutral

20141127 like and dislike to visit.png
Since I already posted a map with places where I have been so far, here`s a map with countries (and provinces) where I`d like to visit (again) and dislike to visit....

Green = I definitly want to visit this place (again)
Yellow = Maybe I will visit this place (again) / I want to visit only very specific parts of this place
Orange = I don`t want to visit this place (again) - at least the most parts of it
Red = I definitly do not want to visit this place (again)
Gray = I absolutely do not know/ neutral

Why did you chop up Quebec and a few other places?
There are macros that can easily do this.


Lived: California, New Jersey, Maryland
Haven't been there since I was a baby: Oregon, Louisiana (until next Mardi Gras)
Just driving through: Vermont, and Delaware (or maybe I did visit Delaware. Eh, it's just Delaware :D)
Just passing through on the train: Indiana, Ohio, Rhode Island (maybe I visited longer IDK), mayyybe Michigan but doubtful.
Just layovers: Ireland, Texas, Georgia
Pardon the basemap from an AH where Vancouver Island is a Nephite Kingdom. :p I actually have been to Vancouver Island specifically. BC is the only Canadian province I've been to.