Napoleon stays in Egypt

This timeline would pretty much require that he does get the slaves, frees them and trains them as citoyen-soldiers of the republic(empire?) of Egypt.

Perhaps managing to make peace with Britain? (at least for a while)
Then come the expansion.. (?) Or will nappy retire as a peacenik? :D
One can hope he manages to beat the turks, perhaps even take over the entire ottoman empire? Or is the direction still to india? What about the south? Or west..?

Does neglected France fall? Will it return to monarchy, as the directorate was hardly popular?

Have fun, feel free to expand the questions as you work towards say 1900.
I did a term paper on this. He pretty much screwed up politically, socially, and economically. Allowing Muhammad Ali to escape, pillaging, not making peace with the Bedouin, alienating the religious scholars, saying ba things about Islam, and such. It goes on.
Related to this, when Napoleon did a bunk back to France whilst leaving most of his troops back in Egypt does anyone happen to know who he took with him? Most of the resources just seems to say it was his senior people or words to that effect without actually listing who it was. Napoleon and a number of senior people all together on ships would make a tempting target for the Royal Navy.

Getting back to the original topic as Malta Shah says nothing good for him. I think he annoyed pretty much every major group in the region, he's going to end up being a prisoner of war if he's lucky.
With due respect to the others, since the op did not specify a pod, I think this can go either way. If Napoleon planned to stay in Egypt he would have never move to levant and north. His movement to the north is to force ottoman power to peace and establish his growing ambition in Europe.

He would have consolidated power first in Egypt and establish his own Pharaoh dynasty instead or perhaps converted to islam along with his troops. Napoleonwould have defeated Muhammad Ali had He established a more loyal Egyptian populace.

The catch on this is Napoleon would have to stay in Egypt indefinitely which would change European history. His capabilities would propel Egypt as a great power both military and economically.
I did a term paper on this. He pretty much screwed up politically, socially, and economically. Allowing Muhammad Ali to escape, pillaging, not making peace with the Bedouin, alienating the religious scholars, saying ba things about Islam, and such. It goes on.

I thought he said nice things about Islam.


Considering that the French maintained themselves in Egypt for two years after Napoleon left, one wonders how much better they could have done under Napoleon's much more dynamic leadership.
I thought he said nice things about Islam.

He also said the French were all Muslims. Just cause he said something did not mean it went over universally well. Especially when he pushed on Enlightenment ideals while ridiculing local Egyptian Islamic Traditions.
He also said the French were all Muslims. Just cause he said something did not mean it went over universally well. Especially when he pushed on Enlightenment ideals while ridiculing local Egyptian Islamic Traditions.

If only they'd have listened. They might be in a better place today!
If Napoleon stays in Egypt, he likely ends up catching a knife, like poor Kleber did IOTL.

Egypt--where Bonaparte truly began his long career of 'not my fault'!
Effects on the World:
France either consolidates under the mediocre Directory, or pull a 18-Brumaire-equivalence, or forced back to Bourbon-ism at Alliance gunpoint. Either way there might be a peace treaty sooner than OTL, with Europe less devastated, Britannia rule of the sea less absolute.

Effects on Egypt:
Let's say Pharaoh/Sultan Napoleon was as smart and diplomatic as Mohammed Ali Pasha did IOTl (Mohammad Ali was a foreigner as well), we would still have his French soldiers (converted?*) as the ruling class of Egypt, not unlike the Mameluke.

The tricky part is how would the European powers view Napoleon's Egypt. The British might be distasteful of it due to the dynasty's hostile history and French Revolutionary origins, France may feel that Napoleon betrayed them, Catholic states angered by his apostasy. This will cancel off the supposed diplomatic advantages Egypt gains with a European ruling class.

*If Napoleon and his troops stayed infidel, then he most probably would remain loyal to France as French governor of Egypt. In short, you have to choose between French support and local Egyptian support.
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If only they'd have listened. They might be in a better place today!

Because obviously they should have given up their religion and culture in order to be more like their petty European conquerors who looked down on them for the holy suchor of enlightenment thinking.

In the end I doubt Napoleon could have possibly ruled Egypt effectively, he's essentially got all the same problems Muhammad Ali had, only made much much worse by the fact that everyone in Egypt besides his praetorian guard of Frenchmen hates him (and converting to Islam probably won't help much, he'd still be tainted with the image of converting for political expediency and trying to force French ways down their throats. Really what I expect to happen is for either Muhammad Ali or a native Egyptian nobleman/cleric to drive him out in a rebellion.