MotF 135: Island Paradise

MotF 135: Island Paradise

The Challenge
Show a state which consists of entirely islands. NOTE: Does not need to be a paradise.

The Restrictions
There are no restrictions on when your PoD or map may be set. Fantasy, sci-fi, and future maps are allowed, but blatantly implausible (ASB) maps are not.

If you're not sure whether your idea meets the criteria of this challenge, please feel free to PM me.

Please try to keep images posted in this thread a reasonable size - feel free to post a smaller version of your image and provide link to a full-size version if you want to.


The entry period for this round shall end when the voting thread is posted on Sunday the 17th of April.



Any discussion must take place in the main thread. If you post anything other than a map entry (or a description accompanying a map entry) in this thread then you will be asked to delete the post. If you refuse to delete the post, post something that is clearly disruptive or malicious, or post spam then you may be disqualified from entering in this round of MotF and you may be reported to the board's moderators.

Remember to vote on the previous round of MotF!
The Federation

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Welcome to the Federation of British Social Republics.

Nobody remembers quite what sparked the Revolution—perhaps the King (or was it Queen?) wished to assert their royal prerogatives and become an absolute monarch again, and the People responded. Perhaps Parliament, grown corrupt and bloated on the fruits of the workers’ labor, decided that it was time they stayed in power for good. Perhaps it was the lack of reform that caused the Revolution; perhaps it would have happened anyways.

Regardless of why, the Revolution occurred. Tens of thousands took to the streets. Workers threw bricks through windows and police, farmers dusted off long-forgotten hunting rifles and made use for them once more. Eventually, the soldiers themselves, perhaps frustrated at a withholding of pay from the panicking government, turned their bayonets on the bourgeoise and forced the King from his throne.

The question then, of course was one of kingship. Who would take the abandoned throne? Who would rule in Arthur’s place? It was decided (nobody knows by whom) that there would be no king, no queen. The People alone would determine the course of the Nation, and who better knew the will of the People than those who had been at the vanguard of its expression? Thus came to be the Social Republics, and the Federation, a socialist utopia under the watchful eye of the Party — the only Party.

The Federation is very quiet abroad—like its fraternal socialist comrades in the International, it espouses world revolution, but does not make any particular effort to make it a reality, unlike the Communalist French. Their main opponent is the Dominion of Canada, holding what remains of the Royal Family and often attempting to foment revolution in the Federation, which always fails, for they can never seem to quite find enough conspirators or garner enough support to finally replace the Party.

The Federation is also very quiet at home; too quiet, some might say. There is no agitation from liberal reformists wishing a new Britain, no conservatives quietly plotting a coup. Nobody is plotting anything. There is only planning, planning for the State and under the State’s direction. The State has its watchful eyes on you, always. Everything that you do in your life is for the benefit of the State, for the benefit of your fellow workers. You cannot change this. Planting a private garden? You must first acquire seeds from the State, after establishing a proper reason and motive for doing so, in triplicate. The People of the Federation resign themselves to carrying this burden, and do so with a fine British stiff lower back (upper lip was deemed too aristocratic). What else can they do?

To call the Federation and its Republics democratic would be highly misleading. Technically, yes, there are elected MFAs (Members of the Federal Assembly) and their Republic-level and local-level equivalents, but only Party members may vote, and only for Party members, and Party membership is extremely exclusive. There are factions within the Party such as the Syndicalists (in favor of a union-run state), the Greens (localists who advocate decentralization to the Republic level), the Marxists (hard-line communists who advocate a full dictatorship of the proletariat), and the Anarchist Coalition (anarchists of all stripes), but the mainstream of the Party, whose ideology is essentially just technocracy with socialist tendencies, has held a majority in the 500-member Federal Assembly since its inception, allowing it to govern permanently. Chancellors, chosen in the same manner as Prime Ministers used to be (it is assumed; nobody is quite sure), are effectively rulers-for-life, as the Party will never leave power, and very rarely takes a risk on a change.

