Map Thread XI

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Something I thought up at work. It needs a lot of work.

1818: Chile declares Indepedence
1823: Spain defeated
1824: Revolution general Manuel Rodriguez proclaims himself King Manuel; 1826: Conservative Chilean Constitution ratified; keeps much of the old colonial social order.
1826: Chilean soldiers land on Fire Island
1826-28: Chile take the Strait of Magellean, Fire Island and the Maldivines to secure trade with Europe.
1828: Treaty with the UK; guarentees British refueling and resupplying in Chilean ports for British recognition of Kingdom of Chile as well as its borders.
1831-47: Mapuche Genocide. Chile pursues natives of Patagonia and other southern reaches with the same persistence as the US. Native population greatly depleted, children taken into Church ran boarding schools, etc, etc
1838-9: War with Argentina. Chile defeats Argentina and forces the latter to recognize Chile's annexation of Patagonia south of the Rio Colorado.
1840-70: Chile opens Patagonia up to settlement. Hundreds of thousands of immigrants from Spain, Germany and Scandinavia flock to Chile over the next thirty years.
1848: Chile lays claim to Antarctic Islands (and eventually Peninsula)
1849: Manuel II crowned.
1850s: Naval build up- first iron clad (that is with iron plates on the hull) built in 1853. Steam-powered ships begin appearing in 1860s.
1859: Manuel II deposed by his brother Ferdinand, who becomes king Ferdinand. He avoids civil war by decrying the "Quecha menace" to the north as the Peru-Bolivian confederation grows in power. Lots of fear-mongering about a revived Incan Empire.
1862: Ferdinand marries a Brazilian princess, bring the two states into alliance.
1866-68: War of the Pacific. Brazil and Chile vs Peru-Bolivia. The war results in Brazil annexing some of Bolivia and Chile taking its own share of Bolivia and Peru. The Confederation is dissolved and a friendly monarchy is installed in Peru.
1871: Chile annexes Easter Island.
1875: Tahitian Crisis. With British mediation, Polynesia is partitioned between Chile and France.
1881: Manuel III crowned.
1882-7: Brazilian civil war. Chile backs Monarchists against Republicans. (I haven't decided how that should end).
1880s-1900s: Industrial Revolution finally arrives in Chile.
1902: Panama Crisis. War averted, though the construction of the Panama Canal seriously hurts the Chilean economy as commerce is diverted away from its ports towards the new canal.
1914-18: Chile remains neutral in WWI, though the large percentage of Chileans of German ancestry calling for a pro-German stance clash against a government with long standing pro-British mentality.
1927: Big economic depression which leads to...
1931: Monarchy overthrown, Chile plunges into ten years of civil war.

Chilean Empire.png
What can I say? Straight lined parallels don't translate so well on a flat map of a round planet.
No, but if this where translated back the result would be pretty funky. The edges generally follow the curvature of the globe for closest fit, see other versions of the Q-BAM.


It is 1947 and an armistice between the Deep Ones and the League of Nations has finally been declared after four years of war between the Human Race and the Deep Ones. The LoN is prepared to give up Africa, most of South America, and Most of Asia as long as the Deep Ones vacate the US, the USSR, Germany and it's puppets, Japan, Britain, and the occupied regions of the newly created (and Chilean dominated) Andean Federation. The Deep Ones are exhausted from war and with the deployment of nuclear depth charges and blanket poisoning of regions of the ocean identified to have Deep One cities the war has come to their doorstep so they are thinking hard about the offer. China refuses to be handed over to the Deep Ones like a gift and continues to fight even though most of China is occupied by the Deep Ones. India is struggling to keep from being swallowed up by the Deep Ones, but the discovery of ancient Hindu wards and aid from Tibet has resulted in the Deep Ones being stalled while India tries to form a government.

This is great. Are you going to make this into a map series? Because I'd really like to see that.

What's that state in the ME called? Are they a part of the LoN?
Done combining both of Thanksforallthefish Cyberpunk maps, white corporate worlda with Ue highlighted in green.

The Falklands, South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands, Aruba, Curacao, the Caribbean Netherlands, the Grenadines (whith are an independent state) and the Faroe Islands are not in the EU.

Reunion, Guadeloupe, Martinique and Satin Martin are in the EU.
A small map I did while bored based on an argument in a thread a month or so ago, essentially Europe if all the countries with the same ethno-cultural groups were merged.

Cultural Unification Europe.png
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A small map I did while bored based on an argument in a thread a month or so ago, essentially Europe if all the countries with the same cultures were merged.

I understand what you've done, but to be honest the culture of Flanders isn't exactly the same as the culture of the Netherlands. There are quite a lot of similarities (language, for instance), but also enough differences.
A small map I did while bored based on an argument in a thread a month or so ago, essentially Europe if all the countries with the same cultures were merged.
Poor, misrepresented Hungary... Shouldn't Luxembourg be split between France and Germany, with the latter getting more? Also, if you can argue Belarus being absorbed into Russia I don't know why you skipped the East Ukraine. Plus, obviously, you're missing everyone from Catalonia to Venice and Wales or Sorbia, unless you're sticking to uniting only- which thus begs the question of why.
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A small map I did while bored based on an argument in a thread a month or so ago, essentially Europe if all the countries with the same cultures were merged.
The Scottish, the Welsh, and the protestant Ulstermen, would like words with you...
I understand what you've done, but to be honest the culture of Flanders isn't exactly the same as the culture of the Netherlands. There are quite a lot of similarities (language, for instance), but also enough differences.

Oh I know, the map is if anything meant as a counter-argument against lumping people together simply because' they're part of the same ethnolinguistic group.

Poor, misrepresented Hungary... Shouldn't Luxembourg be split between France and Germany, with the latter getting more?

The Hungarians in Serbia are a minority in the North and AFAIK don't comprise any actual substantial local majorities outside the village/town level.

Luxembourg really is its own thing as, while the population learns and speaks both French and German, Luxembourgish is the third language spoken and the first language of most of the population, plus it does have its own unique culture and history similar to say how Slovenia does.

The Scottish, the Welsh, and the protestant Ulstermen, would like words with you...

I only split countries if they were a case of basically being comprised of ethnocultural groups that already had their own states.
The Hungarians in Serbia are a minority in the North and AFAIK don't comprise any actual substantial local majorities outside the village/town level.
Not just worried about Serbia, look at bloody Romania and Slovakia. Hungarians make up a whole 6.5-7% of the population of Romania, including 90% majority in most of Szekelyland. Slovakia has even more, at around 9%. Here is a fairly recent map from the 2002 Romanian census to illustrate my point.
Not just worried about Serbia, look at bloody Romania and Slovakia. Hungarians make up a whole 6.5-7% of the population of Romania, including 90% majority in most of Szekelyland. Here is a fairly recent map from the 2002 census to illustrate my point.

Well, like I said, I did'nt partition every country with a minority with a country, just the countries that are comprised totally (or near totally in Switzerlands case) of them, hence Belgium, being a mixture of Dutch, French and German is divided between France, Netherlands and Germany while Spain, while Romania, with its Hungarians or Germany with its Turks were not divvied up.

Now having said that Britain and Ireland were basically because I was lazy and forgot to re-add the border as I was originally gonna do full partitions. :p
You could also argue that a German from Slevig and a German from Tyrol have nothing in common.

You can better call the map "if all people with same language were united".
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