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I'd call it a screw, but
1) Are all of these countries ruled primarily by Poles, or are some of them ruled by Germans or others?
2) Are they all completely separate from each other, or is there some sort of confederation or at least an alliance between them?

1) All are polish-led if not ethnically primarily polish.

2) Imagine Nordic-style cooperation and non-agression.
Map I made after reading the ASB scenario where on the day of Germany's surrender, the Allies surrender instead, with citizens of their countries feeling a pervasive sense of defeat. The scenario quickly went cold and wasn't continued, but I never forgot it.
My interpretation is that Germany and Japan keep the territory they still occupied, plus got back their pre-war borders with some exceptions. For Germany, this means Prussia is lost, but Czechia, Norway, and Denmark are still occupied.

Once the sense of defeat naturally wears off and the UN realizes that they are much stronger than Germany and Japan, they'll probably invade both and right the wrongs of the end of the last war. But today is not that day!

Map I made after reading the ASB scenario where on the day of Germany's surrender, the Allies surrender instead, with citizens of their countries feeling a pervasive sense of defeat. The scenario quickly went cold and wasn't continued, but I never forgot it.
My interpretation is that Germany and Japan keep the territory they still occupied, plus got back their pre-war borders with some exceptions. For Germany, this means Prussia is lost, but Czechia, Norway, and Denmark are still occupied.

Once the sense of defeat naturally wears off and the UN realizes that they are much stronger than Germany and Japan, they'll probably invade both and right the wrongs of the end of the last war. But today is not that day!

View attachment 283021
Surrender, or just pull out?



The ISOT this time (sorry, it’s been a while) is the German Empire and all of the territory it controlled, in 1916. I’m including the various fronts nearest to German-occupied territories in this ISOT, as well as any town nearby those that had reasonable concern over being part of the front. The only overseas German colony that wasn’t occupied was Tanzania, and the part that wasn’t occupied by Anglo-Belgian forces has been ISOTed. The part of Germany proper occupied by the Entente has not been ISOTed.

Below I describe the world, in 2116, two hundred years after ISOT.

*Population is 1.64 billion.
*Tech level is roughly 1950s overall, with some discrepancies, such as the lack of nuclear weapons and the early development of an Internet-like system.
*The Great War ended over the course of a few months, with the remaining Entente forces on the Western Front rapidly running out of food and supplies, and a surrender was reached. Anglo-French forces would get their own bits of land in their homelands to resettle and Belgium would be partitioned to Germany’s liking.
*On the Eastern Front, it was a fair bit more chaotic, where German-occupied Russia falling quickly to anarchy. A settlement was reached by mid-1917, where the Russians would retreat and found their own state on the Black Sea, or recognize themselves as German citizens. Of course, this wound up being a lot more complicated, as will be later explained.
*The present day is 2116. Germany is very decentralized, with Berlin only responsible for organizing meetings between the various interior republics and announcing colonization for Germany as a whole. This decentralization likely began in the 1940s, with a notorious corruption scandal involving the Kaiser that almost devolved into a civil war, which gradually devolved into a complete distrust of the Imperial government.
*Today, the various interior republics are more focused on trade with each other than listening to Berlin. Prussia, Bavaria, and Britannien are the leader of their various intra-German blocs, and their divisions may someday threaten to split the Empire.
*France still resents its domination by Germany. It and Britain both suffered problems with having an almost eighty percent male dominated nation to build up, and the civil rights issues that came with having to bring Indian and African soldiers back with them.
*In the modern day, France is little more than a more independent minded interior republic, and is trying to raise money to restart their empire in Africa, the youth nowadays tired of Prussia and Britannien ordering them around, and finally having something to do about it.
*France is a state run mostly by its military (long since become inexperienced and incompetent) with a government that attempts to mimic pre-event France, but has lots of irregularities.
*Britain’s a bit better off, but that’s more because of luck and closer integration with Germany. Unlike France, they didn’t even have a few towns of their own to build off of. They were forced to become an extension of Germany for a while, and still are today.
*Britain’s done a better job at replicating its pre-event government, but it’s accidentally developed two separate governments that struggle to cooperate with each other. The military regime (bit better off than France) and the government.
*Both Britain and France are a bit tan nowadays, thanks to the reluctant integration of their colonial brethren.
*Belgium was partitioned into Flanders and Wallonia, and nowadays, the two states wouldn’t even consider uniting. They’re perfectly happy where they are, getting rich off of Germany’s work and occasionally sending colonists to bolster German colonies.
*Poland’s been more of a hard case, constantly trying to break free of German influence, but Prussian boots on the ground has usually fixed that. The Polish government is composed of incompetent yes men who do whatever Berlin has to say. I belatedly realize I forgot to include them on the map key. Sorry. I’m inexperienced with legends. That’s my excuse, and I’m sticking to it.
*Russia is a result of two Russian states uniting. One was formed by a few thousand people trekking to what was once Moscow, during the year or so where German-occupied Russia was a chaotic wasteland. The other was a more coherent settlement that was actually supported by Germany to an extent. Today, Russia is a democracy with two local governments that struggle to cooperate over the long distances between the two.
*Russia’s fairly united today, especially with the Encirclement, but the difference between the poorer North and the ‘lackadaisical’ South. Regardless, the two have competed to circle a territory they wanted for themselves, connecting via the myriad of rivers and lakes in what was once Russia. The Encirclement gives the Russian state the bonus of squaring off a territory for future exploitation.
*There’s also Romania. A state founded by the various Romani peoples of Germany and Russia, it’s long since fallen under German influence. A sort of stable tribal anarchic state.
*The Germans set up an autonomous zone for Catholics where Rome used to be, and then some. Not like there wasn’t land to go around.
*The Jews set up their own state in Israel, and when they finally reached the same standards of living as the average German town, they received a (heh) exodus of new citizens. Today, they’ve purchased a large amount of land from the Germans, and are eagerly settling. Their economy is too large for Berlin to vassalize them like the Romani, so Berlin isn’t even going to bother. Some of the worse elements of German society are glad to see so few Jews in Germany proper.
*Tanzania’s a different story. The Germans were, understandably, blindsided by the event, and contact with Tanzania was not even properly (some sailors had noticed people there in 1916, but not formal contact) made until 1922. By then, the area had entirely collapsed into roughly three factions.
*The occupying Entente forces, which were initially winning, but were forced into a stalemate by the event. The remnant colonial government. The natives, who took up arms, seeing that the imperialist powers were knocked down.
*Even today, the East African area is divided. There’s a coastal strip that’s an autonomous part of Germany, and the interior is fully occupied by Entente-types or by the natives. The Governorship of East Africa (larger state in Tanzania area) is a favorite area for British and French to visit, and for a long time, was a place where diehard nationalists would go to get away from German supervision. Nowadays, it’s a lot more a pawn of Germany, but only inasmuch as it’s in a friendly relationship with the German-aligned Tanzania. And of course, the overbearing economic might of the German state.
*German colonies have been founded in Panama, Argentina, Nigeria, India, Singapore, Vietnam, Hawaii, and South Africa, for various reasons, and Berlin hopes that within the next few decades, they will be developed enough to be loyal interior republics. Well, as loyal as those usually are, anyway.
*Kalifornien already is a fairly loyal interior republic, and is happily enjoying the gold money.
*The only state that’s successfully resisted German influence is a state founded by Germans. The colony in the United States peacefully declared independence (too much of a struggle for Berlin to wage war to reunite itself) from Germany in 2022, and has been growing rapidly ever since. They claim to represent the American Dream, a fable that was exploited by Berlin when it was colonizing North America, unity, prosperity, and equality, and have been doing an okay job at it.
*The Union Amerikaner is a loose, decentralized, roughly democratic government that’s barely holding itself together in the farther reaches of its little empire, but it’s still the second largest economy on the planet, having surpassed Israel long ago.