The outside world knows little of the Federation—outsiders are rarely allowed access anywhere but the Federal District of London, and there it is still uncommon to see any but a Frenchman outside of the Foreign Quarter. Thus, their maps are still based upon pre-Revolution ones, and their knowledge of the Federation’s inner workings is little to none. And that’s just the way the Party (and thus the People, and thus the Nation) like it.​
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The Road of Helinia - IsleWorld

The Roads between islands are the principal politics unities, a form of maritime merchant confederations. Each road is ruled by a 'thalassocracy', like mediev al cites of Genoa or Venice; the head of shipowner families form a colegial authority and select among them the lifelong chief of the Road.

The Road of Helinia is compond by five island (Larentia, Viniti, Makias, Zisaris and Vorias); the capital is the city of Piaz-Medik. Helinia is a weak road, and work as buffer zone between the Northen Road and the Great Cincunglobal Road. Every island have their own aboriginal culture, with their own culture, tradition, statutes and laws, but the governing elite has an unique culture, common at all islands of the wold.

People of the five island of the road speake the same language, including the aboriginal people. This language is the same which is spoken in another island of IsleWorld, specially in the adjacent islands of the Great Circunglobal Road.

Potable water and wood are the most importante goods, more than gold and silver. Of course, this metal are valuable as value's measurement and means of change.


PD: Sorry, but english is not my mother language; it is spanish; so, here is the original reference.

Las Rutas entre islas son las principales unidades políticas, especie de confederaciones marítimo – mercantiles. Cada ruta es gobernada por una talasocracia, como las ciudades medievales de Génova y Venecia; los cabeza de las familias de propietarias de barcos forman un órgano colegiado y eligen entre ellos el jefe vitalicio de la Ruta.

La Ruta de Helinia está compuesta por cinco islas (Larentia, Víniti, Makías, Zísaris y Vorías); la capital es la ciudad de Píaz-Medík. Helinia es una ruta débil, y sirve como zona neutral entre la Ruta del Norte y la Gran Ruta Circunglobal. Cada isla cuenta con su propia cultura aborigen, con su propia cultura, tradición, estatus y leyes, pero la elite gobernante posee una cultura única, común a todoas las islas del mundo.

El pueblo de la cinco islas de la ruta habla el mismo idioma, incluyendo las comunidades aborígenes. Este idioma es el mismo que es hablado en otras islas de IslaMundo, especialmente en las islas vecinas de la Gran Ruta Circunglobal.

El agua potable y la madera son los bienes más importantes, más que el oro y la plata. Por supuesto, estos metales son valiosos como medidas de valor y medios de cambio.
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(first entry into one of these contests. Hopefully I'm doing this right)

The Republic of Madagascar, otherwise known as the Repoblikan'i Madagasikara in the native Malagasy, is a member of the British Commonwealth and has played a pivotal role in Britain's African policies.

British influence into Madagascan affairs began during the reign of King Radama I, which lasted from 1810 until 1857. Radama ascended to the throne after the death of his father, King Adrianampoinimerina, who had taken up the arduous task of uniting the various tribes of the island. Radama continued his father's mission and had united the tribes into a single kingdom by 1836.

Throughout his reign, Radama sought to Europeanize his kingdom and thus encouraged envoys from the London Missionary Society to establish schools in order to teach literacy to nobles and military recruits. In addition Ramada's Europeanizing policies brought Christianity to Madagascar where it quickly spread and became the dominant religion on the island.

Not everyone was pleased about this Europeanization though. Radama's most vocal critic during his 47-year reign was his own wife, Ranavalona, who herself despised Christianity and the ever-increasing British influence on the island. Upon her husband's death, the throne was to fall to their son, Radama II, who himself was openly Catholic and friendly to British interests. Ranavalona, along with several close allies, took matters into her own hands and declared herself Queen Ranavalona I, hoping to reverse the Europeanizing policies of her late husband.

Radama II, knowing that the crown was rightfully his, contested his mother's claim and declared himself the rightful king of Madagascar. With the support of the British navy and the majority of Madagascar's troops, Radama II was easily able to oust Ranavalona and take his rightful place as king early in 1858. During his reign, Radama furthered the policies of his father and sought to Europeanize his kingdom even more until eventually, in 1867, Madagascar became an official part of the British Empire.

