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I've got a new map of the "present day" (around 2013) in my Man in the High Castle timeline that I've just finished right here. Warning, it's a QBAM so it's enormous.

Germany's tendency to engage in massively unproductive within-party purges and palace coups led to its alliance system falling into ruins, with Italy splitting off and taking away France, Spain, and Portugal with it into the Latin Forum. The financial unsustainability of catapulting settlers and colonists all over Russia, Africa, and the Caribbean, combined with incomplete vaccination, poor access to hygiene, and the massive mosquito breeding grounds created by the draining of the Mediterranean, have led to massive endemic superplagues bringing about the total collapse of many of its African holdings.

In the mean time, their failure to accomplish continent-wide genocide has led the survivors to band together however they can and drive the Germans back to the coast; the largest of these aspiring statelets is a multiethnic Igbo-Yoruba federation that has driven the Germans entirely from the north coast of the Great Chad Lake. Italy, Spain, and Portugal have "secured" many former German colonies, and many of Germany's most important former allies, like Turkey and the Arab oilpatch nations, now follow the money—and right now the money is in Italy and Japan.
This is my first time MotF entry. Took me quite a while to do. This is the second map I've posted on the forum, after this one. I wouldn't mind some feedback about how to make my maps and scenarios better.

Konungsríkið Eyjar, The Kingdom of the Isles, known in English simply as Eyar, traces its origins to the Vikings, who came from Scandinavia to the isles in the early medieval era. The Viking chieftains were sometimes vassals of kings in Scandinavia, and sometimes of kings in Britain, but when these rulers were weak they maintained their independence. Gradually, the states they founded united for protection against foreign rulers. The exact date of founding of Eyar is disputed, but by the 12th century the Hebrides (Suðreyjar, the southern isles) and Orkney and Shetland (Norðreyjar, the northern isles) had been united into a single Kingdom of Eyjar, a name anglicized to ‘Eyar’. Other than occasional conflicts with Scotland or Norway, the small kingdom was able to maintain stability, and over time brought the Norse settlements in the Faroes (Færoeyjar), Iceland (Ísland) , and even Greenland (Grønnland) under its rule. Eyarish sailors, continuing the tradition of the Vikings, played a major part in the European exploration and colonization of the New World. They claimed and settled Vinland, named because they (correctly) believed it to be the land Leif Erikson visited centuries ago.

Today, Eyar is a modern, developed nation. It is a constitutional monarchy and a parliamentary democracy, with its capital at Reykjavík. Eyar is a federation of five Regions, spread across the North Atlantic. Its economy is based on fishing, tourism, and petroleum. The Eyarish people speak a variety of languages, most of them descendants of Old Norse, but also some Native North American languages, Scots, spoken by immigrants from nearby Scotland, and many others. The standard language is Eyarish (Eyjarsk), primarily based on the dialects of Shetland and Iceland. Eyar and Scotland, once enemies, now have a good relationship, and the two are close allies.

Full Version
Here's my MotF entry, complete with last minute writeup

Here we find an alternate version of of everyone's favorite, mainstream alternate history novel, The Yiddish Policeman's Union. Here, Mendel Shpilman was not murdered and spoke out against his father and the US government, revealing the President's insane plot to (in the POTUS' mind) kick start Christ's return to Earth. Within a two year period, Sitka becomes independent while remaining in free association with the US (like Palau or Micronesia)
Strange times to be a Jew indeed...

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Continuation of previous map series

The reality following the Emperor's war was far different from the claim. Carlos V of Spain quickly found himself in a hostile country that had suffered greatly for a failed empire. If anything, the fact that no actual fighting took place on Mexican soil made things worse, as Mexican men had come home in pine boxes- if at all- fighting in Peru, Spain, Africa, and New Granada. In the jungles of Vietnam, surrounded by Burmese soldiers and Vietnamese rebels, 4,682 Mexican soldiers died defending the town of Krông Klang. In total 479,367 Mexican soldiers died in the Emperor's War. In California, demonstrations against continued wartime rationing broke out into full-scale riots, and those riots led to the Monterrey Declaration, in which an exiled radical writer by the name of Frederico Fererra declared the Republic of All Mexicans. From there pro-Republic forces revolted in Oaxaca, Chihuahua, and elsewhere. These rebel forces were immediately joined by over two million demobilized Mexican soldiers.

In New Granada, Portuguese-Brazilian occupation quickly turned ugly when radicals following the same Egalitist philosophy that had overtaken France revolted, leading tens of thousands of Portuguese-Brazilian soldiers into a quagmire in the jungle.

In the Sublime Porte, the total lack of any gain from the war, combined with the poor economy, led to mass revolts against the Sultan. In the Balkans, Greeks, Bulgarians, and Serbs revolted, as in Albania pro-republic forces quickly gained control.

In Russia, Tsar Alexei saw a rebellion of his own, by a cabal of generals calling themselves the Committee for the Salvation of the Russian State. The General's Soviet, as it was called, quickly gained control of much of the country and began a vicious campaign of persecution for anyone not Russian. This was coupled with revolts in Central Asia and a loss of control over the puppet states of Uighuristan and Mongolia.

In Ethiopia nationalist revolts against British puppethood lead to British troops being deployed against the rebels.

The greatest question, for the British, however, was in Carolina. There finally after centuries of mistreatment the blacks of Carolina rose up in revolt, having been recruited to fight in Platinea and in Europe and Africa and then told to go back to their subservient role. In Columbia, however, First Minister Bryant DuPont Roosevelt refused to approve any order to fund a military expedition to put down this insurection, believing the Carolinan issue to be one of their own fault. In agreement with him were the Carolinans of Appalachia, who refused to fight in the Low Country, and instead declared their own separate Commonwealth, leading to the question of whether they had the power to do so, and whether the Empire could compel a Commonwealth to pay for putting down an insurrection. In the Commonwealth of Michigan, meanwhile, outrage at having to fight yet another war led to labor riots and strikes that turned int radical insurrection, followed by similar revolts in England itself.





My MotF map. ^^

The premise is that this is a former American space-colony comprised entirely of African-Americans; hence the large number of references to famous African-American figures; such as Dr. King, Maya Angelou, et al. etal. -- American Turania is assumed to be a large island-chain in a Goldilocks planet in a neighboring planetary sector to the Milky Way/Sol.

I am soooooo sorry, but can someone please remove all the lines? Europe (Except for Sweden, Norway, and Finland) and the USA are already done. For a friend of mine who needs help on a timeline. Thank you

I am soooooo sorry, but can someone please remove all the lines? Europe (Except for Sweden, Norway, and Finland) and the USA are already done. For a friend of mine who needs help on a timeline. Thank you


Woah, what happened with this game? And when's it set? Also, what are all those split countries about, eg Prussia, East and West Poland, north and south Spain etc.?
Here's an update on a Map I'm working on as a birthday present:
If you can't tell what nation it is here's a clue: Kebab Removal Experts

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