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1857 No Hundred Days

1857 No Hundred Days.png

Based on the idea that Napoleon fails to escape his exile on Elba. Although the great war ended, the ideals it created did not.

1857 No Hundred Days.png
This map and the next are pretty close together time wise, but here's the fire one: the world just as tbe French, Argentineans, and Italians signed an unconditional surrender and ordered all forces to stand down.

The surrender was the result of Russia's grand 30 Day Offensive wherein the Russians unleashed 11 nuclear warheads, mostly on Entente military forces (though Rome, Paris, and London were all hit). The shear speed and overwhelming force caused Entente forces to melt like butter as supply lines and morale were shattered.

The offensive was sparked by the USSA landings in Iceland and the Bismarck archipelago, forcing the Russians to make a major show of force hoping to keep Washington style communism on the other side of the ocean. (They figure they can keep a lid on the communists in Eurasia as long as the USSA doesn't get a toe hold too close to them.)

Iberia has effectively collapsed into civil war. Colombia has negotiated a ceasefire with Brazil's little alliance, keeping the communists at bay. South Africa hopes that no one cares about their little corner of Africa enough to punish them very much, Australia is of a similar hope. Japanese and English morale is on the knife's edge, especially in the face of these new nuclear weapons, and are trying to offer the Russians something just short of unconditional surrender, and Moscow is interested. Still to show her naval strength Moscow has launched a naval operation into the Indian Ocean via the Suez, flexing the might of the joint Russian-Ukrainian Navy.

India is a mess still. Russia insists they can fix it and has all sides negotiating in Almaty. The USSA insists the Communists have the moral right to victory and keep shipping supplies over.
Next map will be the world after the signing of the treaty of Berlin.

Nice. What's the ruling government in Brazil? And what's happened in China and Iran to change the colours to purple? Pretty awesome series you got there :D
Thank you.

Brazil is run by a quite confederalist ruling party right now after some turbulance in the 1920s and early 1930s. The democratic process is . . . functional, as is the case with most of their allies. There's been some corruption issues while both fascist and communist groups accuse the ruling Confederation Party and opposing Federalist Coalition of some voter suppression against the more radical ideologies, but things are looking fairly good.

The South Asian Islamic Front (likely to change there name for the 7th time later this year) and the Central Asian People's Democratic Republic both signed some rather binding treaties with Moscow to keep them out of USSA orbit. The Russian's ruling coalition includes a lot of social democrats, so they'll tolerate communist moderates. The pseudo-Stalinistic policies being pushed by USSA President Irons however are not acceptable, and that's the major source of tension (the Russian populace remembers what the Bolsheviks got up to once they started losing and don't much care for hard core communism. . . now just ignore the various Bolsheviks floating around in Tehran and Urumqi, those are clearly moderate remnants).
The surrender was the result of Russia's grand 30 Day Offensive wherein the Russians unleashed 11 nuclear warheads, mostly on Entente military forces (though Rome, Paris, and London were all hit).
The Russians went right for the capital cities? Wouldn't it have been enough/made more sense to bomb smaller cities with lower populations like the US did OTL?
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