Madagascar would prove strategic to the expanding British Empire and as such, in order maintain loyalty, was allowed some degree of autonomy within the Empire. So long as the Madagascan people continued to pay their taxes and obey the laws of the Empire, they could maintain self-government.

Anti-British feelings never really died down after the Madagascan War of Succession between Ranavalona and Radama II. Throughout the next few decades little rebellions would start up, especially in the southern portion of the island.

Things would finally come to a head in 1877 as a result of tensions just across the sea between the British Cape Colony and the Transvaal Boer Republic. Hoping to consolidate their interests in South Africa, the British moved to annex the various Boer Republics, which had been unofficially established by Dutch settlers years prior to avoid British imperialism. Diamonds had recently been discovered in the region, and both the British and Boers sought to exploit this rich resource.

Tensions finally reached a breaking point in 1881 and the Anglo-Boer War began with a decisive British victory at the Battle of Majuba Hill, thanks to a readily available supply of troops from both the Cape Colony and Madagascar. The Boers were doomed if they failed to act, and as such moved to form an alliance with anti-British rebels in southern Madagascar and with the various native African tribes in the Natal region in the hopes that this would help to divide the British military. Sure enough the strategy worked and, after years of intense fighting, the Boers emerged victorious in 1885. As part of the peace agreement, the British gave up claims to the Orange Free State, the Transvaal, Natal, and South Madagascar. The four regions would eventually coalesce into the Transvaal Union in 1910 while the British would consolidate their colonies on the Cape and in Bechuanaland into the Republic of South Africa.

Fighting between the Boer-controlled Transvaal Union (which would later come to annex Rhodesia) and British-controlled/allied Madagascar and South Africa would continue for decades after the conclusion of the Anglo-Boer War, especially during World War Two when the Transvaal Union joined with the Axis Powers.

The most recent conflict involving the rival nations, the Transvaal Civil War, ended a little more than a decade ago in 2002 when anti-Apartheid forces, trained and supplied by Madagascar and South Africa, triumphed over the ruling Boer government and established the free, democratic Transvaal Republic.

Madagascar today is a thriving constitutional monarchy. The current King Ramboasalama, still subservient to Queen Elizabeth II of Britain, comes directly from the line of Radama I. The country is organized into four provinces, each with their own capital city and home to the offices of one of the branches of Madagascan government.

The Madagascan monarchy is located in Antan, the capital city of the Merina Province, at the center of the island. The executive branch, headed by a president (who largely focuses on international affairs), is located in Mahaja, the capital city of the Radama Province. The president is selected through direct popular vote to serve a maximum of three five-year terms. President Harry Rajaonesy is currently serving his second term. The legislative branch, headed by a prime minister (who largely focuses on domestic affairs) is located in Fiana, the capital city of the Hova Province. The prime minister is appointed by the president to oversee the 40 Senators, each elected through popular vote to an unlimited number of six-year terms. The current prime minister is Oliver Solonandra. Finally the judicial branch, headed by the chief justice, is located in Toa, the capital city of the Andriana Province. The chief justice is the most senior member of a five-member Supreme Court, which settles issues of constitutionality and, in high-profile cases, criminality. Currently the chief justice is Vivian Rajaonarima.

Republic of Madagascar.gif
My entry - I wanted to be a bit creative with the brief, but I think a country made up entirely of islands that happens to be on Mars should be OK? For anyone wondering, the total land area is roughly equal to that of India or half of Australia so I think it would still count as an island rather than a continent.


Following the first manned landing on Mars in the closing decades of the 21st century, humanity's presence on the Red Planet remained confined to temporary research bases and small domed habitats until the development of affordable and effective technologies and techniques to adapt the Martian environment to more Earth-like conditions during the following centuries. Slowly the planet was warmed up, allowing liquid water to flow on its surface for the first time in billions of years, while additional oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide and other gases were added to the atmosphere to make it breathable by humans and increase surface pressure. Thus, by the mid-25th century, the Red Planet was now the blue, green and red planet and was drawing in increasing numbers of tourists and immigrants from Earth.