That’s about it. Questions? Thoughts? Criticism? Comments? Suggestions for future ISOTs? I’d love to hear it.


I'd certainly say more historical ISOTs would be cool. It'd be interesting to pick some really diverse state like the Roman Empire (it's two halves mind you) from just before they fully went up a shit creek, or some other state with a lot of ethnicities packed in.
Damn cool. I'll second the call for more historical ISOT's, lots and lots of untapped potential there!

I can't help but wonder what life is like on the other side, where Germany just disappeared in a puff of smoke...
Damn cool. I'll second the call for more historical ISOT's, lots and lots of untapped potential there!

I can't help but wonder what life is like on the other side, where Germany just disappeared in a puff of smoke...
Speaking of historical ISOTs, I'm currently working on one... :D
I'd like to second CannedTech, this is a great scenario (people tend to forget that the Zionist Movement was based in Germany before the end of World War I) and I'd like to see more historical ISOTs.
The Witch-King sat on his beast on a peak high above the pass Cirith Ungol and watched the world change. He could see past the bright curtain of flowing light: Anduin itself was twisting and wretching like a headless snake, and the mountains in the horizon, illuminated by the morning sun wavered and danced as they grew fainter and dimmer. The awe-inspiring display ground to a halt as the light became too much for the lich to bear, he diverted his gaze accompanied with a blood-chilling shriek. As he regained his focus, the world was changed. Different. Where the vale of Anduin used to stretch from north to south, only a lone caravan disturbed the hilly landscape. The wraith turned around and dove back into the smoky valley in a single fluid motion.

A few days later an exhausted messenger brought news to Emperor Michael, who was at the time convening with various civil commanders in regards to the rebuilding efforts of the Recovering City. The Emperor reckoned this needed a closer look.

View attachment 283048*The Union Amerikaner is a loose, decentralized, roughly democratic government that’s barely holding itself together in the farther reaches of its little empire, but it’s still the second largest economy on the planet, having surpassed Israel long ago.

Why would Louisiana and South Texas/North Tamaulipas Not declare independence and go it on there own?


Why would Louisiana and South Texas/North Tamaulipas Not declare independence and go it on there own?

Because they're Union colonies, consider themselves part of the same country as the Union, and they receive a lot of federal funding from to help make their lives better. That, and they don't want to end up as 'autonomous overseas republics' of the German state.
Map for my Red Sun Rising timeline at January 1924. A summary of 'minor' (see not covered by specific updates) details about this era and certain map details shall come at some point or another. :)




A preview of the map after the next one. I did a modern-day Texas for fun, then it's the 1776 British Empire, in 1976. This is a preview of what the world looks like in 1776.
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