One of the companies involved in both the terraforming efforts and the Earth-Mars transportation industry was the Elysium Corporation (EC). The company had been founded as the New Mars Solutions Inc. in Canada in the 2260s, as a supplier of spacecraft parts, and had grown to become one of the leading players in the Mars sector of the commercial space industry. As Mars became more habitable, the company renamed itself after Elysium Planitia, a region of the planet directly west of the Tharsis volcano region and dominated by its own massive volcano, Elysium Mons and its smaller siblings Albor Tholus and Hecate Tholus. With the rebrand, came a change in focus for the company as it sought to develop the area into a tourism hotspot which would be known as the Elysium Republic, with the slogan "Mars' Island Paradise".

Now, a century later, the Elysium Republic is one of the most developed areas of Mars, rivalled only by the Xanthe region at the mouth of the famous Valles Marineris and the northern coast of the Hellasic Ocean. Visitors to Elysium who arrive in EC-owned and operated spacecraft from Earth and EC-operated trains from other areas of Mars, can enjoy a vast array of activities, sights and experiences: from island hoping across the Cerberus Sea to climbing the majestic Mount Elysium; and from wandering around the charming Old Europe style markets and alleyways of New Calais to having a flutter on the races in Zephyr City. More adventurous travellers can take a trip to the remote Viking Islands and discover the story of mankind's initial exploration of Mars at the Viking 2 Museum or take part in a historical re-enactment in the fields of New Rohan in Ituxi province. Tourists are reminded however that the Corporation takes its duty of care towards them and the inhabitants of the Elysium Republic very seriously and that all breaches of policy are dealt with in an appropriate and swift manner. Oh, and that the northern Erebus Islands are strictly off limits....


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Here we find an alternate version of of everyone's favorite, mainstream alternate history novel, The Yiddish Policeman's Union. Here, Mendel Shpilman was not murdered and spoke out against his father and the US government, revealing the President's insane plot to (in the POTUS' mind) kick start Christ's return to Earth. Within a two year period, Sitka becomes independent while remaining in free association with the US (like Palau or Micronesia)
Strange times to be a Jew indeed...

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Konungsríkið Eyjar, The Kingdom of the Isles, known in English simply as Eyar, traces its origins to the Vikings, who came from Scandinavia to the isles in the early medieval era. The Viking chieftains were sometimes vassals of kings in Scandinavia, and sometimes of kings in Britain, but when these rulers were weak they maintained their independence. Gradually, the states they founded united for protection against foreign rulers. The exact date of founding of Eyar is disputed, but by the 12th century the Hebrides (Suðreyjar, the southern isles) and Orkney and Shetland (Norðreyjar, the northern isles) had been united into a single Kingdom of Eyjar, a name anglicized to ‘Eyar’. Other than occasional conflicts with Scotland or Norway, the small kingdom was able to maintain stability, and over time brought the Norse settlements in the Faroes (Færoeyjar), Iceland (Ísland) , and even Greenland (Grønnland) under its rule. Eyarish sailors, continuing the tradition of the Vikings, played a major part in the European exploration and colonization of the New World. They claimed and settled Vinland, named because they (correctly) believed it to be the land Leif Erikson visited centuries ago.

Today, Eyar is a modern, developed nation. It is a constitutional monarchy and a parliamentary democracy, with its capital at Reykjavík. Eyar is a federation of five Regions, spread across the North Atlantic. Its economy is based on fishing, tourism, and petroleum. The Eyarish people speak a variety of languages, most of them descendants of Old Norse, but also some Native North American languages, Scots, spoken by immigrants from nearby Scotland, and many others. The standard language is Eyarish (Eyjarsk), primarily based on the dialects of Shetland and Iceland. Eyar and Scotland, once enemies, now have a good relationship, and the two are close allies.

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the Republic of American Turania is a newly independent republic on a planet in a nearby quadrant to the Milky Way -- a multi-island state consisting of millions of African-Americans, they staked their place here at first as opportunistic American colonists; but are now an independent Republic.

The year is currently 509; which follows the new Emancipated Calendar; marking how many years have passed since Emancipation from Chattel.

(click on the image for larger size!! :D)